这个故事说明,人要想平平安安地走完一生,必须具备大智慧。或者就是傻一点,呆一点。 摘选。有删节。因为从头到尾看完我就得吐了……
讲几句貌似深沉的话,得出一个“道理”,恨不得用加黑72号字把它标出来,这就是鸡汤。 文学和哲学背后的“道理”,绝不会是唯一的,容许无数读者的改写(大概有很多不懂得语言学的古代哲学家,认为自己说的话可以指向唯一的意思,但他们的作品会被后人一再地阐释)。而它们的好处,就在这里。
您才是我的王,我为您而用,为您而终,请您务必指引我前行,让我看到相同的梦境。 我就是不说出处,关注了我的都应该猜得到。
3、我有位家境一般的朋友,一直觉得如果自己有钱一定会更幸福。后来他妈做婴幼 教育发财了。 快十年后我见他, 问:现在你倒是有钱了, 你真的幸福吗?他回答:爽翻啦! 我默默地走开了。
4、只有能力强会被当成纯技术人员;而光会社交拍马又会被认为没有真才实学;所 以,要想在单位中脱颖而出,最重要的是有关系。
6、我有个朋友,在几年前停止了抱怨和自怨自艾,开始努力改变自己。到今天,他 的物质生活和精神状态都没有什么改善。
8、回首青春,我发现自己失去了很多宝贵的东西。但我并不难过,因为我知道,以 后会失去的更多。
9、秋天是收获的季节。别人的收获是成功与快乐,你的收获是认识到并不是每个人 都会成功与快乐。
10、父母一直注重对我的品德教育。到了社会上,我按照父母教我的接人待物,却发 现自己并不受人待见。
13、青年靠什么混日子?头等青年靠出身,二等青年靠关系,三等青年靠天资,四等 青年靠努力,五等青年耍文艺,六等青年打游戏,穷游,看美剧。
14、每次看到穷游日志的感受都是:那么穷就别 TM 出去浪了。
15、 “ 不去努力然后告诉自己我根本就不想要 ” 的痛苦,比 “ 拼命努力后失败 ” 的痛苦, 要小得多。
17、一些年轻人通过美剧、旅游和 Youtube 视频拥有了朴素的自由民主和人权观念; 他们觉得自己工作烂,人缘差,没对象,都是中国的体制害的。
19、普通人一生的四个阶段:心比天高的无知快乐与希望 —— 愧不如人后的奋斗与煎 熬 —— 毫无回报的愤懑与失望 —— 坦然的平凡和颓废。你走到哪一步了?
20、大部分成功靠得既不是厚积薄发的努力,也不是戏剧化的机遇,而是早就定好的 出身和天赋。
21、小孩问富翁:叔叔为什么你这么有钱呢?富翁说:我给你讲个故事吧。很小的时 候,我注意到楼下的矿泉水卖一块钱,而三站地外的篮球场上,要卖一块五。我拿着一个 大书包,从楼下买水带到球场去卖,卖一块二。一个月我挣了十块钱。小孩说:我好像明 白了。富翁说:你明白个屁。后来我爸死了,把钱留给我了。
22、 “ 为什么我总是感觉自己特别普通? ”“ 可能是因为你确实比较普通吧。 ”
24、 我发现很多混得不好的人看得都很开。 也不知道他们是因为看得透彻而不屑于世 俗的成功,还是因为不成功而不得不看得开。
25、除了有钱人,世上还有两种人:其一是省吃俭用买奢侈品装逼,其二是省吃俭用 也买不起奢侈品的。
26、 一场说走就走的旅行归来后, 除了该做的事情被拖延的更久了, 什么都没有改变。 27、你努力后的成功,不能弥补你成功前的痛苦。
28、假如今天生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要哭泣,因为明天生活还会继续欺骗你。 29、要是有个地方能出卖自己的灵魂换取物质享受就好了。
31、每天显得无聊或寂寞了,去找朋友一起吃饭和逛,只不过是为了满足自己与人交 往的需求,算不上是社交。
32、优秀的女生在脆弱的时候 (比如分手,工作不如意 ) ,会需要比平时更多的关爱, 于是会和更多的人交流。如果她在恢复正常后,回到了自己原来的圈子,不再理你,请你 不要奇怪。
33、朋友,那不是懒,懒是可以克服的。你只是脑子比较弱 (笨 ) ,没办法长时间经受 高强度的思考,去搞逻辑太复杂的东西和处理太多的信息量。
34、有些年轻人,一毕业就到某些大型国企和机关中工作。每天没什么事儿,就是吃 饭喝酒,福利好得不得了。人生还没有奋斗过就开始养老,自己的理想被丢在一旁,用民 脂民膏来享受特权。对于这样的年轻人,我只想问你们四个字:哪投简历?
35、所有抱怨社会不公和制度的人翻译过来只有一句话:请给我金钱,女人和社会地 位。
36、常听到别人说:我希望他 /她有什么话当面说,不要在别后中伤人。一些人信以 为真,而实际上,我的实践证明,当面说别人坏话,别人会非常愤怒,难堪。所以中伤别 人一定要在背后。
37、其实找谁做女朋友都差不多,都是在不停地争吵。只不过一些人是和比较漂亮的 女孩子在争吵。
38、爱情开始时都差不多。但当两个人平淡到左手牵右手时,是加班挤地铁还房贷然 后给他农村父母寄钱假期在屋里大眼瞪小眼, 还是开小车朝九晚五住大房子周末采购装点 自己的小家出国旅游,区别就非常大了。
39、坏女人爱男人的钱和权;好女人爱男人因有钱和有权儿产生的自信、宽大、精力 充沛、乐观进取。还好,殊途同归。
40、 精神追求应当是物质追求得到满足后的自然反应。 而不是在现实受挫后去寻求的 安慰剂。
41、我的梦想就是一手拿着相机,一手拉着你,四处旅行。每天日落时的歇脚处都是 我们的家。然后在三十多岁的时候还在初级职位上拿着微薄的薪水,和刚毕业的年轻人一 起被呼来喝去。
42、那些能够彼此帮忙托关系的友谊,比那些天天在一起就是扯淡吃喝旅游的友谊, 要强得多。
43、一些人追求卓越是因为他们天性如此,且能力出众。很多其他人却也喜欢跟着凑 热闹。
44、那些人人羡慕的精英,其实过得并不如你想象的那样好。但肯定比你是强得多。 45、幸亏当事者迷,不然真的看清事实真相,很多人是承受不来的。
47、年轻时总是缺乏对自己的正确认识。时而觉得自己能力超群,海阔天空,时而觉 得一无是处,平凡无能。长大后,经历得多了,逐渐认清自己,才发现自己原来是一无是 处,平凡无能。
49、 路上看到两个长得不好看也看起来很穷的男女热吻。 我说两个物质生活质量很差 的人,彼此相伴。朋友立刻反驳我:物质生活质量不行就不会幸福吗?他们如此相爱,比 那些有钱又美但离婚的名人强多了!我说我根本没说他们不幸福呀,你努力反驳的,可能 是你自己内心的声音吧。
51、普通人结婚的另一半其实并不欣赏自己,只不过找不到更好的人。他们真正欣赏 喜欢的,另有其人。
53、他给你的爱会消逝,他给你的 TIFFANY 却不会贬值。
54、我问过很多女大学生这个问题:出国旅游和用名牌,真的这么重要吗?第一种回 答是:不重要, 但男朋友愿意而且能够给我买, 很重要。 第二种回答是:对啊, 很重要啊!
55、错把放纵当潇洒,把颓废当自由,把逃避责任当做追求自我价值。不过是懒,怕 吃苦,哪来那么多好听的理由。
58、一些女生在背后议论长得美家境好的女生,说对方生活轻浮,道德不高。她们说 得有根有据,也很有道理,但听起来总是显得酸溜溜的。
59、我有一些漂亮又受过教育的姐妹,本来有机会嫁给官富二代,但很多被那些长得 不错、有名校高学历、刚毕业在知名外企工作、加班到很晚还健身的男生所吸引。觉得人 家上进又有潜力。五六年后,她们悔得肠子都青了。
60、我大学宿舍的一个女生,每天要花半个小时拌狗粮拿到外面去喂流浪狗。可她半 个月才给家里打一次电话。她家是三线城市的工薪阶层。同学们都说她是爱心小天使。
61、几年前 BBS 有女生写道:不知为什么,每次有丑男看我,我都感觉他很猥琐, 特别反感;但帅哥看我就感觉很好。今日又看到有男生写:我发现我老是喜欢抢着给漂亮 的女生帮忙,不自觉地就会问她需要什么;但每次丑女让我帮忙,我就感觉:你自己不会 干吗? —— 一些很明显的实话说出来,显得格外可爱。
62、 美国人的生活就是像你在电影电视剧看的那样好。 天天玩儿, 随便搞搞就挣大钱, 到处都是感人的细节,帅哥美女随便搞。导演们把这些日常生活拍下来,送到电视台电影 院播放。
66、人生就是这样,有欢笑也有泪水。一部分人主要负责欢笑,另一部分人主要负责 泪水。
67、 很多人不断地规划自己的人生, 每天压力很大。 其实不管你怎么过。 都会后悔的。 想想你这前几十年就明白了。
68、三十岁时,大部分人都卡在初级职位上。现有的工作升不上去,又无法承担转行 的时间成本,更来不及再去读书。父母开始多病;自己收入有限,也没有存款。更大的痛 苦,是看到身边没有背景但努力又聪明的人已经小有成就,有背景的人已经开始过上贵族 生活了。
73、小时候以为有钱人都很跋扈,心都是黑的。长大后才发现,很多有钱人都懂得很 多,经历很丰富,做事儿很认真,为人很宽厚,理性,比穷人更好相处。
74、长相不行的人,为人也未必好。只不过由于长久寂寞的折磨,有时会发疯似地对 人好。
75、 26岁的他辞掉工作,和朋友建了支乐队,到各民办大学演出,反响平淡。 30岁 钱花完了,父亲得病要很多钱。 “ 唱完这场就放弃,青春就到这里了。 ” 甘肃七里河大学演 唱会前,他留下眼泪说。一位女学生递上纸条:我喜欢你的歌,要坚持梦想。他把纸条攥 紧决定坚持梦想。 34岁,他欠了十几万的债,父亲也病逝了。
76、 “ 老师您好,请问像我这样的,没有背景的北大毕业生应该如何定位自己? ”“ 社 会底层群众中受教育程度最高的一批人。 ”
77、如果你每天干的活明显多于别人,但自己很高兴还感觉得到器重,那么与其说你 很有才干,不如说你的领导很会管人。
78、当别人和你说忙,是他 /她要留时间给更重要的人。
79、 “ 那些出身好能力强的人努力是为了成功,因为人家有可能会成功。我们努力是 为了啥呢? ”“ 为了活下去。 ”
80、基因是你给的,成长环境是你给的,社会阶层是你给的 —— 还有脸埋怨自己孩子 没出息。
83、学术能力的缺乏并不意味着你就擅长混社会,说不定还不如在学校的表现。 84、你全力做到的最好,可能还不如别人随便搞搞。
85、如果你知道一些事情有意思,但不能去做而失落,那还好;要是觉得什么都没意 思,应该就是抑郁症。
86、我要是有钱或者长得好看就好了。那样,即使我性格有点儿怪,也会有人愿意倾 听我的想法和感受,跟我做朋友。
87、出身不好的限制也不光是平台问题。出身不好,说明你父母混的也不怎么样,也 许你基因里就写着 “ 不行 ” 两个字。
88、经过十年的不断奋斗和磨砺,我终于从一个懵懂无知、敏感脆弱的少年,成长为 了一个懵懂无知、敏感脆弱的青年。
89、 为什么有些人要把追求精神满足和追求物质上的富足对立起来呢?你不幸福是因 为你境界不高,你物质生活差是因为你能力不行。这完全是两回事儿。
91、优秀幸福的人是喜欢撒娇的,告诉别人自己这儿过得不好,那儿过得也不好。有 些人当真的了,觉得别人天天是在宝马车中哭泣。
92、如果外貌好能够获得他人的关注,又有钱能够支持各种娱乐活动,谁会愿意每天 呆在家里打游戏,刷微博,看电视剧。
93、如果你很忙,除了你真的很重要以外,更可能的原因是:你很弱,你没有什么更 好的事情去做, 你生活太差不得不努力来弥补, 或者你装作很忙, 让自己显得很重要。 —— 史蒂夫 ·乔布斯
94、 很难想象让敏感多变的年轻人去做 Leader , 进行重大的决策。 这些人睡一觉起来, 被别人说了几句,或者吃了顿好饭,人生观世界观就可以发生翻天覆地的变化。
95、尽量不要和比自己生活质量高的人起冲突,不论你是假装若无其事、努力争辩或 者破口大骂,在别人看来,都是自己很可笑并且已经输了。
96、有些人,社交能力很差。只能和那些志同道合,彼此欣赏的人做朋友。而那些性 格不随和,不喜欢自己,但是能给自己带来提升的人,他们没有能力搞定。
97、老板和领导很清楚哪些人能够得到晋升。对于那些不能的人,他们也会不断地鼓 励和给她们希望。
98、 以前每次看到网上的青年在微博校内大谈国事, 我担心他们会干出些什么事情来。 后来我发现他们还同时说着 “ 明天一定要早起 ” , “ 这个假期要多看几本书 ” , “ 再也不能多吃 了 ” ,于是我放心了。
99、一些人的情商比较低,没法扮演好自己的社会角色,只能一直以最真实的自己面 对世界。
100、人生的自由和无限可能性都是错觉。每个人都被社会压力,亲近的人和自己束缚的 死死的,每天做着自己一定会去做的事情。
101、社会精英阶层一边啃着心灵鸡腿和心灵鸡胸,一边为我们送上了心灵鸡汤,说 人生的价值并不在于你挣了多少钱和外在是否美。
103、 我们所咒骂的那些品德败坏的人, 其实不过是直接或间接地损害了我们的利益。
104、直到三十岁才知道,和不同的人说不同的话,表现出不一样的态度,是一种非 常可贵的能力,而不是虚伪。
106、 有些人感慨:“ 自己岁数不小了, 还没有成熟起来。 ” 其实你们已经成熟起来了, 你们成熟起来就这样。
108、女生们宁肯做高帅富的备胎,也不肯接受屌丝的行为,从基因上保证了人类的 进步。
109、 Loser 面对生活比自己好的人,心中生出了怨恨。
110、我去找心理医生看抑郁症。他听完我的陈述,说道:如果你说的都真的话,为 什么你不去自杀呢?你这不是抑郁症;抑郁症是看事情悲观,本来好,却认为不行。你是 本来就过得不如别人。
111、很多人发现自己在钱、权、女人的问题上比不过别人,于是开始试着在道德和 人生境界上做文章。
112、碰到一个认识的人,想一起聊聊天。她说自己去香港和希腊玩了,又买了苹果 和化妆品;我不知道怎么回应,因为我很久没有出去玩和买东西了。我又说我最近思考了 人为什么活着和出身的问题,她也沉默,因为很久没有思考这样的问题。此后再也无话。
113、我追逐自己的梦想,别人说我幼稚可笑,但我坚持了下来。最后发现,原来还 真是我以前幼稚可笑。
114、你年轻时一事无成;时而自怨自艾颓废堕落,时而咬紧牙关拼命努力,经营关 系,但你的生活一直没有改善,你一直很痛苦,直到三十岁。 ” 他听后兴奋地问:那三十 岁之后呢?有转机吗?算命先生微微抬起头:三十岁后 …… 你就开始习惯了。
115、很同情那些名校毕业生。这些人中的绝大多数,一生最大的成就就是高考的成 功,一下超越了社会中的各种阶层,仿佛升到顶端。之后一辈子都在走下坡路。
117、吹牛逼是一些人的天性。当对于一些话题自己乏善可陈时,就会搬弄外援:我 有个朋友,拥有比你们更牛逼的经历。讲完后洋洋得意,潜台词是作为其朋友,自己肯定 也不会差到哪去。
119、 所谓人生理想, 就是支持你捱过每天的无聊与痛苦, 最终没有实现的那个愿望。 有了它,临死前是无穷的空虚和痛苦;没有它,这辈子都熬不下来。
120、好多重要又紧迫的事情,先干哪一件都会感觉别的事情被耽误了。所以还是先 上会儿网吧。
122、女生有这样的梦想:某一天辛苦工作之后,在客户处认识一位优秀男人。他自 信、 Self-centered 、成熟、幽默,又对人很 caring 。你们坠入爱河。他对你说:别工作了, 我帮你开家咖啡馆吧!于是你的生活变了,每天在充满情调的咖啡馆里钻研咖啡甜点。你 又开始相信爱情了。后来你发现男朋友开了十几家咖啡馆了。
123、年轻的男孩只希望自己的女朋友是美丽的。而随着他不断长大,阅历的不断积 累,他终归会认识到:美丽并不是选择伴侣的全部,性感也很重要。
124、如果你是长得好看的话,在公车地铁上睡着了,头靠在旁边人的肩上,旁边的 人会一直陪着你直到醒来。你要是长的丑的话,头一旦靠在旁边的人肩上,他会立即拍醒 你,并温馨提醒你保管好财物。
125、 “ 妈不是说你,你看你找那个对象,长得那么丑,话也说不明白,我要是和别人 说这是我女婿我都觉得丢人 ”“ 他家有十几个亿。 ”“ 当然了,人也没必要活得那么虚荣,为 什么非要在意别人的看法呢?更何况爱情本来就是盲目的,妈支持你! ”
1. Another day has passed. How are you doing today? Is your dream far away?
2, as long as it is stone, where will not shine.
3, I have a family friend, I always feel that if I have money, I will be happier. Later he mother infant education rich. Almost ten years later, I saw him and asked, "now you're rich, are you really happy?" he replied, "cool!" I walked away in silence.
4, only the strong will as pure technical personnel; and the light will also be considered social kissing so to no true skill and genuine knowledge; talent shows itself in the unit, the most important is to have a relationship.
5, I found no one on coal mine workers and as the coal boss.
6, I have a friend, a few years ago stopped complaining and began to try to change myself. To this day, his material life and mental state have not improved much.
7, many times, optimistic attitude and good words can not help you.
8, looking back on youth, I found that I lost a lot of valuable things. But I'm not sad, because I know there will be more lost in the future.
9, autumn is the harvest season. The success of others is success and happiness, and your harvest is to realize that not
everyone will be successful and happy.
10, parents have always paid attention to my moral education. To the society, my parents taught me to treat people, but find themselves are not attractive.
11, the most reliable is money, the most unreliable is the heart.
12, do not worry about things that can not be solved today. Because tomorrow still can not be solved.
13, youth what dawdle? The first youth by birth, two youth on, three by four young talents, such as youth hard, five youth six youth play art, play games, travel, watching tv.
14, every time I see the poor log feelings are so poor: don't TM out of the waves.
15, "do not work hard, and then tell myself that I do not want" pain, than "hard work, failure," the pain is much smaller.
16, no wallet enrichment, where the peace of mind?. Many people put the cart before the horse.
17, some young people through the American drama, tourism and Youtube video, have a simple concept of freedom, democracy and human rights, they feel that their work rotten, bad people, no object, are China's system of harm.
18, you just have to watch others wonderful, God have other
arrangements for you.
The four stages of life: 19, ordinary people XinBiTianGao ignorance of happiness and hope and disappointment, anger better than shame after the struggle and suffering, no return of calm -- ordinary and decadent. Which step have you taken?
20, the most successful get neither accumulate steadily, is not dramatic opportunities, but long ago set a good background and talent.
21, the child asked the rich man: "uncle, why are you so rich?" said the rich man. "Let me tell you a story.". When I was very young, I noticed that the mineral water downstairs was sold for a dollar, and on the basketball court at the three stop, I wanted to sell a piece of five. I took a big bag and bought a hose from the downstairs to sell on the pitch and sold two. I made ten dollars a month.
"I seem to understand," said the child. Rich man says: "you understand a fart!". Then my father died and left the money to me.
22. "Why do I always feel so special?" "probably because you're more common."."
23, many people are not psychological diseases, but psychological disability, bad governance.
24, I found that a lot of mixed up people are very open to see. Nor do they know that they are so dismissive of worldly success
that they have to see it because they are unsuccessful.
25, in addition to the rich, there are two kinds of people: one is to buy luxury goods and the loading force, the second is to live frugally also can not afford to buy luxury goods.
26, after a trip that says "go" and "go", nothing has changed except that what has been done has been delayed for a long time.
27, your efforts to succeed, can not make up for your success before the pain.
28. If today's life deceives you, don't cry, don't cry, because tomorrow life will continue to deceive you.
29, if there is a place to sell their souls in exchange for material comforts.
30, a good figure of many factors. You can have a good figure without diet and exercise.
31, every day seems boring or lonely, go to a friend to eat and stroll, just to meet their needs with people, not social.
32, good girls in fragile times (such as break up, work unhappy), will need more than usual care, and will communicate with more people. Please don't be surprised if she comes back to her original circle and stops talking about you.
33, friends, that is not lazy, lazy can be overcome. You just have a weak mind, you can't stand the high intensity thinking
for a long time, go to the things with too complex logic and deal with too much information.
34, some young people go to work in some large state-owned enterprises and institutions as soon as they graduate. Nothing to do every day, that is, eating, drinking, welfare, very good. Life is not a struggle to start pension, his ideal was cast aside, with flesh and blood of the people to enjoy the privilege. For such young people, I just want to ask you four words: where to send resumes?
35, all complain about social injustice and the institution of translation is only one sentence: please give me the money, and the social status of women.
36, often hear people say: I hope he / she has what you said, not in after injury. Some people believe it, but in fact, my practice has proved that when people speak ill of others, they will be very angry and embarrassed. So slander must be behind you.
37, in fact, who is looking for a girlfriend, are constantly arguing. But some people are arguing with pretty girls.
38. Love begins at almost the same time. But when two people dull to the left hand, overtime crowded subway mortgage and give him the rural parents to send money holiday in the house stared at each other, or car nine to five big houses and decorate their own small home purchase weekend travel abroad, the difference is very big.
39. A bad woman loves a man's money; a good woman loves a man's confidence, generosity, energy, optimism and aggressiveness because of his money and his right.
Fortunately, the same.
40, spiritual pursuit should be the natural reaction of material pursuit. Not the placebo that has been sought after the real setback.
41, my dream is to hold the camera in one hand and take you in one hand and travel around. Pied-a-terre every day at sunset is our home. Then the primary position with a low salary is still at the age of more than 30, and the young graduate together by the boss around.
42, those who can help each other up relations of friendship, than those together every day and tourism is nonsense of friendship, much stronger.
43. Some people strive for excellence because they are so natural and capable. Many others like to follow the crowd.
44, those who envy the elite, in fact, do not live as well as you think. But definitely better than you are.
45, thanks to the fans, or else really see the truth, a lot of people can not afford.
46, no money, no cause of the people, have time to improve their realm of life.
47, young people always lack the correct understanding of themselves. Sometimes feel superior ability, sometimes Nothing is right., as boundless as the sea and sky, mediocre. As I grew up, I experienced more and gradually recognized myself, only to find out that I was nothing but an ordinary person.
48, idiom sentences: many young people want to work in the search for happiness and the meaning of life, it is impossible.
49, on the road to see two good-looking, also looks very poor men and women kiss. I said two people with poor quality of living together with each other. My friend immediately retorted: no physical quality of life is not happy? They are so in love, than those who are rich and beautiful but divorced celebrities are! I said I didn't say they are not happy, you may be trying to refute, your own inner voice.
50, sociologists research shows that: ugly and money hungry men, not high, handsome, rich more reliable.
51, the ordinary man marries the other half, actually does not appreciate itself, but cannot find the better person. They really appreciate what they like and have other people.
52, love is, if there is no better choice, I will accompany you to the old.
53, the love he gives you will pass away, and the TIFFANY he gives you will not depreciate.
54, I have asked many female college students this question: is it really so important to travel abroad and use famous brands? The first answer is: unimportant, but the boyfriend is willing and can buy for me, it is very important. The second answer is, "yes, it's very important."!
55, wrong to indulge as chic, decadent as freedom, to avoid responsibility as the pursuit of self-worth. But lazy, afraid of hardship, where so many good reasons?.
56, some girls think that he is able to look lovely and chowhound, but no such effect.
57 girls, lengnuanzizhi what, in front of good-looking suck.
58, some girls in the back of the United States, the family of good girls, said the other side of life frivolous, moral is not high. They speak well, also very reasonable, but the sound is always sour.
59 、 I have some pretty and educated sisters,
I had the opportunity to marry the rich two generations, but many of them were attracted by the boys who grew up well, had a good school record, worked in a famous foreign company, worked late and still worked hard. Feel motivated and potential. Five or six years later, they regret that their intestines are green.
60, a girl in my university dormitory, takes half an hour every day with dog food, take out to feed stray dogs. But she only made a phone call to her family for half a month. Her family
is a wage earner in the three - line city. Students say she is a little angel of love.
61 years ago, BBS wrote: I do not know why, every girl is ugly to look at me, I feel he is very insignificant, especially offensive; but I feel very good looking guy. Today saw a boy to write: I found my love always rushing to the beautiful girl to help, they will unconsciously ask what she needs; but every ugly let me help, I feel: you are not doing? - obviously some truth, especially lovely.
62. American life is as good as you see in movies and TV shows. Play every day, just since was big money, everywhere is the touching details, hotties throw. The directors took pictures of the daily life and sent them to television stations and theaters.
Ethics and principles in 63, although important, but always want to hand out of the way of interest.
64, when it comes to money, people are not so affectionate.
65, you work so hard, endure so much loneliness and entanglement, we don't think you are so excellent.
66, life is like this, there are laughter, there are tears. Some people are mainly responsible for laughing, while others are mainly responsible for tears.
67, many people continue to plan their own life, the pressure is great every day. In fact, no matter what you do. Will regret
it. Think of it, you know it in the past few decades.
68, at the age of thirty, most people are stuck in the primary position. The existing work can not go up, and can not afford to change the time cost, and even less time to read. Parents are ill; their incomes are limited, and they have no savings. The greater pain is to see the people who have no background, but the hard and intelligent people have little achievement, and those who have backgrounds have already begun to live in noble life.
69, the world is not wrong, who makes you look bad and no money?.
70, some girls like to bring sunglasses, self timer. In fact, put on a mask, it will be more beautiful.
71, look in the mirror, a lot of things you will understand why.
72, I have never been to idiotic in the Sun online to buy their own brand, because I can't afford to buy.
73, I thought rich people are very domineering, heart is black. When I grew up, I found that a lot of rich people know a lot, have a lot of experience, do a lot of work, be generous and rational, and get along better with the poor.
74, looks are not good, is not necessarily good. Only because of the loneliness of long suffering, and sometimes crazy to good people.
75, 26 years old, he quit his job, and friends built a band,
to the private university performance, the response is dull. 30 years old money spent, and his father fell ill, a lot of money. "This will give up singing, youth is here." He wept as he sang before the University of Gansu in Qilihe.
A female student handed a note: "I love your songs, and keep dreaming.". He clenched the note and decided to keep it up. 34 years old, he owed more than ten thousand debts, his father died.
76, "teacher, how do you like me, no background of Peking University graduates should be how to position themselves?" "the bottom of the masses, the most educated people."."
77, if you do more work every day than others, but you are happy and feel highly valued, you are more competent than your leader.
78. When someone says "busy" to you, it is he / she who wants to spend more time with someone who is more important.
79. Those who are born with good abilities are trying to succeed because they are likely to succeed. What are we trying to do? "" to live. "."
80, the gene is you, the growth environment is you give, the social stratum is you give - and face to complain oneself child not promising.
81, some people work hard for a lifetime, that is, from the four stream of society into the three stream.
82, the weak are like this, feel that life is too helpless, and their inability to change.
83, the lack of academic ability does not mean that you are good at mixing society, perhaps not as good at school performance.
84, you can do better than others, may also dabble in.
85, if you know something interesting, but can not do and lost, that's OK; if you think nothing interesting, should be depression.
86 If I were rich or good-looking. That way, even if my personality is a bit strange, someone will listen to my thoughts and feelings, and be friends with me.
87, bad birth restrictions are not just platform problems. Bad birth means that your parents don't mix well. Maybe your genes say "no" two words.
88, after ten years of continuous struggle and honed, I finally from an ignorant, sensitive and fragile juvenile, grew up as a ignorant, sensitive and vulnerable youth.
89. Why do some people oppose the pursuit of spiritual satisfaction and the pursuit of material abundance? You are unhappy because your state is not high, and your material life is poor because you can't do it. It's a completely different matter.
90, success or failure is the sole criterion for judging heroes.
91, the best happy people like to act like a spoiled brat, tell others that they are not good here, and there is not good. Some people take it seriously and feel like everyone is crying in the BMW everyday.
92, if the appearance of good, to get the attention of others, and money to support all kinds of recreational activities, who would be willing to stay at home every day playing games, brush micro-blog, watching TV drama?.
93, if you are very busy, but you are really very important, the more likely reason is that you are very weak, what you don't have anything better to do, you have to make up for the poor life, or do you pretend to be busy, let oneself is very important. - Steve Jobs
94, it's hard to imagine a sensitive young man going to Leader and making big decisions. These people sleep, speak a few words, or eat a good meal, the outlook on life, world outlook can change dramatically.
95, try not to get high quality of life than their own people in conflict, whether you pretend to be hard to argue, or swear, in others, are themselves very funny and have lost.
96, some people, poor social skills. Can only be friends with like-minded people who appreciate each other. And those who are not easy-going, do not like themselves, but can bring their own promotion, they have no ability to deal with.
97, bosses and leaders are well aware of who gets promoted. For those who cannot, they will always encourage and give them hope.
98, every time I saw young people online talking about state affairs on micro-blog campus, I was worried about what they would do. Later, I found that they also said "tomorrow must get up early", "this holiday to read more books", "no longer eat more", so I am relieved.
99, some people's emotional intelligence is relatively low, can not play their own social role, can only have the most real face of the world.
100, the freedom of life and the possibilities of infinity are illusions. Everyone is under pressure from society, close to people and self - imposed, who do what they are sure to do every day.
101, the social elite gnawing the heart and soul of chicken chicken, while for us to send chicken soup, said the value of life is not how much money you make and whether the external beauty.
102, selling your soul and principles is no disgrace. Shame is that you can't sell a good price.
103, we have cursed those who are corrupted, but in fact directly or indirectly hurt our interests.
104, until thirty years old to know, and different people say different words, show different attitudes, is a very valuable
ability, not hypocrisy.
105, do not lose weight, you ugly, not only because of fat.
106, some people sigh with emotion: "their age is not small, it is not mature."." In fact, you have matured, and you mature, so.
107, only have the ability to find men and women friends and a lot of spare tire, in order to really enjoy the single life.
108, girls would rather do high Shuai rich spare tire, but also refused to accept cock wire behavior, genetically guaranteed human progress.
109, Loser in the face of life better than yourself, in the hearts of resentment.
110, I went to see a psychiatrist to see depression. After listening to my statement, he said, "if you're telling the truth, why don't you kill yourself? You're not depressed.". You are not as good as others.
111, many people find themselves in the money, power, women's problems than others, so began to try to make a moral and life realm.
112, met an understanding of people, want to chat together. She said she had gone to Hongkong to play with Greece, bought apples and cosmetics, and I didn't know how to respond because I hadn't gone out for a long time and bought things. I added that I had
recently thought about why people lived and were born, and that she was silent because she had not thought about such questions for a long time. After that there was no more words.
113, I chase my dream, others say I'm childish and funny, but I insist on it. Finally found that the original really I was naive and ridiculous.
114, when you were young and self pity decadence, without a single success; sometimes bite hard, business relationship, but there has been no improvement in your life, you have been very painful, until the age of thirty." After hearing it, he asked excitedly, "what about the age of thirty? Is there any change?" the fortune teller raised his head slightly: "thirty years old."...... You're getting used to it.
115, very sympathetic to those elite graduates. The vast majority of these people, the biggest achievement in life, is the success of the college entrance examination, which has transcended all levels of society and seems to have risen to the top. Then life has been going downhill.
116, even if the factors cast was born, I think you may not do others.
117, bragging force is the nature of some people. As for some topics will show off their lackluster, foreign aid: I have a friend, you have more experience than niubi. After finishing as the subtext is immensely proud, friends, and I certainly will not go bad.
118, sometimes we feel that others misunderstood ourselves, in fact, we misunderstood ourselves.
119, the so-called life ideal, is to support you through the daily boredom and pain, and finally did not realize that desire. With it, the death is endless emptiness and pain; without it, this life can not boil down.
120, a lot of important and urgent things, first do what, will feel other things are delayed. So let's go to the Internet cafe first.
121. Many times people treat you right, not because they like you, but because they like to be nice to others.
122, girls have such a dream: one day after hard work, in the customer know a good man. He is confident, Self-centered, mature and humorous, and very caring to people. You fall in love. He said to you, "stop working. I'll open a cafe for you." so your life changed, and every day I studied coffee desserts in the mood cafe. You're beginning to believe in love again. Later, you found out that your boyfriend had opened more than ten cafes.
123, young boys only hope that their girlfriend is beautiful. As he grew older and experienced, he eventually realized that beauty was not all about choosing a partner. It was also important to be sexy.
124, if you are good-looking, fall asleep on the bus, subway, head on the shoulder of the person next to you, the person next
to you will stay with you until you wake up. If you are ugly, if you lean on the shoulder of the person next to you, he will immediately wake you up and remind you to take care of your belongings.
125, "Mom, not to say you, you see you look for that object, grow so ugly, words also don't understand, if I and others said this is my son-in-law, I feel ashamed" "his family has more than 10 million."." "Of course, people do not have to live so vain, why should we care about other people's views?" moreover, love is blind, mother support you!"