2017至2018学年第学期 二年级英语教学计划(外研
十个Module 均以话题纲,围绕话题进行对话式的语句呈现。话题涉及
1. Greetings 2. Introductions 3. Classroom activities 4. Colours 5.Classroom 6. Schoolbag. 7. Animals 8. Numbers 9. Birthdays.10 Family 11. Review这些学生身边的、与学生生活密切相题,学生学起来应该很易于接受,并能好地激发他们的兴趣。 二、学生况分
小, 好动、易兴、易疲劳, 注意容易分 , 40分钟的堂学习对于他们来说真的很难! 而且思维非常具体,形象,善于机记忆,不虑事的意义而死记硬背。例如:数数从一开始可以流利的往数,但是从中抽出部分数起,就得头数起,否则就接不下来。因为他们是整体机械记忆的,不能紧紧抓住所记的内容和意义条地记忆,也就是理解记忆的能力还差。这一阶段要培养学生理性记
学习方法和答题技巧的培养。同时,培养生成好的听、说、、写等学习习惯,提高课堂教学效率 三、教材分
本册教材教学内容都很丰富多,文还有一系列有的故事、游戏、活动和歌曲,体现了英语课堂教学活跃性。教在整体构思、容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用等方面都密联系学的生活实际, 贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则,把知技能目标融会在完成任务过程之中。 四、教目
1、学生的英语学习兴趣培养。 2、学生好英语学习习惯培养。 3、形成自信心和正确的学习态
4、掌握简单的语言知识和良好的语感,为续学奠定良好基础。 5、按照进度完成5个模块的学习内
6、能听说本学期的重点词汇;并能辨认和说。 7、能流利演唱所学歌曲、歌
Lesson1 Hello!
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、 The sentence patterns: to master the following. My name is??.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and
sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :Danny Jenny LiMing
2、Difficult points: I am ??.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 2 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、 Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences patterns.
2、 Write out the following Letters for 3 times .
Aa Bb Cc
Good “
Lesson 2 What’s your name?
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、 The sentence patterns: to master the following.
What’s your name ? ---My name is Danny.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :Name your my
2、 Difficult points:What’s your name ?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !” “Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?” “Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teac her from first
to end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then .
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 4 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences patterns.
2、Write out the following letters for 3times .
Dd Ee Ff
Lesson3 How are you?
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、The sentence patterns: to master the following.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用How are you?这个句
2、会读、会写、认G H I三个字
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :how fine too
2、Difficult points:How are you?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 6 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences Patterns.
2、 Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Gg Hh Ii
Lesson4 Nice to Meet you
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、 The sentence patterns: to master the following.
Hello! My name is Danny Nice to meet you
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用My name Nice to meet you
Ⅱ. Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :nice meet you
2、 Difficult points: nice to meet you.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !”“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?” “Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、Listening to and reading after teacher from first
to end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then .
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、 Asking the students to open their books
on page 8 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences patterns.
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Gg Hh Ii
Lesson 5 Good morning!
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、The sentence patterns: to master the following.
Good morning Ms. Zhang.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them. 4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用Good morning!这个句
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :morning
2、Difficult points: Good morning.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !” “Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?” “Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
1、 Asking the students to open their books
on page 8 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences patterns.
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Gg Hh Ii
Lesson 5 Good morning!
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、The sentence patterns: to master the following.
Good morning Ms. Zhang.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them. 4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用Good morning!这个句
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :morning
2、Difficult points: Good morning.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !” “Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?” “Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then .
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 10 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Jj Kk Ll
Lesson 6 Goodbye!
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 The sentence patterns: to master the
(2)I’m fine.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3 、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
2、会读、会写、会 M N O三个字
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :hi hello
2、Difficult points:How are you ?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、 To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、 Asking the students to open their books
on page 12 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Mm Nn 0o
Lesson Unit 1 Review
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、The sentence patterns: to master the following.
(1)、What’s your name ?
(2)、My name is Jenny.
(3)、Nice to Meet you.
(5)、Good morning.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
2、会读、会写、会、P Q R三个字
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :boy girl teacher morning
sad happy
2、Difficult points:
(1)、What’s your name ?
(2)、My name is Jenny.
(3)、Nice to Meet you.
(5)、Good morning.
(6) I am fine.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、 To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 14 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、 Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Pp Qq Rr
知识目标:1、 The sentence patterns: to master the
(1)I’m a boy
(2)I’m a girl
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3 、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用(1)I am a boy (2)I am a girl 这
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :hi hello
2、Difficult points: (1)I’m a boy
(2)I’m a girl
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、 To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、 Asking the students to open their books
on page 18 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences Patterns.
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Ss Tt Uu
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 The sentence patterns: to master the
(1)Good morning Ms.Zhang
(2)She is my teacher
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3 、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用She is my teacher这个句
2、会读、会写、认V W X三个字
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、Main points :hi hello
2、Difficult points:How are you ?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、 To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、 Asking the students to open their books
on page 20 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Vv Ww Xx
Lesson 9 I’m a student.
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand.
知识目标:1、The sentence patterns: to master the following. Are you ?.? Yes??\No??
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points .
1、Main points :Chinese student
2、Difficult points:Are you Chinese? Yes?\No?
Ⅲ.Procedure .
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、 To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、 To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 22 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、 Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences Patterns.
2、 Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Yy Zz
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、 The sentence patterns: to master the following. He is my friend
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and
sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :we friend he is
2、Difficult points: He is my friend
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good
morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 24 and read this lesson after me for at least 3 times.
2、 Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences patterns.
2、 Write out the following Letters for 3 times .
Lesson 11 Fun at shcool
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1 The sentence patterns: to master the following.
We read ,writ and draw
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
1、 Main points :Yes
2、 Difficult points:
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !” “Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?” “Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teac her from first
to end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then .
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 26 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences patterns.
2、Write out the following letters for 4times .
apple desk flower read write draw
Lesson 12 Happy or sad
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标: 1、The sentence patterns: to master the following.
Good-bye. I’m sad.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
1、能熟练地运用I am happy. I’m sad. 这个句
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :
2、 Difficult points:
Ⅲ.Procedure .
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 28 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、 Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、The sentence patterns: to master the following.
(1)、I am a boy.
(2)、I am a girl
(3)、I’m a student
(4)、I am happy.
(5)、I am sad.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :boy girl teacher morning
sad happy
2、Difficult points:
(1)、I am a boy.
(2)、I am a girl
(3)、I’m a student
(4)、I am happy.
(5)、I am sad.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、 Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、 To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 30 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、 Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following the words for 3 times .
Lesson13 My classroom
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :school class classroom
2、Difficult points:This is my??.
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 34 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences
2、 Write out the following Letters for 3 times . Nn Oo Pp
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :desk,chair,book,marker,sit
2、Difficult points: What is this? It is a??
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 36 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences
2、 Write out the following Letters for 3 times . Qq Rr Ss
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand.
1、 The sentence patterns: to master the following.
(1)、one , two, three, four , five.
2、Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points .
1、 Main points : one two three four five
2、Difficult points: one , two, three, four , five.
Five books
Ⅲ.Procedure .
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、 To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 15and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Xx Yy Zz
Lesson16 How many?
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :have,see,guess
2、Difficult points: How many?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 46and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Lesson 17 Numbers6-10
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand.
1、 The sentence patterns: to master the following.
one ,two ,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.
Ten book.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4 、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5 、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points .
1、 Main points : one two three four five
Six seven eight nine ten
2、Difficult points: one ,two ,three,four,five,
six,seven,eight,nine,ten. Ten bookS.
Ⅲ.Procedure .
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、New lesson .
(1)、 To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drells .
(2)、 Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3) To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
1、Asking the students to open their books
on page 1 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2、Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
1、Recite the new words and new sentences
2、Write out the following letters for 3 times .
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :pencil box,pen,pencil, ruler,eraser
2、Difficult points: How many...do you have?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 44 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
1、 Recite the new words and new sentences
2、 Write out the following Letters for 3 times . Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :new words
2、Difficult points:This is a??.
How many...do you have?
What is this? It is a??
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 48and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2.Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Lesson19 Red green
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :red green
2、Difficult points: red green
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 54 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :blue yellow
2、Difficult points: blue yellow
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 56and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points : black,white
2、Difficult points:What colour is it?
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 58 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :orange,browm
2、Difficult points: orange,brown
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 34 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :pink,purple
2、Difficult points: pink,purple
3、Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ How are you?”
“Who is on duty?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 34 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Eevry sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
Ⅱ.Main points and Difficult points :
1、 Main points :red,orange,yellow,white,pink,purple,browm
2、Difficult points: What colour do you like?I like.....
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts.
“Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 60 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2. Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
Unit4 Review
Ⅰ.Arm and Demand:
知识目标:1、 To master the sentences.
2、 Dialogue ;To understand, speak, read every word and sentence
of the dialogue.
3、New words and expression :to understand read and write them.
4、Every sentence :To understand ,speak ,and read them .
5、To practise writing out again .
RⅡ.Main points and Difficult points :
2、Difficult points: We sing a song.
We play a game.
We draw a picture
Ⅲ.Procedure :
1、Organization of teaching progress about two minuts. “Good morning class !”
“Sit down , Please !”
“ Who’s on duty today?”
“Who is absent?”
2、 New lesson .
(1)、To teach the new words and expression by using
substitule drills .
(2)、Listen to and reading after teacher from first to
end again and again .
(3)、To writing the following on the blackboard then ,
Asking the students to look at them and listen
carefully .
Ⅳ. Practice
1.Asking the students to open their books
on page 62 and read this lesson after me for at
least 3 times.
2.Corsolidition of the words and drills about eight
minuts .
Ⅴ. Homework
Recite the new words and new sentences
一 教学重点 :询问对方的姓名及回答的
二 教学难点 :What’ s your name? My name is?中 name 的发
三 教具准备 :1 教师
2 要求学生准备一个面 , 并制作一个写有本人姓名的头
四教学过程 :
1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)
(1) 唱“ Hello ”歌
(2) 师生互相
(3) 学生将胸卡戴
a. Hello, I’m Mary.
b. Hi! I’m Peter.
(设计意图 :提高学
2 呈现新课 (Presentation)
(1) 老师指着自己的英名卡 Hello! I’ m Miss/Mr? . 然后用 My name’ s ? . 反复说 三到四遍自己的名 , 速度由慢到正常。 接着教师对一名学生发问 What ’ s your name? (用清晰、 缓慢的语调问两 ) 边问边指他 /她的名卡 , 并以用夸张的口型提示他 /她回 My name ’ s ? . 教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬 , 并发给他 /他小奖品 , 以次鼓励学生认真别人的问答 , 努力 模仿教师说的。 类似的方法在教室里与学生行问答练习 , 意引导学生用 My name’ s ? . 回答问
(2) 跟读、模仿 What ’ s your name? 注意学生对 name 一词中 a 的发
(3) 听录音跟读
(设计意图 :听
3 趣味操练 (Practice)
(1)Pair work: 可让学戴头饰 , 表书上 Let ’ s talk 的对
(2)Let’ s play中游戏 , 请几个学站在门外做迎宾先生或姐 , 再请几个同学做嘉宾。 每位迎宾者用 Hello! What’ s your name? 进行发问后 , 嘉须用 My name’ s ? . 答自的名字 , 方可入内。教室里的其他同学掌并用 Welcome! 向他 (她 ) 表示欢迎。教师注意提示学生区分 发音的正、误 , 培养学听力的能力 , 养成会的习惯。在纠正音时要适度 , 切不可挫伤孩 的积极
(3)四人或六人为一个小组 , 先将学自制的名卡头饰收集在一起 , 再由每的“小老”通 过 What ’ s your name? 其他同学回答 My name’ s ? 的方式 , 答对的同学拿自己的头 饰戴头
4 课堂评价 (Assessment)
做活动手册本单元第 4部分练习。具体教学步骤 参考如下 :
(1) 教师引导生猜猜图中人物所说的
(2) 教师讲解题的意思并指导学生做练习的方
(3) 学
(4) 再次播放录音 , 在教师的指下学生句一句地跟读并相核对答案 , 再通过给花 朵涂色进行自我评
5 扩展性活动 (Add-activities)
请一位学生到讲台前边 , 手蒙眼睛。教师手势指定一男一女两位学生 , 并告诉他们用 (打招呼、 我介绍、 问对方姓名及回答 ) 的句型对话 , 后由被蒙眼睛的学生直接说出说话 双方人姓名 , 此时教师可根据学生扩展到 His/Her name’ s ?句
板书设计 :
Unit 1 Hello!
What ’ s your name? My name’ s ? (用学生或本册教材主人公的人名卡表示姓名 )
知识拓展 : 帮助学生理。 please ,以表示礼貌。 (What's your name? 一般在登记,注册,执 行公务, 教师问学生等场使用。 时交往中不宜用 What's your name?尤其陌生人或辈, 将被英等外国人视为十分礼
A .知识技能目标:学会三个介词 on,in,under, 并能 Where’s my/the??去询问 物品在
B .运用能力目标:学问某物的方位及回答的日常交际用
C .素质教育目标:让学受英语的实用性,培养学生运用语言能
on,in,under 三个词的读以及别是这节课重点也是难点,“hat”的读音是 个难
I 、 Warm — up
1、 Greeting
T: Class begins.
Ss: Stand up, please.
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen.
T: Say Hello to your parents.
Ss: Hello.
T: Good! Now, Group 1 and 2, let’s say , I’m a cat ,cat ,cat, in a cap , cap , cap.
Group 3 and 4, let’s say , I’m a cat ,cat ,cat, in a hat , hat , hat.(结 合不同的动作,有要的话,帽
T :Now, follow me, bounce, bounce, bounce the ball’, twice. ok?
2、 Quick response
(PPT快速出示一些图片:pen/ pencil/ ruler/ dog/ fox / hat/ box/ , 然后迅 速消,让学生
T :Now , look carefully. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a ?
T: Is it a ??
Ss: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
T: What’s this?
Ss: It’s a box.
T: Yes, it’s a box.(从讲台桌下拿出一只漂亮的箱子 )
T: Now, look, it’s my box.. It’s so beautiful. I like it very much..
Guess, what’s IN my box?(摇摇箱子) (课件出示句子“??in my box?”)
Ss guessing(引导学生猜, a ball? a book? a cat ?......单击出现这些
T: Is it a book? What’s this?
S1: It’s a ball.
T: Yes, you are right. It’s a ball.
II 、 Presentation
一、 IN
1、单击出示 IN 图片, T: A ball in the box.
出示 IN 单词卡片, T: [I] [I]---IN, follow me. (先教【 I 】 , 再教 [IN])齐读 ——
T: in ↗ in ↘in the box (一拿球和箱子做动作
跟读 in ↗ in ↘in the box——抽读(让他拿球和箱子做动
T: Now, in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the box.(单击出现“ It’s ”,贴好板书 “It’s in the box.”)
(带领学生边拍手边说 CHANT, 先慢快,先跟读,再抽读,然后开火车读 ) 2、跟着边做
T: Now, boys and girls. Please take out your eraser. Let’s do together.(让生拿出橡皮,和师一起边做边
in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the pencil-box.
in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the desk.
in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the schoolbag.
3、 guess
T: Good, now, take away your eraser.(保证学生放好橡皮 )
Look, what’s this?(出示一实物——钢笔 )
Ss: It’s a pen..
T: Yes, it’s my pen. Now, close your eyes.1\2\3(叫学生先闭上眼睛,把 pen 藏于 box 里
T: OK. O pen your eyes. Where’s my pen? Guess? (贴
T: Yes or no? Let’s open and look.
Wonderful. It’s in the box.. You’re right.(奖励学生 )
二、where’s my pen
T: where↗ where↘ where’ s the pen?(全体学生跟读 )
T: Now , one by one.(开火车练读这个句子 )
(把钢笔放进箱子里 )T :where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?
(提示学生回答) S1:in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the box.
T: Now, Let’s play a game. I need 5 students. Who can come here.(抽取 5名生上台做游
T: OK. Now, stand in a line(让学生排成一队 ) face to me, ok? Are you ready? T :where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?(把箱子给第一个学
提示第一个学生回答 S1:in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the box.
提示第一个学生转身问第二个学生 S2: where↗ where↘ where’s the pen?
出示一个 pencil box,把它放进一
S1:It’s in the schoolbag.
T: where↗ where↘ where’s the pencil-box?
Ss: in ↗ in ↘ It’s in the schoolbag.
三、 ON
T: Now , look, it’s Amy’s room. But it’s too dirty. Let’s clean the room, ok?
(告诉学生是 LINGLING 的房间,太脏了,我们帮她整理一下 )
T: Now, look, Where’s the ball?
Ss: It’s in the box.
T: Where’s the pencil-box?
Ss: It’s in the schoolbag.
T: Where’s the book?
Ss: It’s on the desk.(引导学生回答 )
2、单击出示 ON 片 , 并出示 ON 单词卡
T: [O] [O]---ON, follow me.(先【 O 】 , 再 [ON])齐读——抽读 (注意 [0]发音,结不能拖长
T: on ↗ on ↘on the box (一拿球和箱子做动作
跟读 on ↗ on ↘on the box——抽读(让他拿球和箱子做动
T: Now, on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the box.(单击出现“ It’s ”,贴好板书 “It’s on the box.”)
(带领学生边拍手边说 CHANT, 先慢后快,先跟读,再抽读,然后开火车读 )
T: Now, boys and girls. Please take out your eraser. Let’s do together.(让学生拿出橡皮,和老师一起边做边说 ) (让小自编 chant, 如果 学生有困,
on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the desk..
on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the book.
on ↗ on ↘ It’s on the seat.
1、 guess
T: Look, it’s a dog. It’s my box.(把这两样东西藏于讲台桌后,或者 用块布盖上 )
Where’s the dog?
S1: It’s in the box../ It’s on the box..
T: No, you are wrong. It’s under the box.
2、单击出示 under 图片 , 出示 under 单词卡片, T: [a] [a]---under, follow me. (教【 a 】 , 再教 [under])齐读—— (注意 [a]音,结尾不能拖长
T: under↗under ↘under the box (一
跟读 under↗under ↘under the box——抽读(让他拿球和箱子做动
T: Now, under↗under ↘It’s under the box (单击出现“ It’s ”,贴好板书 “It’s under the box.”)
(带领学生边拍手边说 CHANT, 先慢后快,先跟读,再抽读,然后开火车读 )
T: Now, boys and girls. Please take out your eraser. Let’s do together.(让学生出橡皮,和老师一起边做边说 ) (让小朋友自编 chant, 如果 学生有困,就提供物品来提
S1: under ↗ under↘ under the desk
S2: under ↗ under↘ under the book
S3: under ↗ under↘ under the seat
(让小朋友自编 chant, 如果学生有困难,就提供物品来提醒他 )
4、 game
T: Now ,let’s play a game. Take out your eraser, follow me.
(让学生拿出橡皮和另外一只手做听听做做的游戏, 先请有学边听边跟着 老师一做一起说, in 、 on 、 under, 后速度加
T:IN /ON/ UNDER, follow me.(让学生跟着自己一边说一边
T: Now, I say you do.我说你做, ok?
T: Who can say?(请个学生来发指令 )
T: OK, now, group work..人说,其他人做(先要对班级成员进行分
T: 1\2\3,Are you ok? Which group? Come here.(抽组上台进行表演,进行 评比、奖
T: Look, where↗where↘where’s my pen?
Ss: in↗in↘It’s in the hat.”
2 、
T: Who can ask?(引导生来,用句子提醒他,后全班一起回答 ) 开火车游戏,挑中一组,一问
请 boys 来问, girls 回,然后再选
1) listen and point
T: Now, open your books, turn to P38,look, Panpan is coming. First, let’s listen and point
(请学生打开书本,翻到 38页,第一遍边听磁带边用手点课文内容 )
2) listen and read
T: Now, let’s read after the tape.
3) read together
T: Close your book, now. Look at the blackboard, let’s read
together. ”Hello, where’s my pen?1\2\3go
III 、 Practice
1、 chant
用幻灯片出示一些方图,用 chant 来进行
T: where↗ where↘ where’s the ???
Ss: in ↗ in ↘ It’s ?? the ??.
(由个别向集体, 先老师抽取个别优问, 再请优生问
2、 出示一张有很多方位关系的图片,先请个优回,让全班用 YES 或者 NO 来进行评判,然后请同桌操练,接着抽
IV 、 Consolidation.
1、 Hide and seek.
T: Let’s play a game. Firstly, please close your eyes, I’ll hide my book. Now, please open your eyes. Where’s my book? Can you guess?
S1: It’s on the desk.
S2: It’s in the desk.
S3: It’s in the hat.
S4: It’s under the desk.
S5: It’s on the floor.
T: Super! You are right! Thank you !
3、 I’m a magician!
T: Boys and girls , you can play this game with your partner. You are a magician, you can hide anything as soon as you can. Then ask your partner: Where’s my?? Let’s begin!
V 、 Over
T: Class is over .
一 教学重点 :询问对方的姓名及回答的语 What ’ s your name? My name is? 的学
二 教学难点 :What’ s your name? My name is?中 name 的发
三 教具准备 :1 教师
2 要求学生准备一个面 , 并制作一个写有本人姓名的头
四教学过程 :
1 热身、复习 (Warm-upRevision)
(1) 唱“ Hello ”歌
(2) 师生互相
(3) 学生将胸卡戴
a. Hello, I’m Mary.
b. Hi! I’m Peter.
(设计意图 :提高学
2 呈现新课 (Presentation)
(1) 老师指着自己的英文名卡说 Hello! I’ m MissMr? . 后用 My name’ s ? . 反说三到遍自己的名字 , 速度由慢到正常。 接着教师
name? (清晰、 缓慢的语问两遍 ) 边问边指他的名卡 , 并可以用夸张的口型提示他 她回答 My name ’ s ? . 教师对第一应答学生应重点表扬 , 并发给他小奖品 , 以次 励学生认真别人的问答 , 努力模仿教师说的新句型。用类似的方法在教室里与学生 进行问习 , 注意引导学生用 My name’ s ? . 答问
(2) 跟读、模仿 What ’ s your name? 注意学生对 name 一词中 a 的发
(3) 听录音跟读
(设计意图 :听
3 趣味操练 (Practice)
(1)Pair work: 可让学戴头饰 , 表书上 Let ’ s talk 的对
(2)Let’ s play中游戏 , 请几个学站在门外做迎宾先生或姐 , 再请几个同学 做嘉宾。每位迎宾者用 Hello! What’ s your name? 进行发问后 , 嘉须用 My name’ s ? . 答自的名字 , 方可入内。教室里的其他同学掌并用 Welcome! 向他 (她 ) 表示 欢迎。教师注意提示学生区发音的正、误 , 培养学听力的能力 , 养成会的习 惯。在纠发音时要适度 , 切不可挫伤孩的积极
(3)四人或六人为一个小组 , 先将学自制的名卡头饰收集在一起 , 再由每的“小 师”通过 What ’ s your name? 其他同学回答 My name’ s ? 的方式 , 答对 的同学回自己的头饰戴头
4 课堂评价 (Assessment)
做活动手册本单元第 4部分练习。具体教学步骤 参考如下 :
(1) 教师引导生猜猜图中人物所说的
(2) 教师讲解题的意思并指导学生做练习的方
(3) 学
(4) 再次播放录音 , 在教师的指下学生句一句地跟读并相核对答案 , 再 通过给花朵涂色进行自我评
5 扩展性活动 (Add-activities)
请一位学生到讲台前边 , 手蒙眼睛。教师用势指定一男一女两位学生 , 并告 诉他们用 (打招呼、 我介绍、 问对方姓名及回答 ) 的句型对话 , 后由被蒙住睛的 学生直接说出说话双方人姓名 , 此时教师可根据学生情展到 HisHer name ’ s ? 句
板书设计 :
Unit 1 Hello!
What ’ s your name? My name’ s ? (用学生或本册教材主人公的人名卡表示 姓名 )
知识拓展 : 帮助学生理。 please , 以表示礼貌。 (What's your name? 一般在记, 注册,执行公务,教师问学生等合使用。 平时交往中不宜用 What's your name?尤问陌生人或辈,将被英等外国人视为十分礼
Unit 4 We love animals
1. 能听懂、会说Look! I have a ..... Oh, really?May I have a look? Sure. Here you are.Oh, it's nice! I like it. Thank you. / Thanks. 并能在实际情景中进行用。要求模仿正确,语自
2. 能听说、认读一些常见的动物的单cat, dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, bird, pig, elephant, mouse, bear, squirrel,并用英文介绍这些小
3.能听懂、会说几个常用的感叹语Cool! Super! Great! Wow!并能够在实际情景中恰当地使
4.能听懂一些简单的指示,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相 应的动
A 部分
1. Let's talk.
本部分主要提供给学生一个如何将自己心之呈现于 人,及如何对别人的呈现做出赞美、感叹的对话情
2. Let's play.
本部分是为了巩固 Let's talk 部分的内容,培养生学习语的兴趣而设计的。学可以在此项活动中尽情发挥表演才能,看谁仿的动物叫声形体特征最
1. 教师准备动物玩具rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, cat, duck
2. 教师准
3. 学生
1. 热身/复习 (Warm-up/ Revision)
(1) 教师播放"How are you "的歌曲录音,师生对
(3) 用" 开火车" 的方式进行学生之间的日常会话
2. 新课展示 (Presentation)
(1) 播放第一单元Let's chant的录音,学生拿出文具跟读并表
(2) 请学生用Look! I have a .... 复习所学的文
(3)教师通过动物玩具教有关动物的新单词:rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, cat, duck (这些单词本课时只要求学生听,会说。认读在第二课时完
(4)感叹语Great! Cool! Wow! Super&可取自然入的方。比如当学生突然看到老师出了一可爱的兔公仔时,很可能发出情不自禁的感
(5) 听录音来展示Let's talk 部分的教学内。学生跟读、模仿,教师要求学生注意语音语
3. 趣味操练 ( Practice)
(1)教师将动物具放在讲桌,并将动的图片卡在黑板上。请一同上讲台,教师说:A cat. 学生就从黑板上取下画有猫的图片,然后说:This is a cat. 接再从动物玩具中拿起猫说:Look, I have a cat. 全班同学可同时用Cool! Super! Great! Wow!中的任何一种做出回应。用同样的方法新单词rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, duck
(2)对Let's play部分的操
按照课本中所呈现的方式,请生来扮演这些小动物,模仿它 们的动作及声
4.课堂评价 (Assessment)
5.课外活动 (Add-activities)
(1) 听录音,仿读话,并在实际情景中运用所学内
(2) 在日常生中能正确使用学过的感叹
(3) 模仿学过的动物,将们名称及表示它们叫声的词说给朋友和家长
1. Let's learn.
本部分主要呈现关于常见的有关动物的单词:monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit。
2. Let's do.
本部分要求学生在Act like a ....的指令下模仿小动物的动
1. 教师准备monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit的卡片(词卡和图
2. 教师准
3. 学生准备玩具动物,每人带一至两个到课堂
1. 热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)
(1)Daily oral practice (3-5 minutes)
(2)复习 第一课时所学单词。
(3)学生两人一组,表演A. Let's talk 的对
2. 新课展示(Presentation )
(1)教师可出示Let's learn 的图画。接着用英语和汉语对图中的情景做个解
(2)学生听录音,用手指着词,跟读Let's learn 部分的词
3. 趣味操
(1) 教师将有关动物的图和卡举起,带读,学生一个一个如开火车地练
(2) 配对游戏
(3) 教师拿起动物头饰学生,让学生根据形状猜出是哪种动
(4) 让学生听录音,边说边做Let's do 分的内容。做动作时,可以加上动物的叫
(5) 教师使用Let's do 的动作图卡,请一个学上台看卡,然后根据图卡做动,下面的同学要说出图卡上画的是什么动物做的动作。说对可为本组赢
(6) 游戏:耳语
4. 课堂评价 (Assessment)
5. 课外活动 ( Add-activities)
(2)按Let's do 部分的内容模仿动物给家长
一. 教
1.Let's make.
2. Let's sing.
1. 教师准备多个dog, duck, cat 的头
2. 教师准
3. 教师准备幅关于老麦当劳农场的
1. 热身/ 复习(Warm-up / Revision)
(1)Daily oral practice (3-5 minutes)
(2)教师将A. Let's learn的图卡的背面学生看,让学生猜是哪种动物,以此复习单
(3)游戏: 看动作,下指令(Look and tell)
2. 新课展示(Presentation )
(1) 教师将准备老麦当劳农场的画贴在黑板
(2) 教师指着图中的麦当劳学生说:Look, this is Old MacDonald. 再指着农场对学生说:This is a farm. This is Old MacDonald's farm. So Old MacDonald has a farm.(每句话可讲慢一些,并复遍) 那么,他的农场里都有些么呢?Look, on that farm he had some ducks. 教师边说边把几只鸭子的图贴到场的不同地方。边贴边先用汉语说:嘎叫,那里也嘎嘎叫,到处都是嘎的叫声。再用英语
(3) 请学
2. 趣味操练 ( Practice)
(1) 让学生听Let's sing 录音,拍手并和着节奏一起唱。)
(2) Let's make可作为户活,生可用:Look, I have a ....的句式来表达手
4. 课堂评价(Assessment )
5. 课外活动(Add-activities )
(1) 将新
(2) 和父母一做手影,看谁做得又多又形
B 部分
一. 教
1. Let's talk.
2. Let's play.
本部分是为了巩固Let's talk 部分的内容,并培养学生学习兴趣而设计
1. 教师准备一个玩具熊 (A Teddy Bear) 和一些学过的动物的玩
2. 学生每人准一个自己喜欢的动物玩
1. 热身/ 复习(Warm-up / Revision)
(1) Daily oral practice
(2) 教师播放歌曲"Old MacDonald had a farm",学生表演
(3) 教师播放Unit 2中"Teddy Bear"的歌曲,学生在唱 Teddy Bear 一句时拍手,其他句边唱边做
(4) 教师准备道具,请同上台表演A. Let's talk 的对
2. 新课展示(Presentation )
(1) 呈现对话:
a .学生表演完A. Let's talk 的对话,老师留下一位学生,对他说: xxx, what do you have? Show me your animal, please. (教师对学生语时要尽量慢并伴有手和动作来帮助他
b . 当学生明白老的意后,回到座位拿带来的玩具:Look, I have a rabbit. 于是教师立即引出本课对话中的问句说:Oh, really? May I have a look? (速慢并伴有表和手势) , 学生会把他的玩拿给老师,老师接过小兔做很喜欢的表情对他说:Oh, it's nice. I like it. 说完把兔子还给学生, 一
(2) 让学生听录音来示B.Let's talk部分的内
3. 趣味操
教师先说"May I have a look?" 然后说"look" 。学重复"look". 教师说:"a look", 学生复这两词。教师用每次多加一词的方式一直引导学生能流利地
告诉学生have a look是一个固定的用法,译为" 看一看" 。
(3)请学生分角色表Let's talk 部分的对
(4)请学生用自己的玩具替换Teddy Bear,表演Let's talk 部分的对
(5)请学生按照Let's play的对话,找自己的好朋友一起玩游
4. 课堂评价 ( Assessment)
5. 课外活动(Add-activities )
(1)听录音,仿读Let's talk 的对
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