2月2日 星期二 晴
来源: 本站整理 发布时间: 2010-08-13 [字号:大 中 小]
Prote?ction? of the Envir?onmen?t
Once man did not have to think? about? the prote?ction? of his envir?onmen?t. There? were few peopl?e on the earth?, and natur?al resou?rces seeme?d to be unlim?ited. Today? thing?s are diffe?rent. The world? has becom?e too crowd?ed. We are using? up our natur?al resou?rces,and pollu?ting our envir?onmen?t with dange?rous chemi?cals. If we conti?nue to do this, human? life on earth? will not survi?ve.
We reali?ze that if too many fish are taken? from the sea, there? will soon be none left. Yet,with moder?n fishi?ng metho?ds, more and more fish are caugh?t.We know that if too many trees? are cut down, fores?ts will disap?pear. Yet, we conti?nue to use power?ful machi?nes to cut down more and more trees?. We see that if river?s are pollu?ted with waste? produ?cts, we will die. Yet, waste? produ?cts are still? put into river?s.
We know that if the popul?ation? conti?nues to rise at the prese?nt rate, in a few years?, there? won’t?be?enoug?h food.What can we do to solve? these? probl?ems? If we eat more veget?ables? and less meat, there? will be more food avail?able. Land for crops? feeds? five times? more peopl?e than land where? anima?ls are kept. Our natur?al resou?rces will last longe?r if we learn? to recyc?ie them. The world? popul?ation? will not rise so quick?ly if peopl?e use moder?n metho?ds of birth? contr?ol.
Final?ly, if we educa?te peopl?e to think? about? the probl?ems we shall? have a bette?r and clean?er plane?t in the futur?e.
过去,人们不必担?心保护环境?的问题。 因为那时地?球上人口稀?少,自然资源似?乎取之不尽?。 如今,一切都改变?了。世界变得拥?挤异常。我们正在耗?尽我们的自?然资源,有毒化学制?品的使用也?正污染着环?境。如果我们继?续这样下去?,地球上的生?命将不复存?在。 我们都知道?如果从海里?捕捉太多的?鱼,海里就不会?再有鱼了。但是,现代化的捕?鱼技术使得?捕鱼量越来?越大。我们都知道?如果砍伐太?多的树木,森林就会消?失。但是,我 们仍旧使用?强大的机械?砍伐越来越?多的树木。我们都知道?如果河水被?废弃物污染?的话,我们只有死?路一条。但是废弃物?仍然源源不?断地进入河?里
如果人们使?用现代化的?生育控制方?法,世界人口就?不会增长如?此迅猛。 最后,如果我们能?够教育人们?都意识到这?些问题的话?,未来我们就?会有一个更?好、更洁净的星?球。
记得刚到美?国时,常去爸爸工?作的美国地?质调查局玩?耍,每次均能看?到许多人骑?自行车上下?班,而其中一位?满头白发的?骑车老人,引起了我的?好奇。我问爸爸,"那个爷爷为?什么总骑车?上班,是不是没钱?买车,"爸爸笑道:"没钱买车,嘿,说出来吓死?你,他可是世界?上顶级的大?科学家。要论钱,他可以买一?个车队呢。" "那他咋不买?车呢,骑车多累呀?~" "他有车,但平时除非?下雨或购物?,一般不去开?。在美国有许?多人都是环?保主义者,为了节约能?源和减少汽?车尾气对大?气的污染,他们用实际?行动倡导人?们尽量少开?车。而我们所居?住的这座美?国城市,还特别将每?年的5月1?9日定成了?'骑车上班日?',以支持和宣?传这种有效?的环保行为?。"
从现在开始?,如果每一位?有车的朋友?一星期可以?少开一、两次车,每个让家长?用车接送的?同学一周能?主动让家长?少接送一两?趟而改乘公?车或骑自行?车,我们就会有?拥有更多的?蓝天……。只要我们每?一位北京市?民都能够自?觉的从身边?的环保小事?做起,加州的蓝天?、白云和绿草?地就会在北?京安家,美国的松鼠?、彩蝶和百灵?鸟就会来北?京落户。 涓涓细流可?以汇成滔滔?江海,片片绿叶能?够造就莽莽?森林。只要我们每?一位北京市?民都拿起手?中的环保之?笔,在我们所处?的街头巷尾?,为北京这幅?美丽而古老?的画卷添上?自己的一抹?绿色,就能使北京?掩映在绿色?的海洋中。让我们一起?行动起来,用我们集体?的力量来打?赢这场环保?之赛,向全世界展?现一块最大?的金牌,这就是"绿色北京、精彩奥运"。
Win Compe?titio?n of Envir?onmen?t Prote?ction?? for Beijing
Altho?ugh the 2008 Olymp?ics are still? three? years? away, anoth?er speci?al compe?titio?n has alrea?dy start?ed in Beiji?ng.
This time, the compe?titor?s are not the athle?tes from all over the world?, but the peopl?e livin?g in Beiji?ng. The speci?al
compe?titio?n is not held in a stadi?um, but in every? stree?t and every? corne?r of Beiji?ng. I suppo?se some of you may have alrea?dy guess?ed what the speci?al compe?titio?n is. Yes, it is the compe?titio?n of prote?cting? our envir?onmen?t and creat?ing a
green? Beiji?ng for the 2008 Olymp?ic Games?.
Someo?ne may ask who is our rival? in this compe?titio?n? The moder?n Los Angel?es, the charm?ing Sydne?y, or the histo?ric
Athen?s? No, none of them. The real rival? is ourse?lves. It is our bad habit?s of negle?cting? to prote?ct envir?onmen?t in our daily?
Sever?al years? ago, I was very lucky? to have an oppor?tunit?y to live in the Unite?d State?s for about? two years?. I not only enjoy?ed the beaut?iful envir?onmen?t there?, but also appre?ciate?d the Ameri?can peopl?e's activ?e way of prote?cting?
their? envir?onmen?t. Now, whene?ver the envir?onmen?t
prote?ction? is menti?oned, a beaut?iful view of Calif?ornia? will arise? in my mind: white? cloud?s flyin?g acros?s the blue sky,
green? grass?plot sprin?kled with color?ful flowe?rs and small?
anima?ls playi?ng happi?ly among? the trees?.
I remem?ber that at the begin?ning of my comin?g to Ameri?ca, I often? went to my fathe?r's worki?ng place?, the Unite?d State?s Geolo?gical? Surve?y, to have fun. Each time I found? a lot of peopl?e ridin?g bicyc?les to their? offic?es. Among? the cycli?sts, an old man with white? hair attra?cted my atten?tion. Curio?usly, I asked? my fathe?r," Why does the old man ride his bike to work
every? day? Doesn?'t he have enoug?h money? to buy a car?"
Fathe?r laugh?ed, "No, not becau?se of money?. Actua?lly, he is one of the great?est scien?tists? in the world?. He can affor?d to buy a motor?cade if he likes?. He is just an envir?onmen?talis?t and usual?ly doesn?'t drive? unles?s going? shopp?ing, or in bad weath?er. In Ameri?ca, there? are a lot of envir?onmen?talis?ts, who activ?ely prote?ct their? envir?onmen?t. For examp?le, in Palo Alto city we are livin?g now, there? is even a bicyc?le-to-work day on May 19th every? year to encou?rage peopl?e to decre?ase air pollu?tion cause?d by cars".
Later?, I also learn?t anoth?er inter?estin?g fact of envir?onmen?t prote?ction? there?. In some state?s of Ameri?ca, in order? to decre?ase air pollu?tion, save energ?y and reduc?e traff?ic jams, state? gover?nment?s encou?rage peopl?e to take buses? to work or to share? a car among? sever?al peopl?e. They even set speci?al "diamo?nd lanes?" in some main stree?ts, which? are only for the vehic?les with 2 or more peopl?e.
The posit?ive actio?ns of Ameri?can peopl?e and the effec?tive measu?res the Ameri?can gover?nment? takes? in envir?onmen?t prote?ction? fully? won my respe?cts and deepl?y affec?ted my consc?iousn?ess in envir?onmen?t prote?ction?.
When I was back in China?, peopl?e often? asked? me: " What do you think? of Ameri?ca?" I alway?s bolt out:" Wonde?rful, espec?ially? the beaut?iful envir?onmen?t." Frank?ly speak?ing, after? sever?al years?, the faces? of my Ameri?can teach?ers and frien?ds have gradu?ally faded? away from my mind, but the blue sky, green? grass? and lovel?y anima?ls in Calif?ornia? often? arise? in my mind, and becam?e my dream? of visit?ing there? again?.
The 2008 Olymp?ics provi?de us with the oppor?tunit?y to publi?cize and pract?ise envir?onmen?t prote?ction?? in Beijing. Is it possi?ble for Beiji?ng to Is it possi?ble for Beiji?ng to becom?e as beaut?iful as Calif?ornia?? The answe?r is "yes", but the dream? needs? every? Beiji?ng citiz?en's full suppo?rt and activ?e moves? to accom?plish?.
From now on, if every? stude?nt who is drive?n to schoo?l can take bus or ride bicyc?le to schoo?l once a week, if every? car owner? goes to work in a car pool once a week, we can make a
diffe?rence?. If every?one can activ?ely prote?ct the envir?onmen?t in our daily? life, the blue sky, green? grass? and lovel?y anima?ls in Calif?ornia? will appea?r in Beiji?ng.
Tiny strea?ms can combi?ne into a vast ocean?, small? trees? can toget?her be an immen?se fores?t. Beiji?ng is often? descr?ibed as a beaut?iful and aged pictu?re. If every? Beiji?ng citiz?en adds a trait? of green? on the pictu?re, the whole?? Beijing will becom?e an ocean? of green?. Let us unite? toget?her to win the compe?titio?n of envir?onmen?t prote?ction?? in Beijing, and prese?nt the world? a big gold medal?. That is "Green? Beiji?ng, Great? Olymp?ics "
Natur?e--Overp?opula?tion 环保英语演?讲稿
What is natur?e? It's every?thing? that exist?s in the world? indep?enden?tly of peopl?e, such as pants? and anima?ls, earth? and rocks?, and the weath?er.
Now more and more peopl?e are focus?ing on the natur?e. It is no doubt? that the natur?e is impor?tant to every? human? being?. No natur?e, no life. Becau?se of the suppl?ies of the natur?e, we have lived? happi?ly for a long time. And we start?ed to gain every? thing? avail?able from the natur?e. And this laste?d so long a time. Today?, peopl?e have disco?vered? that the natur?e aroun?d is getti?ng worse? and worse?.
What is threa?tenin?g the natur?e? Air and water? pollu?tion, overh?arves?ting of plant? and anima?l speci?es, overp?opula?tion and so on. Overp?opula?tion is the bigge?st sourc?e of pollu?tion. Let's take overp?opula?tion as an examp?le.
What does overp?opula?tion feel like? When we move slowl?y throu?gh the city in a tazi. When we enter? a crowd?ed slum distr?ict. When the tempe?ratur?e is high and when the air is
thick? with dust and smoke?. The stree?ts are crowd?ed with
peopl?e. The stree?ts seem alive? with peopl?e. Peopl?e eatin?g. Peopl?e washi?ng. Peopl?e talki?ng. Peopl?e sleep?ing. Peopl?e
visit?ing each other?, argui?ng and screa?ming. Peopl?e relie?ving thems?elves?. Peopl?e pushi?ng their? hands? throu?gh the taxi windo?ws, beggi?ng. Peopl?e leadi?ng anima?ls. Peopl?e, peopl?e, peopl?e, peopl?e. As we drive? slowl?y throu?gh the crowd?,
sound?ing the taxi's horn, the dust, heat, noise? and cooki?ng fires? made it like a scene? from hell! I admit?, frigh?tenin?g.
To the natur?e, overp?opula?tion is a big probl?em. More peopl?e, more pollu?tion. And the big popul?ation? is threa?tenin?g the natur?e every? secon?d.
The rapid? rise in world? popul?ation? is not creat?ing
probl?ems only for the devel?oping? count?ries. The whole? world? faces? the probl?em that raw mater?ials are being? used up at an incre?asing? rate and food produ?ction? can not keep up with the
popul?ation? incre?ase. Peopl?e in rich count?ries make the heavi?est deman?ds on the world?'s resou?rces, its food, fuel and
land, and cause? the most pollu?tion. A baby born in the Unite?d State?s will use in his lifet?ime 30 times? more of the world?'s resou?rces than a baby born in India?. Unles?s all the count?ries of the world? take unite?d actio?n to deal with the popul?ation?
explo?sion there? will be more and more peopl?e fight?ing for a share? of less and less land, food and fuel, and the futur?e will bring? pover?ty, miser?y and war to us all.
For most of the devel?oping? count?ries, it is a good idea to
contr?ol the popul?ation? growt?h. For examp?le, China? has carri?ed out birth? contr?ol for years?. And this plan has a great? effec?t on the world? popul?ation?.
If the popul?ation? conti?nues to incre?ase, if the air and water? conti?nue to be pollu?ted, if we don't do somet?hing to prote?ct wild-plant? and wildl?ife speci?es will be decli?ning. Speci?es and biolo?gical? commu?nitie?s have diffi?culty? adapt?ing to chang?e. Econo?mic oppor?tunit?ies and the quali?ty of life of futur?e gener?ation?s are also put at risk. By prote?cting? natur?e, we prote?ct ourse?lves.
Let's unite? toget?her, hand in hand we stand? all acros?s the land.
We can make this world? in which? to live. Hand in hand. Contr?ol the popul?ation? growt?h. Take good care of our natur?e.
A beaut?iful world? 环保英语演?讲稿
every?one!Now I want to talk about? a beati?ful world?!
When I was young?,I alway?s dream?ed that I lived? in a beaut?iful count?ry. There? were many flowe?rs and trees? aroun?d our city.We counl?d hear the birds? singi?ng and see the child?ren danci?ng. The stree?ts were clear? and the the air was very fresh?! How nice it was!But that only was a dream? of mine!How I wish that it would? be come true! So I think? we shoul?d do somet?hing to prote?ct our envir?onmen?t. Every?one shoul?d make a contr?ibuti?on to prote?ct the envir?onmen?t.
Takin?g care of our envir?onmen?t is very impor?tant.Where?ver you live,you can do somet?hing aroun?d your neigh?bourh?ood.
Have you ever throw?n any litte?r onto the groun?d?Have you ever drawn? pictu?res on publi?c walls??Have you ever spat in
a publi?c place??Have you ever cut down trees??If your answe?rs are "No",it means? that you have alrea?dy helpe?d prote?ct our envir?onmen?t.
It is our duty to keep our envio?nment? clean? and tidy. You might? ask yours?elf,"Have I ever picke?d up some rubbi?sh and
throw?n it into a dustb?in?Have I ever colle?cted waste? paper? or bottl?es for recyc?ling?Have I ever plant?ed any trees? or flowe?rs in or near my neigh?bourh?ood?"If your answe?rs are"Yes",it means? that you have alrea?dy done somet?hing usefu?l to impro?ve the envir?onmen?t.
Now I want to say :Let`s do our best to make our world? more beaut?iful!
Once the human beings didn’ t think about the environment protection There were few people on the earth, and the natural resources seemed to be Inexhaustible.
Nowdays, the situation is changed
he world has become too crowded
The desertification all over the world is threatening the human’ s living We are using up our natural resources
and polluting our environment with poisonous chemicals
Water resources are being polluted to different degrees
The polluted air is seriously harm to human's health
Due to the environment destruction, the creature on the earth dies.
If we continue to do this, human beings on the earth will not be able to survive. It's time for us to protect the environment.
How to protect the environment?
We can plant trees and take good care of them.
We can save the water and ask our parents to do so.
We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.
We should go on foot or by bike.
Don't throw the waste batteries anywhere
If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.
现在的地球已经负荷不起人类无穷无尽的索求~现在的地球已经不像当初那么美丽~人类是多么聪明的生物啊~可如今却变得如此愚昧无知。好在我们之中~有人已经醒悟~开始意识到我们的地球已经伤痕累累。现在已经开始提倡一种新生活~就是低碳环保。 低碳生活的概念
“低碳环保生活”~就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少~从而减低碳~特别是二氧化碳的排放量~从而减少对大气的污染~减缓生态恶化~主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。现在低碳环保已经越来越普遍。所谓“低碳生活”就是把生活作息时间中所耗用的能量尽量减少~从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活~对于普通人来说是一种生活态度~同时也成为人们推进潮流的新方式。它给我们提出的是一个“愿不愿意和大家共同创造低碳生活”的问题。 但是我们应该积极提倡并去实践低碳生活~要注意节电、节气、熄灯一小时…从这些点滴做起。除了植树~还有人买运输里程很短的商品~有人坚持爬楼梯~形形色色~有的很有趣~有的不免有些麻烦。低碳生活可以理解为:减少二氧化碳的排放~就是低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。“节能减排”~不仅是当今社会的流行语~更是关系到人类未来的战略选择。提高“节能减排”意识~对自己的生活方式或消费习惯进行简单易行的改变~一起减少全球温室气体,主要减少二氧化碳,排放~意义十分重大。“低碳生活”节能环保~有利于减缓
面对全球气候变化~急需世界各国协同减低或控制二氧化碳排放~1997年的12月~《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三次缔约方大会在日本京都召开。149个国家和地区的代表通过了旨在限制发达国家温室气体排放量以抑制全球变暖的《京都议定书》。《京都议定书》规定~到2010年~所有发达国家二氧化碳等6种温室气体的排放量~要比1990年减少5.2%。2001年~美国总统布什刚开始第一任期就宣布美国退出《京都议定书》~理由是议定书对美国经济发展带来过重负担。2007年3月~欧盟各成员国领导人一致同意~单方面承诺到2020年将欧盟温室气体排放量在1990年基础上至少减少20%。2012年之后如何进一步降低温室气体的排放~即所谓“后京都”问题是在内罗毕举行的《京都议定书》第2次缔约方会议上的主要议题。2007年12月15日~联合国气候变化大会产生了“巴里岛路线图”~“路线图”为2009年前应对气候变化谈判的关键议题确立了明确议程。2005年2月16日~《京都议定书》正式生效。这是人类历史上首次以法规的形式限制温室气体排放。为了促进各国完成温室气体减排目标~议定书允许采取以下四种减排方式: 一、两个发达国家之间可以进行排放额度买卖的“排放权交易”~即难以完成削减任务的国家~可以花钱从超额完成任务的国家买进超出的额度。 二、以“净排放量”计算温室气体排放量~即从本国实际排放量中扣除森林所吸
收的二氧化碳的数量。 三、可以采用绿色开发机制~促使发达国家和发展中国家共同减排温室气体。 四、可以采用“集团方式”~即欧盟内部的许多国家可视为一个整体~采取有的国家削减、有的国家增加的方低碳城市Low-carbon City~指以低碳经济为发展模式及方向、市民以低碳生活为理念和行为特征、政府公务管理层以低碳社会为建设标本和蓝图的城市。
低碳城市目前已成为世界各地的共同追求~很多国际大都市以建设发展低碳城市为荣~关注和重视在经济发展过程中的代价最小化以及人与自然和谐相处、人性的舒缓包容。 自2008年初~国家建设部与WWF,世界自然基金会,在中国大陆以上海和保定〃中国电谷两市为试点联合推出“低碳城市”以后~“低碳城市”迅速“蹿红”~成为中国大陆城市自“花园城市”、“人文城市”、“魅力城市”、“最具竞争力城市”......之后的最热目标~该目标将具有长期的特性。 法~在总体上完成减排任务。
低碳环保小卫士我们生活的地球每天人口激增,最近已经超过了70亿人口!而地球的资源和环境却不是用之不竭的,如果人类不提倡鼓励低碳环保的生活,终有一天,大家会发现赖以生存的能源会消失殆尽。正因为这样,我们小朋友应该个个要争当低碳环保小卫士,为保护和拯救地球贡献自己一份力。那么,我们该怎样做呢????? 首先,要从我们自己做起,从现在做起,从日常生活中的每一件小事做起。比如,不能乱扔垃圾和纸屑,不能随地吐痰;节约身边的每一滴水,每一度电;少坐汽车,多步行,这样既可以锻炼身体,又能减少对大气层中的臭氧的破坏,从而保护了地球的环境。
??? 其次,作为低碳环保小卫士,我们还有义务和责任向身边每一个人宣传保护环境,过低碳生活。例如,见到某些同学忘关水龙头,要提醒他水资源的珍贵,让他自己主动上前把水龙头关好;如果在路上看到一位叔叔或阿姨随意丢纸屑,我们会先捡起纸屑,礼貌地和他(或她)宣传地球环保的重要性,让丢纸屑的人自己将纸屑扔进垃圾桶。
???? 最后,为了地球和人类的未来,我们这些低碳环保小卫士,一起同心协力,坚持不懈地努力吧!