感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构
Date and Place
Minister of _____
Dear Minister,
I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation
during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.
During the entire visit, my delegation
and I were
overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed
by your business representatives on
cooperation with China. I sincerely
hope we could have more exchanges like
this one when we
would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral
economic and trade
relations and bring our business people together. I am looking forward to your early
visit to China
when I will be able to pay back some of
the hospitality
I received during my memorable stay in
yur beautiful
country. With kind personal regards,
Faithfully yours,
Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation
商务英语感谢信date and placemr.____minister of
_____(address)beijing,chinadear minister,i am writing this letter to thank you for youwarm hospitality accorded to me and my delegationduring our recent visit to your beautiful country.i would also like to thank you for your
interestingdiscussion with me which i have found very informativeand useful.during the entire visit, my delegationand i wereoverwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressedby your business representatives oncooperation with china. i sincerelyhope we could have more exchanges likethis one when wewould be able to continue our interesting discussion onpossible ways (谢谢你访问好WwW.haoWORd.cOM)to expand our
bilateraleconomic and traderelations and bring our business people together.i am looking forward to your earlyvisit to chinawhen i will be able to pay back some ofthe hospitalityi received during my memorable stay inyur beautifulcountry. with kind personal regards,faithfully yours,(signed)mr.___ minister of economic cooperation
商务感谢信 感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协
金不昧感谢信?面试后的感谢信感谢信 xxxx电缆有限公司于xx年x
我公司极大的希望,谨此一并致谢,并愿一知既往与各方加强联系。进行更广泛、更友好的合作。 xxxx电缆有限公司董事长:xxx总经理:xxxxx年x月x日
201X商务感谢信提供一篇感谢信,为您提供帮助~感谢信是一种礼仪文书,用于商务活动中的许多非协议的合同中,一方受惠于另一方,应及时地表达谢忱,使对方在付出劳动后得到心理上的收益,它是一种不可少的公关手段。 感谢信的写作格式是书信体。写作时应篇幅短,中文200字左右即可;对收信人为自己做的好事了然于胸,不要忘了什么;把对方给你带来的好处都写清楚,不要含糊其词;表示感谢的话要合乎商家往来的习惯,语气不应过于卑屈。谢意之外,如果允许别人什么应切实可行,能说到做到。 XX商务英语感谢信
感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构
Date and Place
Minister of _____
Dear Minister,
I am writing this letter to thank you for you
warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation
during our recent visit to your beautiful country.
I would also like to thank you for your interesting
discussion with me which I have found very informative
and useful.
During the entire visit, my delegation
and I were
overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed
by your business representatives on
cooperation with China. I sincerely
hope we could have more exchanges like
this one when we
would be able to continue our interesting discussion on
possible ways to expand our bilateral
economic and trade
relations and bring our business people together.
I am looking forward to your early
visit to China
when I will be able to pay back some of
the hospitality
I received during my memorable stay in
yur beautiful
country. With kind personal regards,
Faithfully yours,
Mr.___ Minister of Economic Cooperation
篇一:商务英文感谢信 商务英文感谢信
date and place mr.____
minister of _____ beijing,china
dear minister,
i am riting this letter to thank you for you
arm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. i ould also like to thank you for your interesting
discussion ith me hich i have found very informative and useful. during the entire visit, my delegation and i ere overhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation ith china. i sincerely hope e could have more exchanges like this one hen e ould be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ays to expand our bilateral economic and trade
relations and bring our business people together. i am looking forard to your early visit to china hen i ill be able to pay back some of the hospitality i received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful
country. ith kind personal regards,
faithfully yours,
mr.___ minister of economic cooperation
dear mr/ms,
thank you for your letter of june 4, enclosing an account of
the organization and ork of your chamber of merce and industry.
e are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities. this information is certain to help increase our
future cooperation.
yours faithfully篇二:10.10.28.感谢信写法
篇四:感谢信英语怎么说 感谢信英语怎么说
Thank-you Letter
appreciate 感激
express one's appreciation 表示感激
cordial 衷心的
beyond ords 难以言表
grateful 感谢
gratitude 感激之情
Thank you very much for...
Please accept my sincere appreciation for... 请接受我对??真挚的感谢。
Thank you again for your onderful hospitality and I am looking
forard to seeing you soon. 再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久
I take this opportunity to express to you my deep appreciation
for the kind assistance you rendered me. 我借此机会对你所给
I ish there ere a better ord than &;thanks&; to express my
appreciation for you generous help. 但愿有一个比“谢谢”更好
My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond ords.
I ish I could repay it one day. 我无法用言语来表达对你的感激
原文来自 必克英语/studydetail_50484691.html篇五:英语感谢信
常用语句 英语感谢信常用语句
?Many thanks for your kind and arm help.
?I am greatly indebted to you for your help.
? Thank you for your generous hospitality.
? It as really exciting to get your Ne Year,s card!
? I,m sincerely grateful for all your help in finding me a place. ?Your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated.
?Thank you for doing so much to make my trip interesting. ?Thank you for your kindness to have done me a favour.
? ? ? ? ?商务英语?感谢信
? 商?务英文感?谢信 商?务英文感?谢信 导?语:
? 感谢?信是常见?英文信的?题材。在?交往中受?到了邀请?,得到了?对方热情?的款待,?或得到了?他人的帮?助、推荐?、介绍,?这些情境?都需要写?感谢信表?达真诚的?谢意。感?谢
? 例文 ?
(?一) d?ate ?and ?plac?e mr?.___?_ mi?nist?er o?f __?___ ?(add?ress?) be?ijin?g,ch?ina ?dear? min?iste?r, i? am ?writ?ing ?this? let?ter ?to t?hank? you? for? you? war?m ho?spit?alit?y ac?cord?ed t?o me? and? my ?dele?gati?on d?urin?g ou?r re?cent? vis?it t?o yo?ur b?eaut?iful? cou?ntry?. i ?woul?d al?so l?ike ?to t?hank? you? for? you?r in?tere?stin?g di?scus?sion? wit?h me? whi?ch i? hav?e fo?und ?very? inf?orma?tive? and? use?ful.?duri?ng t?he e?ntir?e vi?sit,? my ?dele?gati?on a?nd i? wer?e ov?erwh?elme?d by? the? ent?husi?asm ?expr?esse?d by? you?r bu?sine?ss r?epre?sent?ativ?es o?n co?oper?atio?n wi?th c?hina?. i ?sinc?erel?y ho?pe w?e co?uld ?have? mor?e ex?chan?ges ?like? thi?s on?e wh?en w?e wo?uld ?be a?ble ?to c?onti?nue ?our ?inte?rest?ing ?disc?ussi?on o?n po?ssib?le w?ays ?to e?xpan?d ou?r bi?late?ral ?econ?omic? and? tra?dere?lati?ons ?and ?brin?g ou?r bu?sine?ss p?eopl?e to?geth?er. ?i am? loo?king? for?ward? to ?your? ear?ly v?isit? to ?chin?a wh?en i? wil?l be? abl?e to? pay? bac?k so?me o?f th?e ho?spit?alit?yi r?ecei?ved ?duri?ng m?y me?mora?ble ?stay? in ?yur ?beau?tifu?l co?untr?y. w?ith ?kind? per?sona?l re?gard?s, f?aith?full?y yo?urs,? (si?gned?) mr?.___? min?iste?r of? eco?nomi?c co?oper?atio?n
?(二) ?plac?e de?ar m?r/ms?, th?ank ?you ?for ?your? let?ter ?of j?une ?4, e?nclo?sing? an ?acco?unt ?of t?he o?rgan?izat?ion ?and ?work? of ?your? cha?mber? of ?merc?e an?d in?dust?ry.w?e ar?e ve?ry g?rate?ful ?for ?such? a d?etai?led ?acco?unt ?of y?our ?acti?viti?es. ?this? inf?orma?tion? is ?cert?ain ?to h?elp ?incr?ease? our? fut?ure ?coop?erat?ion.? you?rs f?aith?full?y篇二:?
?10.1?0.28?.感谢信?写法(英?文) L?esso?n 23? Let?ters? of ?Than?ks o?f Sy?mpat?hy 第?二十三课? 感谢信?和慰问信? Aft?er s?tudy?ing ?this? cha?pter?, yo?u wi?ll b?e ab?le t?o: ?? Rec?ogni?ze l?ette?rs o?f th?anks? and? of ?symp?athy? ? U?se a?ppro?pria?te f?orma?ts a?nd s?ente?nces? 感谢信?是为了感?谢其它企?业或者个?人对我方?的业务支?持、协助?而写的礼?仪信函。?
? 与致辞?、贺信等?等一样,?感谢信函?的公关功?能要比商?务内容大?得多。 ?
? 也正是?因此,感?谢信函经?常与贺信?揉到一起?写。
? 如?今打电话?的确方便?,但是如?果事件较?大、场合?正式,打?过电话依?然需要撰?写书面的?感谢辞,?寄送方式?当然可以?利用电子?邮件。 ?
? 感?谢信的特?点主要体?现在内容?的组织结?构上:
? ?? 说明?感谢谁,?因而对方?的姓名、?称呼、职?务必须具?体、明确? ? 概?括具体事?情,务必?让对方明?白说的是?哪件事 ?? 一定?要说明对?方的帮助?产生了什?么样的效?果和客观?影响 ?? 把表示?感激的话?说出来,?不要含蓄? ? 热?情赞扬对?方的协助?精神,适?当应用一?些套语 ?? 不必?沿用汉语?同类文本?的套路,?即不要表?示“向你?学习”、?“以后厚? 报”之?类 文字?要精炼,?表达应清?晰、准确?、客观,?篇幅应当?短小 感?谢、赞扬?时,尽量?要恰
当得体,体现??出真诚的?感谢之情? 感谢信?函的主要?信息是表?达感谢和?感激的心?情,
不要?牵扯其它?内容。 ?
?例 例 ?例 例 ?例例例 ?慰问信是?向收件人?表示关怀?、慰问的?信函。 ?
? 在有关?单位或个?人遭受火?灾、车祸?等灾难,?或者个人?遇到生病?等不幸事?变,我们?往往需要?写一封慰?问信,向?受害人表?示安慰、?问候、鼓?励。篇三?:
? 感谢信?英语怎么?说 感谢?信英语怎?么说 上?一篇文章?我们学习?了“邀请?函英语怎?么
吧~ ?感谢信英?语怎么说? Tha?nk-y?ou L?ette?r 感谢?信相关英?语词汇 ?appr?ecia?te 感?激
ex?pres?s on?e s ?appr?ecia?tion? 表示感?激 co?rdia?l 衷心?的 be?yond? wor?ds 难?以言表 ?grat?eful? 感谢 ?grat?itud?e 感激?之情 感?谢信相关?英语句型? Tha?nk y?ou v?ery ?much? for?。 十分?感谢……? Ple?ase ?acce?pt m?y si?ncer?e ap?prec?iati?on f?or。 ?请接受我?对……真?挚的感谢?。
? Th?ank ?you ?agai?n fo?r yo?ur w?onde?rful? hos?pita?lity? and? I a?m lo?okin?g fo?rwar?d to? see?ing ?you ?soon?. 再次?感谢您的?盛情款待?,并期待?不久见到?您。
? I? tak?e th?is o?ppor?tuni?ty t?o ex?pres?s to? you? my ?deep? app?reci?atio?n fo?r th?e ki?nd a?ssis?tanc?e yo?u re?nder?ed m?e. 我?借此机会?对你所给?予我的帮?助表示深?深的谢意?。
? I ?wish? the?re w?ere ?a be?tter? wor?d th?an t?hank?s to? exp?ress? my ?appr?ecia?tion? for? you? gen?erou?s he?lp. ?但愿有一?个比“谢?谢”更好?的词能表?达我对你?的慷慨相?助。
? M?y ap?prec?iati?on t?o yo?u fo?r yo?ur g?ener?ous ?help? is ?beyo?nd w?ords?. I ?wish? I c?ould? rep?ay i?t on?e da?y. 我?无法用言?语来表达?对你的感?激之情。?但愿有朝?一日能回?报你的帮?助。
? 原?文来自 ?必克英语?/stu?dyde?tail?_504?8469?
?英语感谢?信范文 ?感恩信 ?要求字数?120字?以上; ?内容是感?谢信,参?加一次晚?会
? [范文?] De?ar D?avid? (na?me o?f yo?ur f?rien?ds),? Man?y th?anks? to ?you ?for ?invi?ting? me ?to y?our ?part?y. I? ve ?spen?t a ?swee?t ni?ght ?ther?e wi?th y?ou,y?our ?fami?ly a?nd f?rien?ds. ?Your? fam?ily ?memb?ers ?were? ver?y ni?ce a?nd h?ospi?tal.? You? rea?lly ?made? me ?feel? hom?e. P?leas?e re?memb?er m?e to? you?r wi?fe. ?She ?had ?prep?ared? a f?ancy? mea?l. I? enj?oyed? tha?t ve?ry m?uch.? And? als?o yo?ur d?augh?ter ?Cicy?. Sh?e da?nces? ver?y we?ll. ?From? her? I f?ores?ee a? pro?misi?ng d?ance?r in? the? fut?ure.? You?r fr?iend?s we?re a?ll e?asy-?goin?g an?d cu?te. ?Espe?cial?ly y?our ?coll?egue?s. Y?ou m?ust ?keep? a h?armo?niou?s an?d fr?iend?ly a?tmos?pher?e in? you?r of?fice?. La?st b?ut n?ot t?he l?east?, th?ank ?you ?for ?your? Vod?ka. ?How ?do y?ou k?now ?that? is ?my f?avor?iate?? I ?have? a b?ottl?e of? Rus?sian? Vod?ka. ?Hope? to ?enjo?y th?at w?ith ?you ?when? you? e t?o my? hom?e! T?hank?s ag?ain ?for ?your? inv?itai?on, ?your? hos?pita?lity?, yo?ur f?amil?y, y?our ?frie?nds,? you?r Vo?dka ?and ?all ?the ?fanc?y me?mory? you? bro?ught? to ?me 母?亲节到了?,写给母?亲的感谢?信 整理?收集 M?y de?ares?t Mo?ther?, Th?e mo?ther??s d?ay i?s in?g an?d I ?woul?d li?ke t?o sa?y Ha?ppy ?moth?er?s? day? in ?this? let?ter.? I l?ove ?you ?and ?than?k yo?u so? muc?h fo?r ev?eryt?hing? you? did? for? me.? Thi?s da?y, I? wil?l st?ay a?way ?and ?can??t gi?ve y?ou m?y ap?prec?iati?on a?t ho?me. ?I kn?ow I? wil?l wa?tch ?myse?lf, ?so d?on?t? wor?ry a?bout? me.? I a?m do?ing ?very? wel?l on? my ?stud?y. M?y sc?hool?mate?s an?d te?ache?rs a?re a?ll v?ery ?nice?. Th?ough? I c?an?t? be ?at h?ome,? I h?ope ?you ?have? a w?onde?rful? mot?her??s da?y. L?ove,? You?r so?n 2 ?Dear? mot?her ?: I ?am w?riti?ng t?o ex?pres?s my? dee?pest? tha?nks ?to y?ou i?n Mo?ther? s D?ay, ?dear? mot?her ?,you? dev?ote ?all ?of y?our ?ener?gy a?nd b?lood? to ?our ?. yo?u do? not? hav?e an?y pl?aint? abo?ut m?y br?othe?r an?d i.?You ?love? our? tho?ugh ?vari?ous ?diff?eren?t ap?proa?ches? suc?h as? stu?dy ,?work? and?
lif?e ,c?onsq?uent?ly ,?our ?held? on ?the ?beli?ef t?hat ?the ?moth?er i?s on?ly l?over? .pl?ease? acc?ept ?oura?ppre?ciat?e ag?ain ?I ho?pe t?hat ?you ?have? hap?pine?ss e?very?day???/ 3? Mum? Suc?h is? son?s? n?atur?e,I ?real?ly d?o no?t kn?ow h?ow t?o ex?pres?s my? tha?nks ?to y?ou.H?owev?er,I? can? ima?gine?,on ?the ?day ?18 y?ears? ago?,whe?n yo?u ga?ve b?irth? to ?me,w?hat ?a pl?ex f?eeli?ng y?ou h?ad.I?n th?e pa?st f?ew y?ears?,eve?ry d?ay y?ou s?trug?gle ?me u?p in? the? mor?ning? and? pre?pare? bre?akfa?st f?or m?e,th?en i?n th?e af?tern?oon,?you ?alwa?ys w?ele ?your? onl?y so?n wi?th d?elic?ious? foo?ds a?fter? a d?ay?s? har?dwor?k.No?w yo?ur s?on h?as b?een ?18 a?nd w?ill ?go t?o un?iver?sity? soo?n,li?ke a? bir?d is? lea?ving? its? par?ents?.Nev?erth?eles?s,yo?ur f?ootp?rint?s on? my ?hear?t wi?ll n?ever? eve?r fa?de a?nd--?---I? lov?e yo?u mu?m! y?our ?son篇?五:
? 英语?感谢信常?用语句 ?英语感谢?信常用语?句
? ?Ma?ny t?hank?s fo?r yo?ur k?ind ?and ?warm? hel?p.
? ?I? am ?grea?tly ?inde?bted? to ?you ?for ?your? hel?p.
? ? ?Than?k yo?u fo?r yo?ur g?ener?ous ?hosp?ital?ity.?
?? It? was? r(本?文来自:?
?WwW.?CdFd?S.Co?m 池 ?锝网:商?务英语感?谢信)e?ally? exc?itin?g to? get? you?r Ne?w Ye?ar,s? car?d!
? ? ?I,m ?sinc?erel?y gr?atef?ul f?or a?ll y?our ?help? in ?find?ing ?me a? pla?ce. ??You?r no?te o?f co?ngra?tula?tion?s is? dee?ply ?appr?ecia?ted.? ?Th?ank ?you ?for ?doin?g so? muc?h to? mak?e my? tri?p in?tere?stin?g. ??Than?k yo?u fo?r yo?ur k?indn?ess ?to h?ave ?done? me ?a fa?vour?. ?
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