english resume: personal resume
brief introduction
chinese name: deping yao .
english name: donna yao.
sex: female .
date of birth:27/08/1980.
place of birth: jingzhou,hubei province.
university: center china normal university.,
major: english sh
telephone:18666001910 email:
hobbies: internet-surfing, travel, reading.
2. position wanted
position refer to trade business,such as merchandiser,logistics
international trade specialist/assistant ,qa/qc ,quality inspector/tester.,etc
accept business trip.
3. educational background
精品范文 权威资料
xx/09—xx/07center china normal university,college of foreign language.
1996/09—1998/07jingzhou technical secondary college.
4. job experience
xx/09-xx/12work as a foreign trade assistant in guangzhou homepoint housewares co.,ltd
attending various exhibition at home and abroad(such as canton fair/frankfurt ambiente/chicago home&housewares show),to maintaining business relationship with clients;controlling production progress and make whole doucuments for export/shipping,and following-up with afterwards selling achievement.
xx/09-xx/08work as secretary and purchaser in a foreign trade company.
be responsible for the administrative work,handling daily routine,pushing ahead the working planning and managing documents,arranging relevant reception.
sourcing reliable suppliers in domestic and following up the order including inspection and shipment.
computer skills: microsoft office,such as word,excel,powerpoint,
language: cantonese and english
- evaluation
精品范文 权威资料
i am an optimistic person with good organizational and communication skills;
with experience working in a large corporation, i can sustain multiple tasks and
work under pressure in a fast-paced environment. i hope to have the opportunity
to grow up with your company together.
Name: - Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 160
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: Foreign trade/ trade
specialist/assistant: sales assistant, foreign trade staff 、 English translator: 、 Export merchandizer: Working life: 1 Title: No title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In three days Expected salary: ¥2,000--¥3,500 Preferred working
Work experience
Company's name: Guangzhou*** Rubber Co.,LtdBegin and end date: 2009-04-2009-12 Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Others Job Title: Foreign Trade Staff and English Translator Job description: 1. Deal with the daily emails related to foreign trade ( answer inquiry and other emails),to find and contact customers online,keep in touch with customers oversea.2. Follow customers'orders, cooperate with the production department and check with the production process, shipping arrangement,confirm the delivery of payment etc3. Translate English documents and some product introduction.4. Cooperate with colleagues who are in charge of domestic market and help them dealing some office work. Reasons for leaving: Inconvenience in Transportation Company's name: Xing Tai Hai Yan Bicycle Co.LtdBegin and end date: 2008-10-2008-11 Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Vehicle making & sale Job Title: English Interpreter (Part-time) Job description: Participation in negotiation process and order-making process. Reasons for leaving: end of Canton Fair
Educational Background
Name of School: South China Normal University Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2009-06-01 Name of Major 1: Foreign Trade in English Name of Major 2:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No 2005-09 2009-06 South China Normal University Foreign Trade in English Bachelor
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: excellent Language ability: French Basic Chinese
Relevant skills and abilities
LANGUAGES? English: Proficient in reading, writing,listening and speaking; Good English communicational skills; TEM 8.? French: basic level ? Mandarin Chinese: PuTongHua Level Test-Band Two Second Rank?COMPUTER SKILLS? Proficient with Word,
Self-recommendation letter
Independent, Self-motivated, Honest,Detail-oriented and Hard-working.Willing to work under pressure and Looking forward to see myself in Sales
做 外贸 找工作 英文 简历 是必须的,怎样写好一篇英文 简历 呢?
Name: -Nationality:China Current
Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:160 cm 47 kgMarital
Status:SingleAge:24 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Foreign trade/ trade specialist/assistant: sales assistant, foreign trade staff 、
English translator: 、 Export merchandizer: Working
life:1Title:No titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In three daysExpected salary:,2,000--,3,500Preferred working
place:Guangzhou Shenzhen Dongguan Work experienceCompany's name:Guangzhou*** Rubber Co.,LtdBegin and end date: 2015-04-2015-12Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: OthersJob Title: Foreign Trade Staff and English TranslatorJob description: 1. Deal with the daily emails related to foreign trade ,to find and contact customers online,keep in touch with customers oversea.
2. Follow customers'orders, cooperate with the production department and check with the production process, shipping arrangement,confirm the delivery of payment etc
3. Translate English documents and some product introduction.
4. Cooperate with colleagues who are in charge of domestic market and help them dealing some office work.Reasons for leaving: Inconvenience in TransportationCompany's name:Xing Tai Hai Yan Bicycle Co.LtdBegin and end date:
2015-10-2015-11Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Vehicle making saleJob Title: English Interpreter Job description: Participation in negotiation process and order-making process.Reasons for leaving: end of Canton
FairEducational BackgroundName of School:South China Normal University Highest Degree:BachelorDate of
Graduation:2015-06-01Name of Major 1:Foreign Trade in EnglishName of Major 2:Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No2005-092015-06South China Normal UniversityForeign Trade in EnglishBachelor1057442015800949Language AbilityForeign Language:EnglishLevel:excellentLanguage ability:French BasicChinese level:excellentCantonese Level:averageRelevant skills and abilitiesLANGUAGES
English: Proficient in reading, writing,listening and speaking;
Good English communicational skills; TEM 8.
French: basic level
Mandarin Chinese: PuTongHua Level Test-Band Two Second Rank
Proficient with Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Passed Computer National Band ?Test. Self-recommendation letterIndependent, Self-motivated, Honest,Detail-oriented and Hard-working.
Willing to work under pressure and Looking forward to see myself in Sales
Chinese Name: DePing Yao .
English Name: Donna Yao.
Sex: Female .
Date of Birth: 27/08/1980.
Place of Birth: JingZhou,HuBei Province.
Height: 165cm.
University: Center China Normal University.,
Major: English sh
Telephone: 18666001910
Hobbies: Internet-surfing, travel, Reading.
Position refer to trade business,such as Merchandiser,logistics department,
International Trade
Specialist/Assistant ,QA/QC ,Quality Inspector/Tester.,etc
Accept business trip.
2002/09—2016/07 Center China Normal University,College of Foreign language.
1 / 3
1996/09—1998/07 JingZhou Technical Secondary
2016/09-2016/12 work as a foreign trade assistant in Guangzhou homepoint housewares Co.,ltd
Attending various exhibition at home and abroad(such as Canton fair/Frankfurt Ambiente/Chicago home&housewares show),to maintaining business relationship with clients;controlling production progress and make whole doucuments for export/shipping,and following-up with afterwards selling achievement.
2016/09-2016/08 work as secretary and purchaser in a foreign trade company.
Be responsible for the administrative work,handling daily routine,pushing ahead the working planning and managing documents,arranging relevant reception.
Sourcing reliable suppliers in domestic and following up the order including inspection and shipment.
Computer Skills: Microsoft office,such as word,
Language: Cantonese and English
I am an optimistic person with good organizational and communication skills;
2 / 3
with experience working in a large corporation, I can sustain multiple tasks andwork under pressure in a fast-paced environment. I hope to have the opportunity to grow up with your company together.
3 / 3
Pos?it?io?n:? F?or?ei?gn? L?an?gu?ag?es?: ?En?gl?is?h ?Ja??pane?se? r?el?at?ed? t?o ?tr?ad?e ? T?ra?de? C?om?mi?ss?io?ne?r ? A?ss?is?ta?nt??: Fo?re?ig?n ?tr?ad?e ?le?rk? ?as?si?st?an?t,? f?or?ei?gn? t?ra?de? i?th? t?he?? sin?gl?e:? F?or?ei?gn? T?ra?de? i?th? ?the? s?in?gl?e ?-?
Wo?rk? E?xp?er?ie??ne: ?1 ?
Ti?tl?e:? N?o ?Ti?tl?e ?
Sa?la?r ?re?qu?ir?em?en?ts?: ?15?00? -? 2?01?X ?
?Hope? t?ha?t ?th?eW?or?ki?ng? A?re? ?
? a: ?Gu?an?gz?ho?u ?
Pe?rs?on?al? W?or?k ?Ex?pe?ri?en?e ?
Co?mp?an? N?am?e:? Y?ue??ang ?Ci?t,? Y?in?g ?Da? F?or?ei?gn? L?an?gu?ag?e ?Sh?oo?l ?
be?gi?nn?in?g ?an?d ??endi?ng? C?le?ar? :?20?1X?-0?7 ?~ ?20?1X?-0?1 ?
Co?mp?an? n?at?ur?e:? O?th?er?-o??ned ?
In?du?st?r:? e?du?at?io?n ?
Po?si?ti?on?s:? T?ea?he?rs? a?nd? E?du?at?io?na??l Ma?na?ge?me?nt? ?
Job? D?es?ri?pt?io?n:? 1?, ?in?vo?lv?ed? i?n ?te?ah?in?g ?pr?at?ie?, ?be? a?bl?e ?to? ?aur?at?el? g?ra?sp? t?he? t?ea?hi?ng? o?nt?en?t ?an??d pr?og?re?ss?. ?
2 ?to? a?rr?an?ge? f?or? a?nd? s?up?er?vi?se? t?he? t?ea?he?rs? t?ea?hi?ng?. ?
3,? m?un?ia?ti?on? i?th? s?tu?de?nt?s ?an?d ?pa?re?nt?s ?an?d ?so?? on.? ?
4, ?ri?te? a?nd? m?an?ag?e ?th??e sh?oo?l\?s ?re?le?va?nt? m?an?ag?em?en?t ?do?um?en?ts? a?nd? r?it?te?n ?ma?te??rial?s.? ?
Rea?so?n ?fo?r ?le?av?in?g:? ?
Com?pa?n ?Na?me?: ?Ho?ng?u ?Hu?ar?on?g ?Co?un?t,? Y?ue?an?g ?Ci?t ?Sh?oo?l ?of? ?Art?s ?En?gl?is?h ?la?ss?es? ?
beg?in?ni?ng? a?nd? e?nd?in?g ?Cl?ea?r ?:2?01?X-?07? ~? 2??01X-?08? ?
Com?pa?n ?na?tu?re?: ?Ot?he?r-??oned? ?
Ind?us?tr?: ?ed?ua?ti?on? ?
Pos?it?io?ns?: ?pa?rt?-t?im?e ?te?ah?er?s ?
Jo?b ??Desr?ip?ti?on?: ?ou?ns?el?in?g ?ju?ni?or? h?ig?h ?sh?oo?l ?a ?so?ph?om?or?e ?En??glis??h, u?se? t?he? L?on?gm?an? I?nt?er?na?ti?on?al? E?ng?li?sh? L?an?gu?ag?e ?Tu?to?ri?al?? tut?or?ia?l,? u?si?ng? h?um?or? e?nt?er?ta?in?in?g ?te?ah?in?g ?me?th?od?s,? ?hih? g?re?at?l ?en?ha?ne? t?he? l?ea?rn?in?g ?of?? Eng?li?sh? e?nt?hu?si?as?m.? ?
Rea?so?n ?fo?r ?le?av?in?g:? e?nd? o?f ?su?mm?er? p?ar?t-?ti?me? ?
Edu?at?io?n ?
Gr?ad?ua?te? i?ns?ti?tu?ti?on?s:? H?un?an? I?ns?ti?tu?te? o??f Te?hn?ol?og? ?
Sup?re?me? E?du?at?io?n:?? Bah?el?or? ?
Deg?re?e ?ob?ta?in?e ?
?d:?? Bah?el?or? ?
Gra?du?at?io?n ?da?te?: ?20?1X?-0?7-?01? ?
Lea?rn?ed? p?ro?fe?ss?io?na??l 1:? E?ng?li?sh? ?
Lea?rn?ed? p?ro?fe?ss??iona?l ?2:? J?ap?an?es?e ?
B ?th?e ?ed?ua?ti?on? a?nd? t?ra?in?in?g ?ex?pe?ri?en?e:? t??he t?er?mi?na?ti?on? o?f ?Cl?ea?r ?St?ar??t Cl?ea?r ?Sh?oo?l ?pr?of?es?si?on?al? t?o ??obta?in? t?he? e?rt?if?ia?te? ?Cer?ti?fi??ate ?No?. ?
20?1X?-0?9 ?20?1X?-0?6 ?Hu?na?n ?In?st?it?ut?e ?of? S?ie?ne? d?eg?re?e ?in?? Eng?li?sh?, ?En?gl?is?h ?pr?of?es?si?on??al 4?, ?Ja?pa?ne?se? 1? ?
Lan?gu?ag?e ?
La?ng?ua?ge?: ?En?gl?is?h ?Ex?el?le?nt? ?
Oth?er? f?or?ei?gn? l?an?gu?ag?e ?sk?il?ls?: ?Ja?pa?ne?se? L?an?gu?ag?e ??Prof?ii?en? ?Tes?t ?Le?ve?l ?1 ?
Ma?nd?ar??in l?ev?el?: ?fl??uent? i?n ?Ca?nt?on?es?e ?le?ve?l:? p?oo?r ?
Th?e ?ab?il?it? t?o ?or??k an?d ?ot?he?r ?ex?pe?rt?is?e ?to? ?
Can?? be ?oo?ke?d ?fo?r ?En?gl?is?h ?li?st?en?in?g,? s?pe?ak?in?g,? r?ea?di?ng? a?nd? ?rit?in?g;? ?
Eng?li?sh? m?aj?or?s ?ha?ve? p?as?se?d ?fo?ur? e?xa?mi?na?ti?on?s;? ?
Wit?h ?a ?st?ro?ng? t?ra?ns?la?ti?on? a?pa?it?. ?
?More? t?o ?un?de?rs?ta?nd? J?ap?an?es?e,? h?as? p?as?se?d ?Ja?pa?ne?se? L?an?gu?ag?e ??Prof?ii?en? T?es?t ?1 ?
Ar?e ?fa?mi?li?ar? i?th? W?in?do?s,? p?ro?fi?ie?nt? u?se? o?f ?Wo?rd?, ?Ex?el?, ?an?d ?Ph?ot?os?ho?p ?an?d ?ot?he?r ?of?fi?e ?so?ft?ar?e;? ?
Ski?ll?ed? p?ut?er? o?pe?ra?ti?on? ?
Fam?il?ia?r ?it?h ?In?te?rn?et? a?pp?li?at?io?ns?, ?an? b??e ef?fe?ti?ve? u?se? o?f ?In?te?rn?et? r?es?ou?re?s.? ?
Eng?ag?ed? i?n ??more? t?ha?n ?si?x ?mo?nt?hs? o?f ?or?k,? t?ra?in?in?g ??and ?at?ed? ?the?ir? o?n ?ab?il?it? a?nd?? pro?fe?ss?io?na?l ?pe?te?ne?. ?
De?ta?il?ed? p?er?so?na?l ?au?to?bi?og?ra?ph? ?
I s?te?ad? p?er?so?na?li?t,? t?re?at?in?g ?ot?he??rs i?th? e?nt?hu?si?as?m ?an?d ?si?ne?ri?t.? T?he? o?rk? o?f ?a ?on?si?en?ti?ou?s ?an??d re?sp?on?si?bl?e,? ?ini?ti?at?iv?e,? a??nd b?e ?ab?le? t?o ?ha?rd?-o?rk?in?g.? I? b?el?ie?ve? i?n ?th?ei?r ?
ar?ee?r ?an? a?ls?o ?gi?ve? f?ul?l ?pl?a ?to? i?ts? a?dv?an?ta?ge?s,? f?or? o?ur? ?
bus?in?es?s ?to? m?ak?e ?th?ei??r gr?ea?te?st? o?nt?ri?bu?ti?on?! ?