Merry Christmas everybody! Now, we're not going to take much of your time because today is about family and being together with the ones you love.
And luckily for me, that means I get a little help on the weekly address, too. The holidays at the White House are such a wonderful time of year.
We fill the halls with decorations,Christmas trees, and carolers-and this year, we invited morethan 65,000 people to join us. Our theme was "A Children's Winter Wonderland" -- and Americans young and old had achance to come together and celebrate the season. 我们填满大厅装饰圣诞树,今年carolers-and,我们邀请了超过65000
And today, our family will join millions across the country in celebrating the birth of Jesus-the birth not just of a baby in a manger,but of a message that has changed the world: to reach out
to the sick; the hungry; the troubled; and above all else, to love one another as we would be loved ourselves.
We hope that this holiday season will be a chance for us to live out that message to bridge our differences and lift up our families, friends, and neighbors and to reconnect with the values that bind1 us together. And as a country, that also means celebrating and honoring3 those who have served and sacrificedfor all of us -- our troops, veterans4, and their families.
In just a few days, our combat5 mission6 in Afghanistan will be over. Our longest war will come to a responsible end. And that gives us an opportunity to step back and reflect upon all that these families have given us. We're able to gather with family and friends because our troops are willing to hug their goodbye and step forward to serve. After a long day, we can comehome because they're willing
to leave their families and deploy7. We can celebrate the holidaysbecause they're willing to miss their own. 在几天,我们combat5 mission6在阿富汗也就结束了。我们最长的战
And so, as our troops continue to transition8 back home -- back to our businesses, our schools, our congregations, and our communities. It's up to all of us to servethem as well as they have served us.
You can visit JoiningForces. gov to find out how you can honor2 and support the troops, veterans and military families in your communities. That's something we can do not only during the holiday season, but all year round.
So Merry Christmas, everybody. May God bless you all. And we wish you andyour family a happy and healthy 2015. 所以圣诞快乐,每一个人。愿上帝保佑你们所有人。我们祝你和家人
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轻的组织?者他?们的?决心?,你?能够?看到?他们?在面?临这?个机?会的?时候?,是??有多大的?决心?。你?还会?听到?群众?,还?有志?愿者?,他?们上?门挨?家挨?户的??进行竞选?。你?也会?听到?我们?深深?的爱?国情?绪在?针对?的成?员的?爱国?情绪?,因?为我?们相?信那??些曾经为?我们?国家?抛头?颅撒?洒血?的军?队,?他们?不应??该在工作?上遇?到任?何问?题,?这就?是为?什么?我们?要进?行大?选。? ?
这?并不是一?件小?事实?,这?是至?关重?要的?事。?举足?轻重?的事?,我?们?国家的?民主?,我?们?3亿人?民的?民主?的情?绪可?能十?分复?杂,?可能?十分?混乱?,每?个人?可能?都有??自己的观?点,?每个?人都?有自?己深?深的?信仰?,但?是在??我们经过?艰难?时刻?的时?候,??当我们做?出艰?难的?抉择?时,?我们?很自?然会??有冲突,?会有?情感?的表?达。?但是?我认??为它不应?当影?响我?们今?晚的?表现?,我?们有?的争?论是?民主?的象?征,?而且?我们?不应??当忘记在?世界?上很?多别??的国家,?他们?都正?在为?自由?言论?,自?由讨?论民?主这?样的??权利所奋?斗,??所努力。? ?
第 3 页
家,并且?受别?人尊?重的?国家?,这?个国?家是?由最?强的?军事?力量?所定?义,??并且最安?全定?义的?过程?。与?此同?时我?们也?希望??自己的国?家,?有信?心,??并且能够?不断?推动?每个?人的?自由?、繁?荣和?发展?,我?们相?信美??国的慷慨?,美?国的?宽容?、包?容,?美国?的自??由和开放?,我?们将?伸开?双手?迎接?移民??的美?国人民,?我们?会欢?迎他?们的?子孙?后代?来到?美国?。我?们相?信在?芝加??哥任何一?个孩?子都??可以看到?他的?希望?,在?北卡?州那?些想?要成??为科学家??和医生的?学生?,想?要成?为工?程师??,甚至是?总统?的学?生,?这是?我们?共同??要争?取的未来?,这?是我?们共?同分?享的?愿景?,这??也是我们?前进?的方?向。? ?
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知道我们?在支?持着?他们?。我?还看?到新?泽西?纽约?每个?政党?的领?导人?,都??开始抛开?他们?的旗?舰,?来探?讨怎?么从?桑迪?中重?建我?们的?家园?。我?们还??看到俄亥?俄州?一个?父亲?说他?有一?个八?岁的?女儿?,她?的肺?病使?他的?家庭??一贫如洗?,他?们之??前并没有?得到?医疗?保障?的保?护,?但是?几个?月之?前他??开始得到?了医?疗保?险,?这对?他们?来讲?是非?常好?的消?息。? ?
第 6 页
诺,不管?你来?自哪?里,?不管?你的?肤色?是什?么,?不管?你是?黑人?、白?人,??亚裔人,?任何?种族?,不?管你?是同?性恋?还是?非同?性恋?,不?管你?是贫?困的??还是富裕?的,?你可?以在?美国?做你?想做?的一?切,?我们?可以?共同??迎来这样??的未来,?因为?我们?对未?来是?充满?了希?望,?我们?有雄?心壮?志,?我们?赢得??的不仅仅?是这?一个?选举?,而?且是?一个?未来?,是?美国?的未?来,??我们会一??起赢得这?场战?役。?而且?上帝?会引?导我?们走?向这?条道?路,?并且??我们相信?,我?们会?成为?世界?上最?伟大?的国?家,?谢谢?你们?,上?帝保?佑美??国, ?
【篇二?,奥?巴马?胜选?演讲?稿】? ?
学校?旁、?教堂?边,?无数?人都?在排?队投?票,?这一?情景?我们?已经?多年??未见,?3个小?时、?4?个小时?,他?们为?此而?等候?良久?,这?是很?多同?胞有?生?以来的?第一?次。?因为?他们?相信?,这?一次?,将??不同以往?,这?一次?,因?为?他们的?呼声?而有?所不?同。? ?
第 7 页
在此?,我?想感?谢一?路陪??伴我的竞?选搭?档,?他就?是我?们即?将上?任的??副总统,?乔? 拜登??。为了让?美国?广大?的工?人阶?层发?出自?己的?声音?,他?毫?
第 8 页
无私心?地全?身心?投入?竞选?,因?为他?和那?些宾?夕法?尼亚?州斯?克兰?顿城?街?头的人?们一?样,?出生?平凡?,一?切白?手起?家。? ?
如果没?有米?歇尔? ?奥?巴马,这?一准?美国?第一?夫人?的坚?定支?持,?今晚?,我?就不?会站??在这儿了?。我?们相?伴走?过了?16?个春?秋,?她是?我们?整个?家?庭的顶?梁柱?,我?一生?的挚?爱。?还有?,萨?沙和?玛利?亚,?我爱?你们?,你?们?姊妹俩?终于??可以带着?你们?的新?宠物?狗入?主白?宫了?。我?知道?,就?像我?的?其他已?故亲??属一样,?外祖?母一?定也?在某?处注?视着?我,?虽然?她已?经不?在?人世。?是他??们造就了?今天?的我?。今?晚我?很想?念他?们,?我对?他们?的亏?欠?无以计?量。? ?
我想对?我的?竞选?经理?大卫? ?普劳夫?、首?席战?略师?大卫? ?阿?克塞?尔罗德?以及我?们这?个史?上最?佳的?竞选?团队?说,?是你?们让?这一?切成?为了??现实,?对于你?们为?此所?做的?牺牲?和付?出我?永远?感怀?在心?。?
然而?,有?一点?是最?重要?的,?那就?是我?永远?都不?会忘?记,?真正?拥有??这个胜利?的是??你们,你?们所?有人?,对?于入?主白?宫,?我从?来都?不是?最热??候选人。?竞选?伊始??,我们的?资金?并不?充裕?,获?得的?支持?也不?多。?我们??的竞选班?子并?非始??于华府,?而是?一路?从艾?奥瓦?州的?得梅?因酒?店后?院、??辗转北卡?罗莱?纳州?的康?克酒?店客?房,?后来?会首?在西?弗吉?尼亚?州查?尔斯??顿酒店的?主厅? ?
第 9 页
掏出5?美元、?10?美元?或者?20?美元?来支?持我?们的?竞选?。我?们的?力量?来自??于摘下冷?漠面?罩的?年轻?一代?,来?自于?夜以?继日?奋力?工作?以维?持生?计的??下层百姓?,来?自于?冒着?严寒?酷暑?、户?户敲?门宣?传的?团队?中流?砥柱?,更??来自于成?千上?万的?大选?志愿?者。?他们?用出?色的?奉献?精神?和组?织能?力证??明了一个?民有?、民?治、?民享?的政?府在?两百?年后?仍然?保持?着生?命力?。这??就是你们?的胜?利,? ?
第 10 页
我在?21?个月?前的?深冬?开始?为竞?选做?出的?努力?并不?会在?今晚?画上?句?号。我?们所?追求?的并?不是?这场?选举?的胜?利,?这仅?仅是?为我?们提?供了?一?个做出?变革?的机?会。?如果?回到?过去?的老?路,?我们?将无?法做?出任?何改??变。当然?,如?果没?有你?们,?一切?都无?法发?生。? ?
第 11 页
长期?以来?,两?党隔?阂以?及不?成熟?的狭?隘主?义造?成了?我们?现在?的失??败政策,?所以?让我?们一?同抵?制住?这种?倾向?,避?免回??到那条老?路。?请记??住,这个?国家?有一?个民?主党?人将?第一?次手?扛民?主和?共和?两党?旗帜?迈向??白宫。充?满自?信,?崇尚?个人?自由?,维?护国?家团?结将?是我?们共?同追?求的??价值观。?尽管?民主?党在?今晚?取得?了压?倒性?的胜?利,?但是?我们?将继?续带??着谦卑前??行,愈合?这个?国家?因分?裂受?到的?创伤?。社?会的?分裂?曾经?阻碍??我们国家?前行?的脚??步。正如?林肯?总统?在?186?1?年的反?国家?分裂?的演?说中??说到,? 我们??不是敌人?,而?是朋?友。?我们?决不?能成?为敌??人。尽管?目前?的?情绪有?些紧?张,?但决??不能容许?它使?我们?之间?的亲?密情?感纽?带破?裂。? ?我?要告诉那?些没?有将?选票?投给?我的?朋友?,也?许我?没有?赢得?你们?的选??票,?但我将聆?听你?们的?声音?,我?需要?你们?的帮?助,?因为?我同?样将?成为?你们??的总?统。 ?
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败你们?,我?要告?诉那?些追?求和?平和?安全?的人?们,?我们?将全?力支?持你??们,我要?告诉?那些?对美?国的?未来?持怀?疑态?度的?人们?,今?晚,?我们?再次??证明了一?个事?实,?那就?是这?个国?家拥?有强?大的?力量?,这?并不?是因?为我??们拥?有众多的?武器?和财?富。?民主?、自?由、?机遇?、坚?定不?屈的?希望?才是??这个国家?保持?强大?的持?久力?量,? ?
美国强?大的?真谛?在于?它能?够做?出改?变,?我们?的国?家可?以变?得更?加?完美。?我们?过去?所达?到的?成就?让我?们看?到了?前进?的希??望。 ?
本届选?举创?造了?多项?历史?之最?,有?许多?故事?将代?代相?传。?但此?时?此刻,?我脑?海中?想起?的是?一名?来自?亚特?兰大?的选?民,?这位?名叫?安妮? ?尼?克松 ?库珀的?女性?和千?千万?万的?选民?一样?,静?静地?站在?投票?队伍?之中??,投出自?己的?选票?,表?达自?己的?声音?。不?过,?与众?不同?的是?,她?已经?10?6?岁高龄?了。?在她?出生?的年?代,?公路?上没?有汽?车,?天空?中没?有飞?机。??像她一样?的人?仅仅?因为?肤色?和性?别就?被挡?在参?与投?票的?大门?之外?。?
?今晚,我?由此?联想?到了?她一?个世?纪以?来,?在美?国见?证的?一切??,困?苦与希望??,奋斗与?进步?,那?是一?个让?人无?能为?力的?年代?,但?人们?必须??不断告诉?自己??美国的伟?大信?条,? ?是的,?我们?可以?,? 曾经?,女?性无?法表??达自己的??意见,她?们的?希望?成为?幻影?。如?今,?她终?于见?证了?这一?幕,??
第 13 页
当整?个美?国大?陆都?笼罩?在经?济大?萧条?的绝?望之?中时?,她?见证?了一??个国家战?胜自?身恐?惧,?重新?崛起?,罗?斯福?总统?推行?的? 新政? ?不仅给?美国??带来了新?的就?业机?会,?更给?美国?人民?带来?了共?同的?价值?观。?是的?,我??们可以,? ?
当敌人?的炮?弹投?向我?们的?港口?,当?世界?被暴?政所?威胁?,她?见证?了?一个崛?起的?民族?,民?主重?获新?生。?是的?,我?们可?以,? ?
她目睹?了发?生在?蒙哥?马利?巴士?上、?伯明?翰的?高压?水龙?头下?、塞?尔?玛大桥?上的?种族?歧视?暴行? ?而后,?来自?亚特?兰大?的民?权先?驱告?诉人?们,? ?我们可?以战?胜这?一切? ?。是的?,我?们可?以,? ?
而后,??人类登月?,柏?林墙?倒塌?,世?界重?新集?结在?科学?和想?象力?的?号角下?。现??在,在这?场选?举中?,她?终于?用自?己的?指尖?触碰?到投?票屏??幕,郑重?地投?下选?票。?饱经?10?6?年的沧?桑变?化,?穿越?岁月?的风?云变??迁,她知?道美?国能?做出?怎样?的改?变。?是的?,我?们可?以,? ?
美国,?我们?风雨?兼程?,一?路走?来。?我们?经历?了太?多,?但前?方仍?有?许多梦?想等?待着?我们?去实?现。?今晚?,让?我们?大声?地问?自己?,我?们的?孩?子是否?还能?看到?下一?个世?纪,?我可?爱的?女儿?是否?能和?安妮? ?尼克松? ?库珀?
第 14 页
一样幸?运,?享受?漫长?的人?生。?他们?将看?到怎?样的?变革?,我?们将?取得?怎?样的进?步,? ?
这是我?们给?出答?案的?机会?。这?是属?于我?们的?时刻?。这?是我?们的?时?代,让??人们有事?可做?,为?我们?的孩?子打?开机?遇之?门,?推动?世界?和平?与?繁荣,?再次?锻造?美国?梦,?重申?这一?不可?动摇?的事?实? 虽然?我们?每个?人不??尽相?同,但我?们是?一个?整体?,只?要我?们呼?吸尚?存,?希望?就永?不磨?灭。??我们将用?那历?经时?间考??验的不朽?信条?掷地?有声?地直?面质?疑,? ?是的,?我?们可以?,? ?
谢谢,? ?
芝加哥?的市?民,?你们?好,? ?
如果现?在仍?然有?人在?那里?怀疑?着美?国是?不是?任何?事情?都可?能发?生?的地方?,疑?惑于?我们?国家?的缔?造者?们的?梦想?是否?还鲜?活地?存在?于这?个?时代,?对我?们民?主的?力量?打上?问号?的话?,今?夜就?是你?的答?案。? ?
第 15 页
票,因为?他们?相信?这一?次一?定会?不一?样,??相信他们?的声?音会?是这?次,??大选,不?一样?之所?在。? ?
长久?以来?,很?多人?一再?被告?知,?要对?我们?所能?取得?的成?绩极??尽讥?讽、担忧?和怀?疑之?能事?,但?这个?答案?让这?些人?伸出?手来?把握?历史?之弧?,并??再次使它?朝向?美好?明天?的希?望延?伸。? ?
已经过?去这?么长?时间?了,?但在?今晚?,由?于我?们在?今天?、在?这场?大?选中、?在这?个具?有决?定性?的时?刻所?做的?,改?变已??经降临美?国。? ?
第 16 页
我要?感谢?我在?这次?,竞?选,?旅程?中的?伙伴?,,?已当?选美?国副?总统??的乔伊? 拜登?。他?全心?参与?竞选?活动??,为他在?斯克?兰顿?从小?到大?的伙?伴?以及在?他回?德拉?华的?火车?上遇?到的?男男?女女?代言?。?
如果?没有?一个?人顽?强不??屈的支持?,我?今晚??就不会站?在这?里,?她是??我过去?16?年来最?好的?朋友?、我?们一?家人?的中?坚和?我一?生的?挚爱?、我?们?国家的?下一?位第?一夫?人,?米西?尔? 奥巴?马。? ?
莎夏和?玛丽?亚,?我爱?你们?两个?超出?你们?的想?象,?你们?已经?得到?了?一条新?的小?狗,?它将?与我?们一?起入?驻白?宫。?虽然??我的外祖?母已?经不?在?世了,?但我?知道?她与?培育?我所?以为?我的?亲人??肯定都正?在看?着我?。今??晚,我想?念他?们,?我知?道自?己欠?他们?的无?可估?量。? ?
我要感?谢我?妹妹?马娅?和阿?尔玛?,以?及我?所有?的兄?弟姐?妹,?感谢?你?们对我?的所?有支?持,?对此?我深?表感?激。? ?
第 17 页
是辛?勤劳?作的??男人、女?人从?其微?薄的?积蓄?中,?艰难?地?5块钱?、?10?块钱、?20?块钱?地捐?给我?们这?次竞?选才??取得这场?胜利?的。?我们?从年?轻人??那里得到?了力?量,?他们?拒绝?接受?被认??为这代人?冷漠?的荒?诞说?法,?还有??那些为了?工作?而离?开了?自己?的家?乡、?离开?亲人?的人?,他?们拿?很少?的报??酬,甚至?连睡?觉的?时间?也少?得可?怜,??同时也源?自那?些已?经不?算年?轻的??人们,他?们冒?着酷?暑严?寒,?敲开?陌生??人的家门?进行?宣传?,更?源自?数百??万的美国?民众?,他?们自?发地?组织?起来??,证明了?在,?建国?,两?百多?年以??后,民有?、民?治、?民享?的政?府并?未从??这个地球?上消?失。?这是?你们?的胜??利。 ?
第 18 页
天将面?临我?们一?生当?中最?为艰?巨的?挑战?,,?两场?战争?、一?个处?于危?险?的星球?、一?百年?来最?为严?重的?金融?危机?。即?使今?晚站?在这?里,?我们?知?道伊拉?克的?沙漠?里和?阿富?汗的?群山?中有?英勇?的美?国兵?醒来?,甘?愿冒?着?生命危?险保?护我?们。?还有?在孩?子熟?睡后?仍难?以入?眠的?父母?,担?心如?何?偿还按?揭、?或还?清医?生的?账单?或是?攒够?钱供?孩子?上大?学。?新的?能源?亟?待开发?、新?工作?机会?亟待?创造?,新?的学?校亟?待修?建,?众多?威胁?亟待?应?对、许?多同?盟关?系亟?待修?复。? ?
前方的?道路?会很?漫长?。我??们的攀岩?会很?陡峭?。我?们可?能无?法在?一?年甚或?一届?之内?达到?上述?目标?,但?,美?国,?我从?未像?今晚?这样?更加?相?信,相?信我??们会实现?上述?目标??。我向你?们承?诺,?,我?们作?为一?个整?体?将会达?到上?述目?标。? ?
第 19 页
因此?,让?我们?发扬?新的?爱国?精神??,树立新?的服?务意?识与?责任?感,??每个人下??决心全力?投入?、更?加努?力地?工作?,不?仅关??心自己而?且彼?此关??爱。让我?们铭?记,?如果??说这场金?融危?机带?来什?么教?训,?那就?是,??我们?不可能在?这个?华尔?街以?外的?领域?备受??煎熬的同?时拥?有欣?欣向?荣的?华尔??街,我们??作为一个?国家?、一?个整?体,?甘苦?与共?。让?我们?抵制?重新?回到??长期荼毒?美国?政治?的党??派纷争、?心胸?狭窄?和幼?稚表?现的?诱惑?。让??我们?牢记,正?是伊?利诺?伊州?的一?名男?子首??次将共和??党的大旗?扛到?了白?宫?---?--?-?共和党?是建?立在?自信?自立?、个?人自??由以及全?民团?结的?价值?观上?。这?也?是我们?所有?人都?珍视?的价?值。?民主?党今?天晚?上赢?得了?一场?巨大?的胜??利,我们?是以?谦卑?的态?度和?决心?来弥?合阻?碍我?们进?步的?分歧?而赢?得这??场胜利的?。正?如林?肯在?向远?比我?们眼?下分?歧更?大的?国家?发表?讲话?时所??说, ?我们不?是敌?人,?而是?朋友?。虽?然激?情可??能褪去,?但是?这绝?不会?割?断我们?感情?上的?联系?。? 对于?那些?现在?并不?支持?我的??美国人来?说,?我或??
第 20 页
许没有赢?得你?们的?选票?,但?是我?倾听?到你?们的?声音?,我?需要?你们?的帮??助,而且?我也?将是?你们?的总?统。? ?
那些今?夜在?另外?的海?岸收?看大?选的?人们?,从?国会?、皇?宫到?这个?世?界被遗?忘的?角落?里挤?在收?音机?旁收?听大?选的?人们?,虽?然我?们的?经历?各?异,但?是我?们的?命运?相通?,美?国领?导力?的新?黎明?到来?了。?那些?想要?颠?覆这个?世界?的人?们,?我们?必将?击败?你们?。那?些追?求和?平和?安全?的人??们,我们??支持你们?。那?些所?有怀?疑美?国的?灯塔?能否?像往?常一?样继?续照??亮世界前?景的?人们?,今?夜我?们再?次证?明,?我们?国家?真正?的力?量并?非来??自我们武?力的?强弱?或财?富的?多寡?,而?是来?自我?们信?念的?持久?力量?,民??主、自由?、机?会和?永不?言弃?的希?望。? ?
这才是?美国?能够?改变?的真?正美?国精?华。?我们?的团?结会?日臻?完善?。?我们所?取得?的成?就为?我们?将来?能够?取得?的以?及必?须取?得的?成就?预留?了?希望。? ?
这次大?选创??造了多项?第一?,也?诞生?了很?多将?代代?相传?的故?事。?但?是今天?晚上??令我难忘?的却?是在?亚特?兰大?投票?的一?名妇?女,?她和?其他?数?以?百万?计排队等?待在?这次?大选?上发?出他?们声?音的?选民?没有?多大?差别?,?除?了一点,?安? 尼克?松? 库波?尔已?是?106?岁的?高龄?。?
第 21 页
曾几?何时?,妇?女的?声音?发不?出,?她们?的希?望变?成泡?影。?安? 尼克?松? ?库波尔活??了下来,?看到?妇女?们站?了起?来,?看到?她们?大声?发表?自己?的见??解,看到?她们?去参?加投?票。?是的?,我?们能?做到?。?
当黄?尘地?带处?于绝?望之?中,?大萧?条满?布全?国时?,她?看到?一个??国家?用,罗斯?福,?新政?、新??工作岗位?以及?对共?同目?标的?追求?来战?胜内?心的??恐慌。是?的,?我们?能做?到。? ?
当炸弹?袭击?了我?们的?海港?、独?裁专?制威?胁到?整个?世界?时,?她见?证?了一代?人的?伟大?崛起?,见?证了?一个?民主?国家?的被?拯救?。是?的,?我们?能?做到。? ?
第 22 页
想像力被?连接?在一?起。?今年?,就?在这?次选?举中?,她?用手?指触?碰屏?幕,??投下自己?的选?票,?因为?在美?国生?活了?10?6?年、经?历了?最好??的时光和?最?黑暗的?时刻?之后?,她?知道?美国?如何?能够?发生?改变?。是?的,?我们?能做??到。 ?
美国,?我们?已经?走过?漫漫?长路?。我?们已?经经?历林??林总总。?但是?我?们仍有?很多?事情?摆在?面前?。因?此今?夜,?让我?们扪?心自?问,?如果?我们?的?孩子能?够活?到下?个世?纪,?如果?我的?女儿?有幸?活得??和安 ?尼克松? ?库波尔?一?样长,?他们?将会?看到?怎样?的改?变,?我们?将会?取得?怎样?的进?步,? ?
现在是?我们?回答?这个?问题?的时?机。?这是??我们的时?刻。??这是我们?的?时代,?让我?们的?人民?重新?就业?,为?我们?的后?代敞?开机?会的?大门?,恢?复?繁荣,?促进?和平?事业?,去?重温? ?美国梦? ?,去再?次证?明这?样一?个基?本真??相,我们?不是?多个?个体?,我?们团??结如一人?,去?再次?证明?只要?一息?尚存?,我?们就?有希?望,?当我?们遇?到嘲??讽和怀疑?,当?有人?说我?们办?不到?的时??候,我们?要以?概括?为全?民精?神的??这个永恒?的信?条来?回应?他们?,是?的,??我们能做?到。? ?
第 23 页
THEPRESIDEN T:Youcan’tsayit,bu猢tyouknowit'str-ue.
Goodevening茛,everybody.Itisanh蛴onortobehereatmyla瓤standperhapsthelas撞tWhiteHouseCorresp噫ondents’Dinner.You津alllookgreat.Theen doftheRepublichasn冉everlookedbetter.I鲔doapologizeIknowIw嗯asalittlelatetonig隆ht.Iwasrunningonwh脉ichstandsfor—jokesすthatwhitepeoplesho疤uldnotmake.‖It’satㄣipforyou,Jeff.
1,是 指ColoredPeople'sTi me,吐槽黑人被说迟到。
2,反击纽掺约市长BilldeBlasio此前关霖于的玩笑。BilldeBlasio之,前在另一个场合迟到,于是开了一个玩笑 IamrunningonCPTime崭.结果全场陷入尴尬。
Anyway,琼hereweare.Myeighth缥andfinalappearance atthisuniqueevent.灰AndIamexcited.Ifth礁ismaterialworkswel诧l,I’mgoingtouseita辔tGoldmanSachsnexty沣ear.Earnmesomeseri综ousTubmans.That’sr‖ight.
Mybrilli茌antandbeautifulwif昏e,Michelle,isheret赛onight.Shelookssoh酊appytobehere.That’烀scalledpracticeit’ slikelearningtodot繇hree-minuteplanks.眚Shemakesitlookeasy冒now.Nextyearatthis杂time,someoneelsewi驾llbestandingherein窒thisveryspot,andit哑’sanyone’sguesswho戳shewillbe.Butstand饿inghere,Ican’thelp丸butbereflective,al引ittlesentimental.E嚎ightyearsago,Isaid itwastimetochanget
2,8年前,他想努力改善一下政彖治环境(thetoneofourpo litics),后来的morespe铂cific吐槽这个环境其实越来越差了 。
Eightyearsago,Iw唢asayoungman,fullof idealismandvigor,a站ndlookatmenow.Iamg阅rayandgrizzled,jus劈tcountingdowntheda敝ys’tilmydeathpanel铮.Hillaryoncequesti踝onedwhetherI’dbere等adyfora3phonecalln敖owI’mawakeanywaybeづcauseI’vegottogoto顼thebathroom.I’mup.碾
Infact,som磁ebodyrecentlysaidt ome,Mr.President,y ouaresoyesterday;J拭ustinTrudeauhascom藕pletelyreplacedyou雯he’ssohandsome,he’镬ssocharming,he’sth efuture.AndIsaid,J衬ustin,justgiveitarКest.Iresentedthat.噼Meanwhile,Michelle鏊hasnotagedaday.The祢onlywayyoucandateh嫘erinphotosisbylook曛ingatme.Takealook.蝙
Sotimepasses.失Injustsixshortmont伏hs,Iwillbeofficial lyalameduck,whichm酤eansCongressnowwil组lflat-outrejectmya uthority.AndRepubl icanleaderswon’tta篦kemyphonecalls.And甲thisisgoingtotakes蝶omegettingusedto,i楹t’sreallygoingtoit胂’sacurveball.Idon’寒tknowwhattodowithi砑t.
吐槽自己将要下台(lamedu?ck),大家也越来越不把他当回事了。钭下面说英国小王子George和他见面 时穿着浴袍,就感觉自己被呼了一巴掌。噱
Ofcourse,infact,f琥ormonthsnowcongres涧sionalRepublicansh玟avebeensayingthere arethingsIcannotdo抛inmyfinalyear.Unfo晰rtunately,thisdinn憝erwasnotoneofthem.顾Butoneverythingels窍e,it’sanotherstory痉.Andyouknowwhoyoua掉re,Republicans.Inf船
2,茄TheRedwedding是《权利的 游戏》里面的梗,看过的都知道场面有多鞫震撼吧:)。
Butit’snotj撞ustCongress.Evenso颉meforeignleaders,t hey’vebeenlookinga砦head,anticipatingm璧ydeparture.Lastwee屏k,PrinceGeorgeshow鹄eduptoourmeetingin哈hisbathrobe.Thatwa羽saslapintheface.Ac砾learbreachinprotoc鲎ol.Althoughwhilein裸EnglandIdidhavelun蔡chwithHerMajesty,t斥heQueen,tookinaper formanceofShakespe鲢are,hitthelinkswit佚hDavidCameronjusti蜞ncaseanybodyisstil怔ldebatingwhetherI’波mblackenough,Ithin袱
Iwon’tl惟ielook,thisisatoug锡htransition.It’sha钕rd.Keystaffarenows?tartingtoleavetheW无hiteHouse.Evenrepo伶rtershaveleftme.Sa完vannahGuthrie,she’腚slefttheWhiteHouse远PressCorpstohostth eTodayshow.NorahO’逑DonnellleftthebrieダfingroomtohostCBST钯hisMorning.JakeTap嘁perleftjournalismt妯ojoinCNN.
讲Journal ism和CNN做对立,吐槽CNN做的拥不算是新闻。(画面里的JakeTap per本人表情好尴尬)
Butthe胲prospectofleavingt璐heWhiteHouseisamix虞edbag.Youmighthave困heardthatsomeoneju双mpedtheWhiteHousef线encelastweek,butIh邾avetogiveSecretSer vicecredittheyfoun涮dMichelle,broughth拦erback,she’ssafeba?ckathomenow.It’son琮lyninemoremonths,b筷aby.Settledown.
pitethechurn,inmyf砒inalyear,myapprova瘕lratingskeepgoingu噫p.ThelasttimeIwast憬hishigh,Iwastrying todecideonmymajor. 岷
Andh猪ere’sthething:Ihav以en’treallydoneanyt hingdifferently.So冈it’sodd.Evenmyaide腼scan’texplaintheri达singpollnumberswhaすthaschanged,nobody描canfigureitout.Puz蹑zling.
这段开始吐槽共和党,他 明明自己没做什么,为什么共和党的支持あ率上涨。这时候出现了共和党候选人Tr潜ump和TedCruz的照片,原因显 而易见。
Also,脍Iwouldberemisslet’ sgiveitupforourhos磐t,LarryWilmore.Als燔oknownasoneofthetw瘛oblackguyswhoisnot JonStewart.You’ret扮heSouthAfricanguy,跳right?IloveLarry.A福ndhisparentsareher赜e,whoarefromEvanst荸on,whichisagreatto wn.
Ialsowouldliketoac蟹knowledgesomeofthe葛award-winningrepor?tersthatwehavewith廴usheretonight.Rach羯elMcAdams.MarkRuff alo.LievSchreiber.活Thankyouallforever拼ythingthatyou’vedo痈ne.I’mjustjoking.A syouknow,—Spotligh姣t‖isafilm,amovieab攀outinvestigativejo噗urnalistswiththereぬsourcesandtheauton屺omytochasedownthet郫ruthandholdthepowe裱rfulaccountable.Be铞stfantasyfilmsinceзStarWars.Lookthatw蜜asmaybeacheapshot.
这里其实在向三位获奖的记者致敬,顺便 黑了一下现实
Iunderstand thenewsbusinessist捩oughthesedays,itke田epschangingallthet桅ime.Everyyearatthi诡sdinner,somebodyma功kesajokeaboutBuzzF酡eed,forexample,cha蝣ngingthemedialands cape.
Andeveryyear ,theWashingtonPost呓laughsalittlebitle绣sshard.Kindofasile轭ncethere.Especiall?yattheWashingtonPo垤sttable.
GOPChairmへanReincePriebusish祚ereaswell.Gladtose妄eyouthatyoufeeltha箜tyou’veearnedanigh懂toff.Congratulatio咫nsonallyoursuccess畀.TheRepublicanPart稻y,thenominationpro cess-it’sallgoingg reat.Keepitup.
HelenMirreni sheretonight.Idon’熔tevenhaveajokehere巍.IjustthinkHelenMi袤rrenisawesome.She’垸sawesome.
Sittingat痂thesametable,IseeMㄋikeBloomberg.Mike,娣acombative,controv龊ersialNewYorkbilli onaireisleadingthe虽GOPprimaryanditisn伍otyou.That’shastos淮tingalittlebit.Alt艺houghit’snotanenti式relyfaircomparison妆betweenyouandtheDo唪nald.Afterall,Mike鲎wasabig-citymayor.掎Heknowspolicyindep th.Andhe’sactually worththeamountofmo汛neythathesaysheis.殄
Alo?toffolkshavebeensu尾rprisedbytheBernie贱phenomenon,especia佘llyhisappealtoyoun gpeople.Butnotme,I攀getit.Justrecently瓤,ayoungpersoncameu哚ptomeandsaidshewas陨sickofpoliticianss菱tandinginthewayofh又erdreams.Asifwewer溯eactuallygoingtole舡tMaliagotoBurningM檑anthisyear.Thatwas notgoingtohappen.B伸erniemighthaveleth:ergo.Notus.
Iam hurt,though,Bernie鞔,thatyou’vedistanc尾ingyourselfalittle郧fromme.Imean,that’ sjustnotsomethingt吡hatyoudotoyourcomr动ade.
Bernie’ssloga nhashelpedhiscampa憧igncatchfireamongy螅oungpeople.—Feelth长eBern.‖FeeltheBern焊it’sagoodslogan.Hi缭llary’ssloganhasno扉thadthesameeffect.簖Let’sseethis.
1,Fe eltheBern是FeeltheBォurn的谐音,Bernie的竞选口号嚏是BurnNewBern。Bern是 Bernie的简称,就像Steven陴常常被叫成Steve。
Look,I’vesai萨dhowmuchIadmireHil氏lary’stoughness,he唱rsmarts,herpolicyc媒hops,herexperience .You’vegottoadmiti绞t,though,Hillarytr yingtoappealtoyoun贾
gvotersisalittlebi?tlikeyourrelativej?ustsignedupforFace book.—DearAmerica,遁didyougetmypoke?‖—谅Isitappearingonyou淖rwall?‖—I’mnotsure蠢Iamusingthisright.憔Love,AuntHillary.‖ It’snotentirelyper皓suasive.
前面说Bernie?很善于讨好年轻人(appealtoy,oungpeople),这里就开始吐 槽希拉里想讨好年轻人,但似乎做的很蹩?脚,就像“你家刚刚注册了非死不可的亲陆戚”一般不怎么又说服力。
Meanw汇hile,ontheRepublic栳anside,thingsareal姗ittlemorehowshould崖wesaythisalittle—m需oreloose.‖Justlook烦attheconfusionover姆theinvitationstoto擤night’sdinner.Gues tswereaskedtocheck欠whethertheywanteds沌teakorfish,butinst鸺ead,awholebunchofy钜ouwroteinPaulRyan.δThat’snotanoption,滚people.Steakorfish裹.Youmaynotlikestea丑korfishbutthat’syo应urchoice.
这里steak是,指川普,因为川普曾经把旗下的牛排产品英以Trump命名。fish是指和川普董竞争共和党总统候选人的TedCruz崧,因为Cruz被网友形容张了一张死鱼 脸。PaulRyan是众议院院长,共阃和党内常常传出呼声,如果川普和Cru钜z
Me阜anwhile,somecandid嶂atesaren’tpollingh ighenoughtoqualify fortheirownjoketon众ight.Theruleswerew慌ell-establishedahe揩adoftime.
Andthenthere’どsTedCruz.Tedhadato ughweek.HewenttoIn彡diana-Hoosiercount徉ry-stoodonabasketb allcourt,andcalled thehoopa—basketbal糖lring.‖Whatelseisi鞫nhislexicon?Baseba煳llsticks?Footballh伯ats?Butsure,I’mthe粪foreignone.
Ted不接地审气,把篮球框(hoop)说成是bas ketballring。奥巴马吐槽他冻是不是外国人,顺便自黑一下,因为奥巴塾马因为父亲的原因曾经被说成是出生在肯薄尼亚。实际上,TedCruz才是真正乏出生在国外的,他出生在加拿大,因此很婷多人质疑他是不是真的有资格竞选总统。俏
Alth定oughIamalittlehurt秒thathe’snothereton吮ight.Wehadsomuchfu nthelasttime.Andit妮issurprising.You’v温egotaroomfullofrep拓orters,celebrities ,cameras,andhesays no?Isthisdinnertoo邻tackyforTheDonald? Whatcouldhepossibl ybedoinginstead?Is逮heathome,eatingaTr?umpSteaktweetingou纾tinsultstoAngelaMe rkel?What’shedoing氙?
3,吐槽川普喜欢以自己的名诺字命名他的产品,他用Trump命名了鞭一款自己的牛排产品为TrumpSte ak,而且开发的地产项目也往往用Tr蝻ump命名。
TheRepublic贞anestablishmentisi谶ncredulousthatheis theirmostlikelynom嘎ineeincredulous,sh租ocking.TheysayDonaㄞldlackstheforeignp
olicyexperiencetob ePresident.But,inf申airness,hehasspent?yearsmeetingwithle adersfromaroundthe身world:MissSweden,M issArgentina,MissA zerbaijan.
Andthere’sonea嗌reawhereDonald’sex periencecouldbeinv aluable-andthat’sc垭losingGuantanamo.B掎ecauseTrumpknowsat愁hingortwoaboutrunnψingwaterfrontprope鲂rtiesintotheground迳.
Allright,that’缑sprobablyenough.Im厅ean,I’vegotmoremat悉erialno,no,Idon’tw醭anttospendtoomucht踞imeonTheDonald.Fol鬓lowingyourlead,Iwa蔌nttoshowsomerestra int.BecauseIthinkw ecanallagreethatfr omthestart,he’sgot囵tentheappropriatea竽mountofcoverage,be fittingtheseriousn棺essofhiscandidacy.
Ihopeyouallarepro义udofyourselves.The guywantedtogivehis馍hotelbusinessaboos迷t,andnowwe’
吐 槽川普之前威胁说如果在七月的共和党党缰代会(GOP)上,如果他没有赢得总统摊候选人提名的话共和党将会拥有一个“a嘌roughJuly”。
Asform丈eandMichelle,we’ve铡decidedtostayinfor稷acouplemoreyears.T妾hankyou.Thisway,ou腩ryoungestdaughterc苫anfinishuphighscho ol,Michellecanstay手closertoherplotofc搌arrots.She’salreadΘymakingplanstoseet靼hemeveryday.Takeal歙ook.
Butourdeci簋sionhasactuallypre飧sentedabitofadilem灯mabecause,traditio谂nally,Presidentsdoゥn’tstickaroundafte rthey’redone.Andit掌’ssomethingthatI’v凡ebeenbroodingabout绚alittlebit.Takealo眙ok.
Hereyougo.Iams聩tillwaitingforallo劁fyoutorespondtomyi nvitationtoconnect巡onLinkedIn.ButIkno拽wyouhavejobstodo,w鹬hichiswhatreallybr ingsusheretonight.
hispresscorp尽s.Butwe’vealwayssh亭aredthesamegoal-to荮rootourpublicdisco骋urseinthetruth;too?penthedoorsofthisd咧emocracy;todowhate verwecantomakeourc ountryandourworldm耀orefreeandmorejust下.AndI’vealwaysappr暮eciatedtherolethat挟youhaveallplayedas蠕equalpartnersinrea濮chingthesegoals.
An dourfreepressiswhyバweonceagainrecogni蝤zetherealjournalis栽tswhouncoveredahorモrifyingscandalandb roughtaboutsomemea亢sureofjusticeforth妾ousandsofvictimsth荐roughouttheworld.T?heyareherewithusto伟night-SachaPfeiffe瞒r,MikeRezendes,Wal歆terRobinson,MattCa rroll,andBenBradle啶e,Jr.Pleasegivethe绋mabigroundofapplau勉se.
Ourfreepressis愕why,onceagain,weho谎norJasonRezaian.As Carolnoted,lasttim
ethisyear,wespokeo桦fJason’scourageash eenduredtheisolati怔onofanIranianpriso眩n.Thisyear,weseeth桎atcourageinthefles税handit’salivingtes抚tamenttotheveryide群aofafreepress,anda锷reminderoftherisin glevelofdanger,and阕politicalintimidat裤ion,andphysicalthr址eatsfacedbyreporte绾rsoverseas.AndIcan肟makethiscommitment稼thataslongasIholdt纂hisoffice,myadmini盖strationwillcontin迤uetofightfortherel easeofAmericanjour nalistsheldagainst蠖theirwillandwewill摄notstopuntiltheyse符ethesamefreedomasJ谋asonhad.
Athomeand abroad,journalists跺likeallofyouengage inthedoggedpursuit陈ofinformingcitizen s,andholdingleader扑saccountable,andmaěkingourgovernmento流fthepeoplepossible .Andit’sanenormous responsibility.And氧Irealizeit’sanenor mouschallengeatati纱mewhentheeconomics ofthebusinesssomet羧imesincentivizespe?edoverdepth;andwhe蛘ncontroversyandcon隔flictarewhatmostim mediatelyattractre adersandviewers.
T蜀hegoodnewsistherea阱resomanyofyouthata repushingagainstthêosetrends.Andasaci顷tizenofthisgreatde mocracy,Iamgratefu己lforthat.Forthisis醮alsoatimearoundthe泓worldwhensomeofthe僭fundamentalidealso踔fliberaldemocracie sareunderattack,an dwhennotionsofobje挂ctivity,andofafree矮press,andoffacts,a ndofevidencearetry气ingtobeundermined.睦Or,insomecases,ign日oredentirely.
Andi钫nsuchaclimate,it’s坤notenoughjusttogiv践epeopleamegaphone.藓Andthat’swhyyourpo珙werandyourresponsi嬲bilitytodigandtoqu形estionandtocounter诒distortionsanduntr uthsismore
importa诮ntthanever.Takinga standonbehalfofwha钫tistruedoesnotrequ刚ireyousheddingyour胍objectivity.Infact槐,itistheessenceofg花oodjournalism.Itaf崔firmstheideathatth娆eonlywaywecanbuild,consensus,theonlyw廴aythatwecanmovefor撑wardasacountry,the?onlywaywecanhelpth槿eworldmenditselfis蔗byagreeingonabasel鞑ineoffactswhenitco跃
mestothechallenges thatconfrontusall. 氖
Sothisnightisates tamenttoallofyouwh淞ohavedevotedyourli戾vestothatidea,whop坡ushtoshinealighton腭thetrutheverysingl坷eday.SoIwanttoclos簏emyfinalWhiteHouse Correspondents’Din nerbyjustsayingtha nkyou.
I’mveryprou埏dofwhatyou’vedone.嵴Ithasbeenanhonoran楂daprivilegetoworks剧idebysidewithyouto甥strengthenourdemoc racy.Andwiththat,I娉justhavetwomorewor耆dstosay-Obamaout.T踩hankyou.
1.奥巴马卸任演讲 稿
Hello, Chicago.
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not
disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America.
我们是,而且永远都是美利坚合众国! !
It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.
A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.
Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and
harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they've achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead. 我对他表示祝贺,也对佩林州长所取得的成果表示祝贺。同时,我也期待着能在接下来的几个月内,和他们共同努力履行对这个国家的诺言。
I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady Michelle Obama.Sasha and Malia I love you both more than you can
imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the new White House.
And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I am grateful to them. 我却再也不能陪伴我的外祖母了,但我知道她一直在守望着我们。我也十分想念我的家人和亲戚,我知道自己亏欠他们太多,太多。我要感谢马娅,阿尔玛,以及我所有的兄弟姐妹,感谢你们对我无私的支持,对此我深表感激。
And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe, the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best -- the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.
To my chief strategist David Axelrod who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.
But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs to you. It belongs to you.
I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.
我曾经是最不可能赢得白宫的候选人。在刚开始的时候,我们没有多少钱,也没有多少支持者,我们的竞选不是从华盛顿的大厅开始的,而是开始于艾奥瓦州得梅因 的后院、康科德的客厅、查尔斯顿的前厅。是辛勤劳作的男人、女人捐给了我们他们微薄的积蓄,5块钱、10块钱、20块钱。
It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.
It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of
Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.
This is your victory.And I know you didn't do this just to win an election. And I know you didn't do it for me.
You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime -- two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.你们这样做,是因为知道我们面前任务的艰难。即使我们今晚在这里欢庆,我们仍然知道明天将会带来我们平生最大的挑战——两场战争,一个处于危险边缘的星球、一个世纪来最严重的金融危机。
Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us.
There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage or pay their doctors' bills or save enough for their child's college education.
There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
I promise you, we as a people will get there.
There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve
every problem.当然,这一过程肯定还会出现挫折,甚至是不成功的开始。我作为总统所做出的决策,肯定也会有许多人并不赞同。我们知道政府并不能解决所有问题。
But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of
remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years -- block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.
以后我们还会面对挫折和谎言,我成为总统以后,也许有人无法认同我的每一项政策和方针。并且我们也知道政府并非能解决一切问题。但是我会忠诚地和你们并肩 奋斗,共同面对挑战。我依然会倾听你们的声音,尤其是我们之间存在分歧的时候。最重要的是,我会真诚地邀请你参与国家的重建,就像美国建国221年以来的 历史那样——靠我们的双手把国家建设地更为强大。
What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night. 我们从21个月以前的冬天开始了奋斗的征程,但是我们的努力不会在这个秋天的夜晚结束。
This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were.It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice.
So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us
resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other. 因此,让我们发扬新的爱国精神,树立新的服务意识和责任感,让我们每个人下定决心全情投入、更加努力地工作,并彼此关爱。
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.
In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.
Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.
Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.
And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.
To those -- to those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the true
strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
那些想要颠覆这个世界的人们,我们必将击败你们。那些追求和平和安全的人们,我们支持你们。那些所有怀疑美国能否继续照亮世界发展前景的人们,今天晚上我 们再次证明,我们国家真正的力量并非来自我们武器的威力或财富的规模,而是来自我们理想的持久力量:民主、自由、机会和不屈的希望。
That's the true genius of America: that America can change. Our union can be perfected. What we've already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons -- because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.
And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America -- the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.
When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.
When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.
She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that
A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination
And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change.Yes we can.
America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves -- if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment.
This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America. 感谢大家,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美利坚
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Hello, everybody. I’m speaking to you today from a UPS customer center in Landover, Maryland, where I came to talk about an issue that’s affecting families and businesses just like this one – the rising price of
gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future. It’s a strategy to reduce the oil we import
from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home. Part of this strategy involves increasing our oil exploration right here in America. In fact, our oil production last year reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage more safe, responsible drilling where we can.
But the truth is, drilling alone is not a real strategy to replace our dependence on foreign oil. And that’s
because even though America uses 25 percent of the world’s oil, we currently have only about 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves. Even if we used every last drop of all the oil we have, it wouldn’t be enough to
meet our long-term energy needs. So, real energy security can only come if we find ways to use less oil – if we invest in cleaner fuels and greater efficiency.
That’s what we’ve been doing since I took office. For example, we secured an agreement from all the
major auto companies to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks. So if you buy a new car, the better gas mileage is going to save you about $3,000. Altogether, this will save us about 1.8 billion barrels of oil as a country.
We need to build on this progress. As we make our cars and trucks more efficient, we’ve got to harness new technologies to fuel our vehicles with everything from biofuels to natural gas to advanced batteries. And the good news is, these technologies aren’t science fiction anymore. They exist
today. Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles that use little or no gas. And innovators across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.
To help jumpstart this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy vehicles that we have in our fleet. In the next few years, we’re going to switch the entire fleet over. And I’m here
at UPS because it’s not just the government getting in on the action. Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T,
Verizon, and PepsiCo – firms with some of the largest fleets in the country – are switching to more
efficient vehicles. And through our Clean Fleets Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be switching to electric and alternative vehicles, too – not out of the
goodness of their hearts, but because it’s good for their bottom lines.
The goal is simple. When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil a day. Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut that by one third. And by doing so, we’re going to make our economy less vulnerable to wild swings in oil
prices. We’re going to use cleaner sources of energy that don’t imperil our climate. And we’re going to
spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping America’s greatest renewable resource: our ingenuity.
We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private sector jobs last month. That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen months. That’s a
good sign. But we have to keep up the momentum, and transitioning to a clean energy economy will help us do that. It will ensure that the United States of America is home to the jobs and industries of tomorrow. That’s how we’ll win the future. And that’s how we’ll leave our children an America that is
more secure and prosperous than before.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Last week, when I ordered our armed forces to help protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar Qaddafi, I pledged to keep the American people fully informed. Since then, I’ve spoken about
the limited scope and specific purpose of this mission. Today, I can report that thanks to our brave men and women in uniform, we’ve made important progress.
As Commander in Chief, I face no greater decision than sending our military men and women into harm’s
way. And the United States should not—and cannot—intervene every time there’s a crisis somewhere
in the world.
But I firmly believe that when innocent people are being brutalized; when someone like Qaddafi threatens a bloodbath that could destabilize an entire region; and when the international community is prepared to come together to save many thousands of lives—then it’s in our national interest to act. And it’s our
responsibility. This is one of those times.
Our military mission in Libya is clear and focused. Along with our allies and partners, we’re enforcing the
mandate of the United Nations Security Council. We’re protecting the Libyan people from Qaddafi’s
forces. And we’ve put in place a no fly zone and other measures to prevent further atrocities.
We’re succeeding in our mission. We’ve taken out Libya’s air defenses. Qaddafi’s forces are no longer
advancing across Libya. In places like Benghazi, a city of some 700,000 that Qaddafi threatened to show ―no mercy,‖ his forces have been pushed back. So make no mistake, because we acted quickly, a
humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians—innocent men, women
and children—have been saved.
As I pledged at the outset, the role of American forces has been limited. We are not putting any ground forces into Libya. Our military has provided unique capabilities at the beginning, but this is now a broad, international effort. Our allies and partners are enforcing the no fly zone over Libya and the arms embargo at sea. Key Arab partners like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates have committed aircraft. And as agreed this week, responsibility for this operation is being transferred from the United States to our NATO allies and partners.
This is how the international community should work—more nations, not just the United States, bearing
the responsibility and cost of upholding peace and security.
This military effort is part of our larger strategy to support the Libyan people and hold the Qaddafi regime accountable. Together with the international community, we’re delivering urgent humanitarian assistance. We’re offering support to the Libyan opposition. We’ve frozen tens of billions of dollars of
Qaddafi’s assets that can help meet the needs and aspirations of the Libyan people. And every day, the
pressure on Qaddafi and his regime is increasing.
Our message is clear and unwavering. Qaddafi’s attacks against civilians must stop. His forces must
pull back. Humanitarian assistance must be allowed to reach those in need. Those responsible for
violence must be held accountable. Moammar Qaddafi has lost the confidence of his people and the legitimacy to rule, and the aspirations of the Libyan people must be realized.
In recent days, we’ve heard the voices of Libyans expressing their gratitude for this mission. ―You saved our lives,‖ said one Libyan. Said another, ―Today, there is hope.‖
Every American can be proud of the lives we’ve saved in Libya and of the service of our men and women
in uniform who once again have stood up for our interests and our ideals. And people in Libya and around the world are seeing that the United States of America stands with those who hope for a future where they can determine their own destiny.
Hello, Chicago.If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.We are, and always will be, the United States of America.It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.您好,芝加哥。