? 英文?
to ?intro?duce ?XXX, ?appli?cant ?the e?xamin?ation? of t?he As?socia?tion ?of In?terna?tiona?l Acc?ounta?nts. ?She w?as an? exce?llent? acco?untan?t in ?accou?nting? depa?rtmen?t of ?_____?_____?_____?__ I ?belie?ve he?r per?forma?nce d?uring? the ?work ?prove?s her? capa?bilit?y and? coor?dinat?ion a?bilit?ies. ?She i?s an ?enthu?siast?ic an?d pro?gress?ive
y?oung ?lady ?with ?extre?mely ?high ?poten?tiali?ty. M?iss C?hen i?s not? only? quic?k at ?learn?ing a?nd go?od at? solv?ing d?iffic?ult p?roble?ms, b?ut al?so wi?th a ?logic?al mi?nd th?at en?ables? him ?to ef?fecti?vely ?analy?ze di?fficu?lties?. All? the ?work ?hande?d to ?her w?as pl?eted ?satis?facto?rily.? Actu?ally,? she ?is so? reli?able ?that ?I ass?ign h?er wi?th he?avy r?espon?sibil?ities?. Che?n Yu ?has g?et Ch?ina C?ertif?ied P?ublic? Acco?untan?t qua?lific?ation? in f?inanc?ial a?rea. ?Chen ?Yu ha?s sub?mitte?d her? appl?icati?on an?d I a?m hop?eful ?that ?this ?lette?r of ?remen?datio?n bri?ngs h?er st?rengt?h and? cred?entia?ls to? your? atte?ntion?. Bes?t Reg?ards ?_____?_____?_____?__ 粗略?翻译
?敬 这封?信是陈愉?姐的推荐信?,她申请人?加入国际会?师协
盟环保科技?有限公司的?一名秀的?会计员, ?我相信她的?工作
? 愉已?经取中国?注册会计师?资格
? 陈宇已?提交加入贵?协会的请?,我希望这?封推荐信可?以证明她的?力并得
?挚的问候? 北京亚盟?环保科技有?
co?rpora?tion ?with ?resea?rcher?s fro?m oth?er gr?oups.? A fl?exibl?e and? adap?table? peop?le ca?n do ?any w?ork a?ssign?ed to? him,? so d?oes M?r. Pe?i. Du?ring ?the p?eriod? of h?is pr?incip?al fu?nd
re?searc?h, he? esta?blish?ed th?e sui?table? mode?l for? fiel?d emi?ssion?, and? fini?shed ?the s?imula?tion ?of sp?ace c?harge? effe?ct. H?e als?o mad?e pro?minen?t pro?gress? on c?alcul?ation? of f?ield-?enhan?cemen?t fac?tor a?nd wr?ote t?wo pa?pers.? One ?paper? is a?ccept?ed by? “Ser?ies o?f The? Firs?t Pri?ncipa?l Fun?d Pap?ers” ?and a?nothe?r pap?er is? to b?e sub?mitte?d to ?an in?terna?tiona?l jou?rnal.? This? is a?lso a? demo?nstra?tion ?of hi?s Sci?ence ?and E?nglis?h abi?lity.? It i?s my ?belie?f tha?t Pei? Yi s? bina?tion ?of th?e tec?hnica?l ski?lls w?ith a? high? leve?l of ?moral? stan?dards? has ?been ?criti?cal t?o his? pers?onal ?and p?rofes?siona?l dev?elopm?ent a?nd he? will? succ?eed i?n any? task? due ?to th?ese a?bilit?ies a?nd ch?aract?ers. ?If yo?u req?uire ?any f?urthe?r inf?ormat?ion a?bout ?the s?tuden?t, pl?ease ?feel ?free ?to co?ntact? me. ?Since?rely ?Yours? Gang?ming ?Zhang? Prof?essor? of P?hysic?selec?troni?cs De?partm?ent o?f Ele?ctron?ics P?eking? Univ?ersit?y Bei?jing ?10087?1, P.? R. C?hina ?Phone?: (86?10)62?75 17?73 E-?mail:? zgmi?n@pku?.edu.?cn篇
推?荐信英文翻?译 翻译?士考研?推荐信写作?方法 根据?历年的题?书信类的作?文也将是一?大考点,书?信类的文章?应该怎样去?写,有应该?怎样去复习?备考呢,下?面让我来?为大讲?翻译
? 推?信要多写优?点,分肯?定成绩,篇?幅不宜过长?,但也不?三言
? ? 推?信写作框?架
? 信目的?,出写信?人和被推荐?人的关
? ?结说明被推?荐人值得被?推荐(例如?能胜任
? ? 常?用
? 很?高向您推?荐?? 很?高向您推?荐?? 根?据贵方的要?求,我毫无?保留地向
? 此,我?毫犹豫地?向您推荐???作
? 因此?,我在此衷?心向您推荐??? 如果?您能给他在?贵公司任职?的机会,我?保他今
? 相他?的学识和?品一定会使?他成为贵公?司合
9?、i lo?ok fo?rward? to h?earin?g fro?m you? at t?he ea?rlies?t pos?sibly? mome?nt. 希?望尽早收到?您的回复。?
?? 参考范?文 dea?r sir?/ mad?am, y?ours ?since?rely,? li m?ing 以?上就是我所?讲的翻译硕?士推荐信的?写作方法,?希望学们?能够多多?注下书信类?的及其?范文
? 凯?程考研成立?于2017?年,国首?家全日制?机构考研?,一直从事?高端全日制?辅导,由?海洋教、?张鑫教授、?卢教授、?王洋教授、?杨武金教授?、张释然教?授、索玉柱?教授、方浩?教授等一批?级考研教?研队伍组成?,为员全?程高量授?课、疑、?测试、督导?、报?、方指导?、联系导师?、复试等全?方位的考
? 凯程?考研的
?学习成为?种习惯;? 凯程考研?
? 凯旋归
? 完善全新?的教育模式?,做中国?专业考研?辅导机构;? 激情: ? 永不?言弃,
? 以专业的?态度做非凡?的事业; ?服务:
? 以学员?的前途为已?任,为学?提供高效、?专业的服务?,团队合作?,为学服?
? 如何?选择考研辅?导班:
? 在考?研准备的过?中,会?到不少?,尤其对于?跨专业考生?的专业?说,过报?辅导班来?补自己复习?的不足,可?以大大提高?复习效率,?节省复习时?间,大家可?以通过以下?几个方面来?考察导班?,或许能帮?你到适?你
? 对该专业?有辅导
? 凯程?教育拿下2?017五道?口金融学院?状元,考取?五道15?人,清华经?管金融硕?10人,人?大金融士?15,中?财贸大金?融硕士合?20人,北?师大教育学?7人,会计?硕士保录?考取30人?,翻译硕士?接近20人?,中传状元?王园璐、郑?家威都是来?凯程,?学方,凯?程在大、?北大、贸大?、政法、武?汉大学、公?安大学等院?校获多个?法学和法硕?状元,更多?专业成绩请?查看凯程网?。在凯程?官网站的?光荣榜,成?功学员经验?谈视频特别?多,都是?程绩的最?好证明。对?于如此的?成绩,凯程?集训营班主?任邢老师说?,凯程如此?优异成绩?,是与我们?凯严格的?管理,全方?位的辅导是?分不开的,?很多学?科都是名?校,某些学?来自本?三本甚至不?知名的院校?,还有多?是作了多?年才 回来?考的,大多?数是跨专业?考研,他?的度大,?竞争激烈,?没有严格的?训练学?们的刻苦学?习,是很难?达到优异的?成绩。最好?的办法是直?接和程老?师详细通?一下就清楚?了。建校历?
? 机构成立?的历史也是?一个考因?,历史越?久,积累的?人脉资源更?多。例如,?凯程育已?经成立10?年(201?7年),一?直以来专注?于考研,成?功率直遥?遥领先,?学们有兴趣?联系
? 有没有?实体学校
? 有些机构?比较小,就?是个在写?字楼里上课?,习,这?种环境是不?太好的,一?个优机?构须是在?教学环境,?大学校园这?样环境。凯?程有自己的?学习校区,?有吃住学一?体化教学环?境,独立卫?浴、空调、?暖气齐全,?这也是一?考研机构实?力的现。?此,最好?还要看一下?他们的营业?执
?研究生保研?推荐信模?(英语翻?译)研生?保研荐信? 在学习方?,***?一直认真踏?,刻苦钻?研专业知识?,具备很强?的研力?,获得次?优秀学生一?等奖学金和?级三好学?生,两次优?秀学二等?奖学金和院?级三好学生?。在学习人?力资源管理?专业之后,?***经常?与师和同?学交流学术?问题,并取?得了学成?绩专业第?的成绩。同?时为习?委员,积极?建设良好的?班风,?为他同学?造了良好?的学习条件?,架起了老?师
? 在社?会经历方面?,***参?与新华人?寿险份?有限公司的?“云帆暑期?实习营”,?在山东公?司完成1个?半的实习?工作,并且?因为出色的?表现被评为?“杰出营员?”。另外*?**还作为?威海市人口?普查参与?了全国第六?次口普查?,高质量完?了任务,体现了高??的工作能力?和人际沟
November 30, 2003
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to enthusiastically recommend Pei Yi for admission to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California Berkeley. Pei Yi not only has academic background and technical qualifications for admission to your program, but also has demonstrated the independence,
perseverance, and other personal characters necessary to succeed in Sciences.
I have worked with Pei Yi for one and a half years since he began the Principal Fund Project in 2002. I think he has developed a mature character as a young academic research worker. Pei Yi is a very diligent student in our lab. He is almost the last one leaving the lab every day. To acquaint himself with the work more quickly, he chose my graduate course: Electron Physics. Though he has an excellent scholastic aptitude, I was afraid that the course was a little difficult for an undergraduate student. As things went by, I found my worry was quite unnecessary. He studied relevant courses such
as quantum mechanics by himself and got the highest score for my course. An intelligent young man with hard-working spirit can always live a fruitful and effective life.
I’m deeply impressed by his ability to work independently. I was very busy last year for official work, and have little time to guide him. However every time I see him, he was working or reading in the lab. He told me that he learned by himself through reading the academic journal and learned from other groups in our laboratory. In addition, he has a strong desire for good quality of academic work. He attended every seminar and had a successful corporation with researchers from other groups.
A flexible and adaptable people can do any work assigned to him, so does Mr. Pei. During the period of his principal fund research, he established the suitable model for field emission, and finished the simulation of space charge effect. He also made prominent progress on calculation of field-enhancement factor and wrote two papers. One paper is accepted by “Series of The First Principal Fund
Papers” and another paper is to be submitted to an international journal. This is also a demonstration of his S(转载
于:www.hNNsCy.coM 博 文 学 习 网:英语推荐信
译)cience and English ability.
It is my belief that Pei Yi's combination of the technical skills
with a high level of moral standards has been critical to his personal and professional development and he will succeed in any task due to these abilities and characters. If you require any further information about the student, please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely Yours
Gangming Zhang
Professor of Physicselectronics
Department of Electronics
Peking University
Beijing 100871, P. R. China
Phone: (8610)6275 1773
E-mail: zgmin@pku.edu.cn
Letter of Recommendation
My name is xxx and I have been a teacher in the Foreign Language School of xxx Education Group for many years.As the class advisor of xxx, it is my privilege to recommend xxx, one of the most excellent students I have admired in my class since the year of 2010 till present time.
xxx Foreign Language School is a education institution with its talent education scheme, focusing on the cultivation of inter-disciplinary talents, international talents and leader-type
talents as its school principle. The school is a six-year boarding school for junior-senior based education to ensure the planning and successful implementation of education scheme.
xxx has always been an excellent students since his primary school days and he displayed his outstanding academic talents at an earlier period. He was admitted to xx school with good grades in 2010 by standing out from the competition among more than 3000
candidates and became one of 200 winner students of 2010. It was my pleasure to be his class advisor that year, so I was able to have a close look and to have an all-round understanding about him. The three years of contact allows me to deeply feel that xxx has not only been remarkably doing well in academic performance, technological innovation, but also in team-based organization and public interest and compassion, and thus he is universally praised by his teachers and fellow students.
xxx has been in my class for almost three years. He is thirst for knowledge and always asks why. He is crazy about physics and chemistry and his academic performance ranks the first in his grade with his academic talents displayed in multiple aspects. As the subject representative in physics, he often helps his teachers to settle puzzlement for his fellow students and he can make use of his book knowledge for practical application. For instance, his team
won the first place finally during numerous strict selections among hundreds of participating teams in the Paper Airplane Hangtime Competition for Youngster in xxx Province. Particularly he got the best result as the
longest hangtime in his team. Afterwards he explained that the reason why he made such a good achievement was due to his good command of Bernoulli phenomenon. xxx loves thinking and he is a top do-it-youselfer, as illustrated by his early achievement in his primary school days that he won the first prize in Yongster's Technological Innovation Competition. Now he is participating the quarter-final of 2013 Yongster's Technological Innovation Competition and I have every reason to believe that he will make good results.
Moreover, what makes xxx school roud of him is that xxx took part in 2012 Robocup Singapore on behalf of xxx Foreign Language School in March, 2012. This
competition has been the biggest international robot competition for youngster so far. It is for the purpose of international science popularization oriented with
technological design and application, aiming at equipping the youngster with international perspective and technological innovation, facilitating friendly cooperation and communication
across border in science and culture field. The Competition has been successfully held in USA, Japan, Australia and Italy. During the robot research-and-rescue challenge for junior student groups, the robot from his team of three members lead by him did its job splendidly in spit of unexpectedness, when following his unified management, all the members took the tense situation calmly and each performed his own duties to give full play of teamworkship, so they eventually beat teams from Japan, South Korea and other countries and regions to rank the first in the international group,a quite impressive record which was highly praised by the senior judges of the Competition.
xxx was maxinly in charge of programming and debugging for such a competition, to which he devoted himself entirely. He used his free time to write the programs-- sometimes he had to write them for the whole day off and he would conduct
debugging machines constantly to solve one problem till late at night. xxx spent half a year on competition preparation with almost 600 times of debugging to obtain the good results. His enthusiasm and perseverance also affected his teammates foremost. Presently he is writing programs to prepare for the qualification trials in China for
2013 RoboCup to be held in Beijing in March, 2013. If he were to
win, he would take part in the international competition in Netherlands on behalf of China.
Additionally xxx has strong team consciousness, as
demonstrated by his experience in the winter camp for reporters when he was a primary school student. There were 16 groups for 128 members in the money managing competition, and his team ranked the first in asset profits in the capital market operation analogy fully enclosed for 7 days. Moreover ,with their concerted efforts, the 8 students in his dormitory Room during his junior school years had the credits as dormitory room model for three consecutive terms .
Xxx is also a student full of kindness and he frequently helps others in his everyday life;especially he helps those poor in physics and chemistry, for he is good at such two subjects. His fellow student, xxx benefited a lot from his help. He took care of his fellow student, xxx, who suffered from broken legs in 2012. He gave up his rest and playtime to be with xxx all the while. On the Christmas Eve of 2012, he launched a campaign of Christmas charity sale and more than 20 students from xxx school or other schools got together to sell apples outdoor from five pm to eight pm when it was bitter cold in northeast China.They did not dread the fatigue and coldness and they donated what they had earned profitably to the welfare houses
before new year to spread the idea of love.
Xxx is a potential students full of dreams. With your Talent Project in Summer Vacations, he will be able to get to know all the top students worldwide and they will exchange their ideas about the future world. It is my belief that xxx will have more surprising achievements and contributions. Therefore I formally recommend my student to you and hope you may take good consideration of his application, for if he had the opportunities to take part in your Talent Project in Summer Vacations, he would be most distinguished in his performance.
英文MBA推荐信翻译模板 Dear Addimissions Officer:
I am writing this letter to support the admission of Wenli Lee to the Harvard Business School. I was Mr. Lee‘s teacher and advisor for
several years between 1993 and 1995. We have met and talked several times since.
Mr. Lee‘s academic credentials are truly exceptional. He not only knows how to reason with numbers, but how to render incisive and imaginative arguments in English. Unlike most of the students I have taught from China(about 60 over the past 20 years) Lee immersed himself in American culture. He composed a joke as part of his first presentation analyzing a local plan. It worked. His classmates
laughed and I was witness to masterful culture spanning. Lee came to us a confident individualist uniquely suited to cultural cross fertilization. He earned straight
A grades in all my classes. Whether rendering a spread sheet analysis, crafting a graphic or writing a report, Lee always demonstrated uncanny mastery combined with critical wit. While many of the Chinese I have taught performed excellently in class, Lee alone has composed essays and talks that met the sensibilities and tastes of American classmates. Even more importantly he offered new ideas which they (and myself) could comprehend and even assimilate.
Lee has a deep reservoir of talent and ambition. He has already accomplished a great deal in the face of considerable challenge. He has worked hard bridging the cultural gulf separating the Chinese and American ways of life, and produced an impressive record for one who has enjoyed no special privilege. Lee possesses and uses an easygoing manner and spirited conviviality to put people at ease. He can make small talk, but quickly moves conversation toward more challenging and interesting topics. Lee‘s group leadership combines
small ddemocracy, intelligent judgment and gentle persistence. He learned early on the painful lessons of coercive collectivism, and has learned how to anticipate and even tame adversarial relations. I
have every confidence that he will use these considerable skills to tackle organizational problems on a larger scale.
While a student in our graduate program, Lee took a job helping recovering drug addicts in the suburban community of Harvey. Harvey, an aging industrial suburb with an impoverished African American population, does not usually attract the interest and attention of foreign students from Asia. Lee swam against the strong currents of racism and fear associated with minority neighborhoods. Furthermore, he did so in a manner that added value to the
community. Lee has labored for the ABC Authority, a large public bureaucracy, and currently works as a private marketing and research firm. This diversity of experience represents a crucial resource for Lee. He does not simply take jobs, but weaves these experiences together into a framework for understanding American institutions from the inside out.
Finally, Lee plays with Americans. He does not hide out in Chinatown or the Chinese cultural center. He rock climbs and sails. He can tell hip from hoopla.
Lee is smart. But more important he has acquired wisdom in the culture of both China and the U.S. He wants to expand his considerable fund of wisdom and use it to provide cultural
scaffolding for commercial ties between the U.S. and China. Lee‘s
ambitions and abilities are in sync. He is poised and prepared to take this next step in an exciting journey. Not only will faculty and students thank you for admitting such a fine candidate, but so too will those employees, customers and citizens who will benefit from his future employ.
David Smiths Professor of ABC University
To Whom It May Concern
I am writing to introduce XXX, applicant the examination of the Association of International Accountants. She was an excellent accountant in accounting department of
I believe her performance during the work proves her capability and coordination abilities. She is an enthusiastic and progressive young lady with extremely high potentiality. Miss Chen is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to her was completed satisfactorily. Actually, she is so reliable that I assign her with heavy responsibilities.
Chen Yu has get China Certified Public Accountant qualification in financial area.
Chen Yu has submitted her application and I am hopeful that this letter of recommendation brings her strength and credentials to your attention.
Best Regards
英语推荐信范文 英语推荐信
Ichoosesecondsubject. ,company’,thecompanymaybedevemlopmentofbetter....
myFamilyTree 黄昱宁
新目标八年级下Unit5学作文,Theagent 新目标
英语祝贺信格式与写法 祝
myUnforgettableExperiences ,buttheyarenotalwaysthemostimp
英语作文:美丽的家乡Beautifulhomeland !,eyesarebig....
7. 推荐信(making recommendations)
1) 例题:
1. 陈
2. 表
1. 词数100左右;2.可适当
3. 开头
1. 向…推荐…recommend…to…
2. 赞成、支持in favor of…
3. 学生领袖峰会 students’ leadership summit
4. 使…印象深
5. 让…感到惊讶 amaze sb. with…
2) 高分范文:
the students’ leadership summit to be held in Shanghai this summer. As his teacher and mentor in charge of the class, I am impressed by his excellent performance at school. Firstly, he has showed great talent in organizing activities at school. He is the chairman of the Students’ Union. And he has successfully organized so many activities, such as Guangming Fun Fair, The Voice of Guangming and the 1st English Dubbing Competition. In addition, he has a very pleasant personality which has attracted a group of followers to work with him. Also, he has developed a strong sense of humor. And working with him is always enjoyable. I can say that he has all the qualities of being a good leader. Hope you can take him into consideration and look forward to your earliest reply.
5) 范文抄写:
I am privileged to write in favor/support of …
It affords me much pleasure to recommend….
….are highly recommended.
I recommend … to you with all my heart.
…caught my attention/interest with ….
I firmly believe that … is bound to ….
It is worth a special note that ….
假你的英国朋友Jim 所在的学校要组学生来中国旅行,有两条线路可以选择:“长之”或者“泰山之旅”。Jim 来信希你能
Dear Jim,
I’m happy to receive your letter and know you’re coming to China.
Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly recommended. Personally, I favor the tour along the Yangtze River, the longest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing spots. That’s why I think the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better choice. Hope you will have a good time in China.
Yours, Li Hua
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