P17 (三)通知
S1缘由+“主题”(通知参加活动) Para1
S2有要求 Para2
S3要求1 个人条件
S4要求2 外语条件
S5要求3 相关经验
S6报名时间地点 Para3
Directions: You are supposed to write for the Postgraduates’ Association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualifications for applicants and other information which you think is relevant.
You should write about 100words on Answer sheet 2.
To improve students’ ability and enrich extracurricular activities, the Postgraduates’ Association is recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization to be held in Beijing on April 5.
The qualifications for the applicants are as follows. To begin with, the applicants should have a strong professional spirit, cheerful personality and be aged under 35. In addition, the applicants must have outstanding skills at English. Last but not the least is that these with relevant professional experience will be preferred.
The postgraduates who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before the end of this month. Everybody is welcome to join in it.
convey:[k?n'vei] vt. 传达,传递,表达[(+to)][+(that)][+wh-]
concern:[k?n's?:n] n. 关心的事,重要的事[C]
imperative:[im'per?tiv] a. 必要的;紧急的;极重要的
drastic:['dr?stik] a. 严厉的;极端的
enhance:[in'hɑ:ns] vt. 提高,增加(价值,品质,吸引力等)
awareness:[?'w??nis] n. 察觉;觉悟;意识[U][S1][(+of)][+(that)]
gravity:['gr?viti] n. [U]严重性;危险性;重大
vital:['vaitl] a. 极其重要的,必不可少的[(+to/for)]
devise:[di'vaiz] vt. 设计;发明;策划;想出
alleviate:[?'li:vieit] vt 减轻;缓和
S1缘由+“主题”(通知参加活动) Para1
S2活动1 Para2
S6报名时间地点 Para3
To celebrate the coming National Day, the Students’ Union( |the Postgraduates’ Association) has decided to hold an English speech contest in the University library on September 18.
The Union will invite seven experts to act as judges. The maximum time of each speaker is 10 minutes (The speaker will have to finish his speech within 10 minutes). Every speaker will be judged from the following 3 aspects: script, eloquence, and the reaction of the audience. the results will be announced on the spot.
These who are interested in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before the weekend. Everybody is welcome to join in it.
Students’ Union
September 3, 2011
inquiry desk 问询处
circulation hall 借阅大厅
have access to 可以接近,可以利用
back issues 过期刊物
convenience:[k?n'vi:nj?ns] n. 方便;合宜[U]
P17 通知信
We have got the message that a typhoon is coming. According to the observatory, the typhoon, estimated to be stronger than last one, is arriving at our city tonight and will cause violent wind and rain. Therefore, we wish every family would make full preparations for it. Do remember to bring in the outside clothes, close your windows and put your flowerpots in the room lest they should be damaged or should fall down to hurt others. Don’t go out at night unless there is something very urgent. Especially those old people and young children should be most careful to refrain from dangers. It is reported that the typhoon is leaving tomorrow afternoon.
Neighborhood Committee,
a succession of 一系列
reach the requirement 符合要求
P19 (四)备忘录
一、 Date:日期
二、 To:收文人
三、 From:发文人
四、 Subject:事由,内容只需要用名词或动词等少数几个词,甚
五、 Message:正文,直入主题,列出最重要的信息或结论。 备忘录与报告类似,内容有如新闻写作,需要包括以下几个要素:谁、什么、何时、何地,为什么。备忘录有可能是通知,也可能是呼吁人们参加某个活动或采取某个行动。注意:备忘录的收文人只要写全名即可,无需称呼语,结尾处也不需要结束语和签名。
Date: April 15, 2011-11-20
To : All students of the English Department
From: Class Monitor, Li Ming
Subject: Spring excursion
As spring arrives and the weather turns to be more agreeable, the department had decided to organize a spring excursion in suburban Huairou District, on this Sunday. Activities include mountain-climbing and picnic. All students of the English Department are encouraged to participate. We remind you of the necessity of bringing some food and water, as well as wearing comfortable shoes.
We will meet at the west gate of the university at 9 am, Sunday( |that day). Please be punctual so that we have enough time to enjoy the beautiful nature.
right in line with完全适合
P20 报告
备忘录有约定俗成的结构和格式,一般由五个部分组成。 P1
正文(不分段)S1写信目的(借东西)。S2缘由(现状需要借)。S3请求出借的时间。S4 希望不麻烦。S5承诺(妥善保管)。S6肯请予以回复(是否可借)。
正文(不分段)S1缘由(看音乐会)。S2主题。S3内容。S4要求(通知时间,地点)。 期待
? ? ? ?英语作文通?知书模板
? 通知告?示类英语作?文 通知告?示类英语作?文 一. ?书面通知 ?
1.? A Br?ief I?ntrod?uctio?n 1) ?What ?is a ?notic?e? As? an e?ffect?ive m?eans ?of wr?itten? muni?catio?n, a ?notic?e g(转? 载 于:?wWW.c?nbotH?wIN.C?OM 博威? 范文网:?英语作文通?知书模
板)?ives ?infor?matio?n pub?lishe?d by ?the a?pprop?riate? auth?ority?. It ?is in?tende?d to ?publi?cize ?socia?l eve?nts, ?to re?port ?on ma?tters? of g?enera?l int?erest? to s?taff,? to i?nform? staf?f of ?instr?uctio?ns, c?hange? of p?lan, ?new s?ystem?s and? regu?latio?ns, a?nd to? make? the ?staff? conf?orm t?o cer?tain ?arran?gemen?ts, e?tc. 一?般告示类文?体都需要写?标题,如N?otice?或者Ann?ounce?ment。?告示类文体?主要用于说?明或者传达?某件事情、?某项活动等?,重在
?书面通知或?告示应在题?头中间写“?Notic?e” ,最?后右下方写?出通知的单?位或者个
? 2) H?ow to? writ?e a n?otice?? The? head?ing o?f the? noti?ce is? usua?lly i?n the? midd?le of? the ?page,? in b?oldfa?ced w?ords.? For ?examp?le, N?OTICE? ENGL?ISHEV?ENING?LECTU?RE 1)? The ?main ?infor?matio?n suc?h as ?time,? plac?e, sh?ould ?be ma?de di?stinc?t. 2)? Give? the ?name ?of th?e per?son w?ho gi?ves t?he no?tice.? 3) G?ive t?he da?te wh?en th?e not?ice i?s iss?ued i?f nec?essar?y.
1)At?tract?ive (?so th?at pe?ople ?will ?NOTIC?E it)? 2)Si?mple ?and e?asy-3)? A no?tice ?shoul?d be:?
t?o-rea?d 3)C?lear ?and s?pecif?ic 2.? Some? Samp?les S?ometi?mes a? noti?ce ca?n be ?as si?mple ?as: 注?:
? ME?ETING? NOTI?CE Ap?ril 1?2, 20?17 A ?revie?w of ?statu?s of ?imple?menta?tion ?of Ri?ght t?o Inf?ormat?ion A?ct, c?overi?ng th?e fol?lowin?g top?ics, ?will ?be he?ld on? Apri?l 17,? 2017? (Sat?urday?) at ?11:00? AM i?n the? Main? Audi?toriu?m:
? 1. R?eview? of s?tate ?for u?pload?ing o?f man?uals ?— sho?rting?s 2. ?Revie?w of ?statu?s for? onli?ne fi?ling ?of ap?plica?tions? 3. L?atest? deve?lopme?nts a?bout ?imple?menta?tion ?of RT?I Act? and ?ident?ifica?tion ?of pr?oblem? area?s. Al?l the? Publ?ic In?forma?tion ?Offic?ers /? offi?cers ?respo?nsibl?e for? impl?ement?ation? of t?he RT?I Act? are ?reque?sted ?to ma?ke it? conv?enien?t to ?atten?d the? said? prog?ram. ?DEPUT?Y DIR?ECTOR? Noti?ce Al?l the? stud?ents ?will ?go an?d vis?it No?.2 Ca?r Fac?tory ?on Mo?nday,? Octo?ber 8?th. I?n the?3. So?me Ex?ercis?es Ex?ercis?e 1:
? As? a me?mber ?of th?e Stu?dents? Unio?n, yo?u wan?t to ?hold ?a spe?cial ?lectu?re. W?rite ?a not?ice t?o the? stud?ents ?to in?form:? 1)Th?e top?ic of? the ?lectu?re;2)?Time ?and p?lace;?3)The? prof?essor? who ?will ?give ?the l?ectur?e. Sp?ecial? Lect?ure N?otice? May ?20, 2?017 T?itle:?
I?mpact? of 2?017 G?lobal? Fina?ncial? Cris?is Sp?eaker?: Pro?f. Jo?hn Be?tts, ?Unive?rsity? of T?echno?logy ?Sydne?y Tim?e:
? 6:00?-9:00? PM, ?May 2?7, 20?17 Pl?ace: ?Multi?media? Clas?sroom? on 6?th fl?oor, ?Yifu ?Build?ing S?ponso?red b?y the? Stud?ents’? Unio?n Exe?rcise? 2 Di?recti?ons: ?Suppo?se yo?u are? an s?ecret?ary o?f the? Engl?ish D?epart?ment ?of X ?Unive?rsity?. Wri?te a ?notic?e to ?infor?m the? teac?hers ?and s?tuden?ts of? this? depa?rtmen?t of ?a lec?ture ?on cr?osscu?ltura?l stu?dies.?You s?hould? writ?e abo?ut 12?0 wor?ds on? ANSW?ER SH?EET 2?. Do ?not s?ign y?our o?wn na?me at? the ?end o?f the? lett?er. U?se Li? Ming? inst?ead.N?otice? Ther?e is ?going? to b?e a l?ectur?e, ti?tled ?Acros?s Cul?tures?:
Dig?ital ?Media? and ?Liter?ate A?ctivi?ty , ?in th?e mee?ting ?room ?of th?e Eng?lish ?Depar?tment? from? 9:00? a.m.? to 1?1:00 ?a.m. ?on Mo?nday,? July? 11th?. The? lect?ure w?ill b?e giv?en by? Prof?essor? Robe?rt Jo?hnson?, who? is f?rom t?he De?partm?ent o?f Eng?lsih ?Liter?ature? of U?niver?sity ?of Pe?nnsyl?vania?. Pro?fesso?r Joh?nson ?is kn?own f?or hi?s uni?que p?robin?g of ?the m?any c?onnec?tions? betw?een l?itera?te ac?tivit?y and? new ?infor?matio?n tec?hnolo?gies.? He w?ill p?resen?t, in? his ?humor?ous s?tyle,? the ?relat?ion h?e fou?nd be?tween? cult?ure a?nd te?chnol?ogica?l dev?elopm?ent, ?which? you ?surel?y wil?l enj?oy ve?ry mu?ch. A?ll th?e tea?chers? and ?stude?nts a?re we?le to? atte?nd th?is le?cture?. Eng?lish ?Depar?tment? 通知:
? 7月?11日周一?上午9点至?11点将在?英语系会议?室举办一场?题为 跨越?文化:
? 数码媒?体和文化活?动 的讲座?。主讲人为?罗伯特.约?翰逊教授,?来自宾西法?尼亚大
E?xerci?se 3 ?Direc?tions?: The? famo?us op?era C?at wi?ll be? pres?ented? the ?theat?re of? your? univ?ersit?y You? shou?ld wr?ite a?bout ?100 w?ords ?on AN?SWER ?SHEET? 2. D?o not? sign? your? own ?name ?at th?e end? of t?he le?tter.? Use ?Li Mi?ng in?stead?. Not?ice D?ue to? bad ?weath?er co?nditi?on, t?he ba?dmint?on pe?titio?n, or?ganiz?ed by? the ?Colle?ge Ba?dmint?on Cl?ub, w?ill n?ot be? held? in t?he Ma?y Fou?th Fi?eld a?s it ?was s?chedu?led. ?Inste?ad, i?t wil?l be ?moved? to t?he Ha?idian? Gymn?asium?, whi?ch is? abou?t ten? mini?nutes? walk? from? the ?unive?rsity?. All? club? memb?ers, ?petit?ors, ?and a?udien?ce st?udent?s wil?l mee?t in ?front? of t?he We?st Ga?te of?
at 9?:00 a?.m., ?June ?5th, ?to go? ther?e tog?ehter?. For? thos?e who? will? go b?y the ?unive?rsity?
the?mselv?es, p?lease? refe?r to ?the m?ap in? belo?w. Th?e eve?nt wi?ll be? last? from? 9:30? a.m.? to 1?1:30 ?a. m.? Cold? drin?ks an?d sna?cks w?ill b?e pro?vided? in t?he gy?mnasi?um. C?olleg?e Bad?minto?n Clu?b 通知:?
? 30到?11:
? 30。?我们将在体?育馆中提供?冷饮和零食?。学院羽毛?球俱乐部。?
?Exerc?ise 4?Direc?tions?: The? Stud?ents’? Unio?n of ?your ?depar?tment? is p?lanni?ng a ?Chine?se Sp?eakin?g Con?test.? Writ?e an ?annou?nceme?nt wh?ich c?overs? the ?follo?wing ?infor?matio?n:
? 1、比赛?目的、时间?、地点; ?
? 3、裁判?和奖励的细?节。
? You? shou?ld wr?ite a?bout ?120 w?ords.? Do n?ot si?gn yo?ur ow?n nam?e at ?the e?nd of? the ?lette?r. Us?e Dep?artme?nt of? Chin?ese L?angua?ge an?d Lit?eratu?re at? the ?end o?f the?
anno?uncem?ent. ?Chine?se Sp?eakin?g Con?test ?Notic?e Dec?ember? 22, ?2017 ?To im?prove? stud?ents’? abil?ity t?o spe?ak Ch?inese? and ?eich ?after?-clas?s act?iviti?es, t?he St?udent?s’ Un?ion o?f Dep?artme?nt of? Chin?ese L?angua?ge an?d Lit?eratu?re is? orga?nizin?g a s?chool?-wide? Chin?ese s?peaki?ng co?ntest? to b?e hel?d on ?Satur?day n?ext w?eek (?29 De?cembe?r) at?
the ?Stude?nts’ ?Audit?orium?. Tho?se wh?o are? inte?reste?d in ?takin?g par?t in ?it ma?y sig?n up ?with ?the m?onito?r of ?their? clas?ses b?efore? Tues?day n?ext w?eek. ?Five ?profe?ssors? will? be i?nvite?d to ?be ju?dges.? The ?first? six ?winne?rs wi?ll be? give?n awa?rds. ?Every?body ?is we?le to? be
p?resen?t at ?the c?ontes?t. Th?e Stu?dents?’ Uni?on De?partm?ent o?f Chi?nese ?Langu?age a?nd Li?terat?ure E?xerci?se 5 ?Direc?tions?: The? Stud?ents ?Union? of y?our d?epart?ment ?is pl?annin?g a C?hines?e Spe?aking? Cont?est. ?Write? an a?nnoun?cemen?t whi?ch co?vers ?the f?ollow?ing i?nform?ation?:
?1、the? purp?ose o?f the? cont?est;
? 2、t?ime a?nd pl?ace o?f the? cont?est; ?
3、?what ?is re?quire?d of ?the c?andid?ates;?
4、?detai?ls of? the ?judge?s and? awar?ds. D?o not? sign? your? own ?name ?at th?e end? of t?he le?tter.? Use ?Depar?tment? of C?hines?e Lan?guage? and ?Liter?ature? at t?he en?d of ?the a?nnoun?cemen?t. Ch?inese? Spea?king ?Conte?st Fe?bruar?y 3, ?2017 ?To im?prove? stud?ents ?abili?ty to? spea?k Chi?nese ?and e?ich a?fter-?class? acti?vitie?s, th?e Stu?dents? Unio?n of ?Depar?tment? of C?hines?e Lan?guage? and ?Liter?ature? is o?rgani?zing ?a sch?ool-w?ide C?hines?e spe?aking? cont?est t?o be ?held ?on Sa?turda?y nex?t wee?k (10? Febr?uary)? at t?he St?udent?s Aud?itori?um. T?hose ?who a?re in?teres?ted i?n tak?ing p?art i?n it ?may s?ign u?p wit?h the? moni?tor o?f the?ir cl?asses? befo?re Tu?esday? next? week?. Fiv?e pro?fesso?rs wi?ll be? invi?ted t?o be ?judge?s. Th?e fir?st si?x win?ners ?will ?be gi?ven a?wards?. Eve?rybod?y is ?wele ?to be? pres?ent a?t the? cont?est. ?The S?tuden?ts Un?ion D?epart?ment ?of Ch?inese? Lang?uage ?and L?itera?ture ?附:
? 万能句型?:
?There? is g?oing ?to be? a le?cture?, tit?led。 ?in th?e mee?ting ?room ?of 。f?rom 1?0:00 ?to 12?:00 o?n
。whi?ch yo?u sur?ely w?ill e?njoy ?very ?much.? All ?the t?eache?rs an?d Mon?day, ?July ?11th.?
stu?dents? are ?wele ?to at?tend ?this ?lectu?re. 二?. 口头通?知 口头通?知的开头应?有称呼语,?如“Att?entio?n, pl?ease~?”、“Bo?ys an?d gir?ls”、“?Ladie?s and? gent?leman?” …等,?或提醒听众?注意的表达?,如“Ma?y I h?ave y?our a?ttent?ion, ?pleas?e~”结尾?用“Tha?nk yo?u”。同时?要注意通知?的三大要素?:
1.? 广播稿(? 海啸) ?west ?part ?of In?dones?ia, w?hich ?broug?ht on? a te?rribl?e tsu?nami ?to so?me ar?eas o?f wes?tern ?Asia.? This? disa?ster ?has c?aused? mill?ions ?of de?aths ?and d?estro?yed m?any b?eauti?ful c?ities?. How? terr?ible ?thing?s are?! Bes?ides,? mill?ions ?more ?who h?ave b?ee ho?meles?s are? in g?reat ?need ?of he?lp no?w. At? pres?ent m?any c?ountr?ies a?ll ov?er th?e wor?ld in?cludi?ng Ch?ina h?ave s?ent r?escue? team?s the?re an?d tho?usand?s of ?peopl?e in ?every? corn?er of? the ?world? are ?donat?ing m?oney ?to sh?ow th?eir c?oncer?n for? them?. It ?is tr?ue th?at ma?ny na?tural? disa?sters? can’?t be ?avoid?ed so?metim?es. B?ut at? leas?t we ?can d?o som?ethin?g to ?help ?the p?eople? in t?he ts?unami?-hit ?areas?. So ?let’s? offe?r our? pock?et mo?ney t?o the?m! 2.? 机场通知? Beca?use o?f the? terr?ible ?weath?er, w?e hav?e to ?chang?e som?e of ?our p?lans.? The ?airpo?rt wi?ll be? clos?ed fo?r abo?ut 12? hour?s. We? are ?very ?sorry?. Fli?ght 1?536 f?rom T?okyo ?will ?be la?te fo?r fiv?e hou?rs an?d Fli?ght 7?270 t?o Sha?nghai? will? be l?ate f?or 12? hour?s and? we w?ill p?rovid?e fre?e foo?d and? hote?l ser?vice.? The ?touri?st fl?ight ?to Wa?shing?ton w?ill t?ake o?ff at? Hilt?on Ai?rport?. A b?us wi?ll go? ther?e one? hour? late?r.
? 三、启事? 寻物启事?是失主为寻?找丢失的物?件而写的一?种公告性的?应用文。它?的主要格式?有4个部分?:
? 高中英?语作文万能?模板:
? 口语通?知类 高中?英语作文万?能模板:
? 口语?通知类
? 二、口?头通知常见?写作模板 ?呼语及开场?白部分:
? L?adies? and ?gentl?emen,? May ?I hav?e you?r att?entio?n, pl?ease?? I ha?ve an? anno?uncem?ent t?o mak?e. 正文?部分:
? Al?l the? teac?hers ?and s?tuden?ts ar?e req?uired? to a?ttend? it. ?Pleas?e tak?e you?r not?ebook?s and? make? note?s. Pl?ease ?liste?n car?efull?y and? we l?l hav?e a d?iscus?sion ?in gr?oups.? Plea?se e ?on ti?me an?d don? t be? late?. 结束语?部分:
? Pl?ease ?e and? join? in i?t. Ev?erybo?dy is? wele? to a?ttend? it. ?I hop?e you? ll h?ave a? nice? time? here?. Tha?t s a?ll. T?hank ?you篇三?:
?英文通知范?文 通知英?语范文 ;? Y } ?X3 P-? e8 {?, c2 ?N7 } ?—、标题 ?通知的正上?方通常要有?一个标题。?口头通知常?用Anno?uncem?ent,书?面通知多用?Notic?e 或NO?TICE。?
二、?日期 口头?通知因是现?场发布,不?需要日期,?但书面通知?要写日期。?布告式通
? 三、呼语? 口头通知?往往要有呼?语,如Bo?ys an?d gir?ls,La?dies ?and g?entle?men,D?ear f?riend?s,Com?rades?等。
? 四、正文? 通知正文?所使用的语?言应尽量简?明扼要。口?头通知开始?往往要用
plea?se,或“?May I? have? your? atte?ntion?,plea?se?”或?“Be q?uiet,?pleas?e”,上?“Atte?ntion?,
其后?可以加上I? have? an a?nnoun?cemen?t to ?make,?结束时可加?上“Tha?t’s a?ll”,“?Thank? you!?”之类的客?套话。对举?行活动的口?头或书面通?知,常用“?sth w?ill,i?s goi?ng to? be h?eld+地?点+时间”?或“The?re wi?ll,is? goin?g to ?be+st?h+地点+?时间”结构?。结束语前?常用“Pl?ease ?atten?d it ?on ti?me”,“?Do be? pres?ent o?n tim?e”或“E?veryo?ne is?,All ?are w?ele,e?xpect?e
?d、to ?atten?d it”?,“Don?’t be? late?”之类的句?子。
?五、落款 ?口头通知通?常不用落款?;书面通知?要落款,写?出发出通知?的人或单位?名称。落款?一般写在通?知的右下角?。
? This? is t?o ann?ounce? that? the ?unive?rsity? will? orga?nize ?a “Te?ach i?n the? West?” pro?gram.? This? prog?ram a?pplie?s to ?all t?he un?dergr?aduat?e stu?dents? on c?ampus?. The? volu?nteer?s wil?l tea?ch at? juni?or mi?ddle ?schoo?ls fo?r a y?ear i?n the? west? area?, and? the ?subje?cts a?re Ch?inese?, Eng?lish,? Math?, Phy?sics ?and C?hemis?try. ?The s?pecif?ic lo?catio?ns of? the ?middl?e sch?ools ?are u?pon f?urthe?r not?ice. ?Each ?year,? many? stud?ents ?from ?other? univ?ersit?ies v?olunt?eer t?hemse?lves ?to wo?rk in? the ?pover?ty-st?ricke?n are?as of? the ?west ?to tr?y to ?impro?ve th?e edu?catio?n lev?el th?ere. ?We sh?ould ?also ?take ?the l?ead i?n res?ponse? to t?he ap?peal ?for o?fferi?ng ai?d to ?child?ren i?n poo?r are?as. T?he ch?ildre?n nee?d us.? Let ?us ho?ld ou?t our? help?ing h?ands ?to th?em an?d do ?whate?ver w?e can? to h?elp t?hem.Y?our p?artic?ipati?on wi?ll be? very? much? wele?d. An?yone ?who i?s wil?ling ?to ap?ply f?or th?e pro?gram ?can c?ontac?t eit?her t?he St?udent? Affa?ir Of?fice ?of th?e uni?versi?ty or? the ?Stude?nt Un?ion o?ffice? at w?orkin?g hou?rs. F?or fu?rther? info?rmati?on, p?lease? call? 8765?3634 ?or 87?65363?6. Th?e Stu?dent ?Union? June? 20, ?2017 ? ?
; Y' }X3 P- e8 {, c2 N7 }
Announcement,书面通知多用Notice 或NOTICE。
二、日期(本文来自:Www.bdfqY.cOm 千 叶帆文 摘:英语通知类作文模板)
口头通知往往要有呼语,如Boys and girls,Ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends,Comrades等。
通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。口头通知开始往往要用上“Attention,please,或“May I have your attention,please?”或“Be quiet,please”,其后可以加上I have an
announcement to make,结束时可加上“That’s all”,“Thank you!”
之类的客套话。对举行活动的口头或书面通知,常用“sth will,is
going to be held+地点+时间”或“There will,is going to be+sth+地
点+时间”结构。结束语前常用“Please attend it on time”,“Do be
present on time”或“Everyone is,All are welcome,expected、to
attend it”,“Don’t be late”之类的句子。
This is to announce that the university will organize a “Teach in
the West” program. This program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. The volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the subjects are Chinese, English, Math, Physics and Chemistry. The specific locations of the middle schools are upon further notice.
Each year, many students from other universities volunteer themselves to work in the
poverty-stricken areas of the west to try to improve the education level there. We should also take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas. The children need us. Let us hold out our helping hands to them and do whatever we can to help them.
Your participation will be very much welcomed. Anyone who is
willing to apply for the program can contact either the Student Affair Office of the university or the Student Union office at working hours. For further information, please call 87653634 or 87653636.
The Student Union
June 20, 2007
篇二:英语通知写作例文Writing Samples for English Notice
英语通知写作例文Writing Samples for English Notice
期为2002年11月11日。 (字数70-100字)
We're going to have interesting activities in the school library at 8:00 a.m on November 20, 2002. By then,some of us will read poems and some will tell stories. You can also hear wonderful singing and watch beautiful dancing there. We hope all the senior students can come and join in the activities. All the headmasters will be invited to our activities as representatives of teachers. Please get one performance ready because some of you will probably be asked to give us one .
2002年11月20日早上8点我们打算在学校图书馆开展一个有趣的活动。 到那时,我们中的一些人会读诗,一些会讲故事。你也可以在那里听到美妙的歌声,看到优美的舞姿。我们希望所有高年级学生可以来参加这个活动。所有的班主任将被邀请来参加我们的活动并作为教师代表。请大家准备好一个节目,因为你可能会被要求表演一个节目。 Students of Class3,Senior2. 高二(3)班全体同学 November 11,2002. 2002年11月11号
1) Ladies and gentlemen!
2) Boys and girls!
3) Hello, everyone!
4) Good morning everyone!
5) Teachers and classmates!
1) May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement
to make.
2) Attention, please? I have something important to tell you.
1) There will be a party (speech, contest?) held by? where?
2) A party will be held where ? when?
3) ? will hold a party where?when?
1) Everyone should take ?
2) Please get there before ?
3) Please wait at?
1) Those who are interested in? are welcome.
2) Those who want to take part please sign up at the Student Union.
Don’t forget (Please remember): Tomorrow afternoon, at the People’s park
1) Thank you for listening.
2) That’s all. Thank you.
Teachers and students,
In order to welcome our friends from the United States, the Student Union will organize a party on Saturday evening, August15. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main building. It will
begin at 7:30 pm. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts.along a small gift for this purpose? Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes. Don’t forget: 7:30 Saturday evening, roof garden Main building.
There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.
Dear friends, on show at the New Century Cinema from 5 to 7:20 tomorrow afternoon. It will begin at 5
pm and will last about two hours and twenty minutes. The ticket costs 30 yuan each, but there will be 60% off for us students as a group.
Those who want to see it please hand in the money to me before supper, so that the Students Union can go and buy the tickets this evening. I think we will enjoy the film very much.
1) Ladie?s and gentl?emen!
2) Boys and girls?!
3) Hello?, every?one!
4) Good morni?ng every?one!
5) Teach?ers and class?mates?!
1) May I have your atten?tion, pleas?e? I have an annou?nceme?nt to make.
2) Atten?tion, pleas?e? I have somet?hing impor?tant to tell you.
1) There? will be a party? (speec?h, conte?st…) held by… where?…when… 2) A party? will be held where? … when…
3) … will hold a party? where?…when…
1) Every?one shoul?d take …
2) Pleas?e get there? befor?e …
3) Pleas?e wait at…
1) Those? who are inter?ested? in… are welco?me.
2) Those? who want to take part pleas?e sign up at the Stude?nt Union?.
Don’t forge?t (Pleas?e remem?ber): Tomor?row after?noon, at the Peopl?e’s park 结尾套语2?:
1) Thank? you for liste?ning.
2) That’s all. Thank? you.
Teach?ers and stude?nts,
May I have your atten?tion, pleas?e? I have an annou?nceme?nt to make. In order? to welco?me our frien?ds from the Unite?d State?s, the Stude?nt Union? will organ?ize a party? on Satur?day eveni?ng, Augus?t15. The party? will be held in the roof garde?n of the Main build?ing. It will begin? at 7:30 pm. There? will be music?, danci?ng, singi?ng, games? and excha?nge of gifts?. Will every?body pleas?e bring? along? a small? gift for this purpo?se? Remem?ber to wrap it up, sign your name and write? a few words? of good wishe?s. Don’t forge?t: 7:30 Satur?day eveni?ng, roof garde?n Main build?ing. There?’s sure to be a lot of fun. Every?body is welco?me.
Dear frien?ds,
Atten?tion, pleas?e! I have somet?hing to tell you. There? will be a film calle?d Home Alone? on show at the New Centu?ry Cinem?a from 5 to 7:20 tomor?row after?noon. It will begin? at 5
pm and will last about? two hours? and twent?y minut?es. The ticke?t costs? 30 yuan each, but there? will be 60% off for us stude?nts as a group?.
Those? who want to see it pleas?e hand in the money? to me befor?e suppe?r, so that the Stude?nts Union? can go and buy the ticke?ts this eveni?ng. I think? we will enjoy? the film very much.
范文五:通知类英语作文模板 英语作文-通知
We are looking for volunteers to help at the
INTERNATIONAL Conference on Globalization, which is to take place on this campus on Jan.16th,2012. This conference will attract business, academic, and governmental leaders from many countries. Fifty volunteers are needed for the preparing work and service as desk clerks and guides. Individuals with excellent language skills in English, French or Spanish are encouraged to sign up. Those who have communication skills and experiences in inter-cultural communication will be preferred. If you are up to the position, give us a call,and then you can have an interview for the chance of being a lucky volunteer. This notice is available until next Sunday.
Postgraduates’ Association Jan.9,2012