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考查科目 语用学导论? 院、所、中心 外国语学院? 专 业 英语(师范) 学 年 4 学 期 1 班 级 2011级? 班 姓 名 学 号 成 绩
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Euphemism in Cross-cultural
【Abstract】 As social individuals, we have to interact with others in daily life, hence language communication plays an important role in maintaining social relation and human relation. Very often, people try to avoid causing the unpleasantness of the two communicative sides and damaging their relationship. Thus euphemism is employed to keep the human relationship going well and help to save face of communicators. If people make full use of euphemism, it can facilitate human communication,especially in cross-cultural communication. This paper elaborates on the social functions of euphemism in English. And it focuses on the relationships between its polite functions and Politeness Principle.
【Key words】 euphemism, function, intercommunication, politeness
In the New English Course Book 4, there is a humor: Once a Paris tourist resided in UK. A
landlady told him sadly that, “My husband has just passed to the other side.” The guest looked from the fence of the garden but saw no one, feeling confused. The landlady explained: “I mean he?s kicked the bucket.” The guest comforted her that: “I hope his foot will be better soon.” The landlady felt unintelligibly and said: “No, he wasn?t here, he snuffed it… you know.” The guest wondered and said: “But you?ve got electricity here.”
Very obviously, the tourist misunderstood the landlady and didn?t get across what she had
expressed. The reasons why he didn?t answer properly are that he didn?t realize that the landlady used euphemism, nor did he understand the “conversational implicature” of euphemism. What the landlady wanted to say is that her husband died. Therefore the ignorance of such kind of conventional euphemism will not only lead to jokes but more serious will make yourself seem to be impolite. So it is essential to cultivate euphemism awareness in cross-cultural communication. The origin of euphemism and detention
This word originated from the Hellene. The beginning of the word “eu” means "good", and
the body of the word “phemism” means “speech”, so the literal meaning of word is “word of good speech”. In the New Edition of the Oxford Concise Dictionary “Euphemism” is defined as ?Substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one; expression thus substituted.? IN Webster?s New Collegiate Dictionary (1973) the definition reads, ?Substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.?? Functions of euphemism
● Taboo function
Taboo is the main psychological basis of the emergence of euphemism. There are some taboo things, such as birth, death, funeral, sex, nakedness, defecation, and urinate. If they are expressed directly, people will feel uncomfortable. Thus people use euphemism to avoid such vulgar and harsh feeling.
To describe death
There are a number of examples of euphemism to perform such function. The word “death” is the taboo words to all nations. Thus there are a lot of euphemisms related with it. “pass away, answer the final call, be asleep in Jesus, be safe in the arms of Jesus, be at rest, be called to God, be home and free, be in Abraham?s bosom, cross the River Jordan, final sleep, go home, go to meet one?s maker, etc.” such phrases are not only used to avoid unpleasant feelings and offending the hearers, but sometimes to express special meanings and emotions. Here are two examples:
None of his children had any love for this old man except for his legacy. So they would be very happy if he kicked the bucket tomorrow.
没有一个孩子对他表示一点爱,除了他的财产,他们巴不得他明天就翘辫子。“kick the bucket” vividly indicates his children?s eagerness for his death, although it is not expressed explicitly.
As a matter of fact, we Chinese seldom use the word “死” when we express one?s death. Instead, we say “长眠了,仙逝了, 归天了,去了,老了, 见马克思了”etc. Such kind of expressions suggests the speaker?s respect to the dead as well as his sympathy. At the same time, in China, we have a number of special terms for “死” in expressing the death of the officials. Like “崩” for emperor, “薨” for dukes, and “卒” for dafu. Therefore, by using these special words, people avoid being accused of rudeness in that hierarchical society.
To describe excretion
Another example is when people want to use the toilet and they tend to say “wash one’s hands,relieve oneself, get some fresh air,answer the call of nature”, etc., on the one hand, they themselves will not feel embarrassed; on the other hand others will not associate with dirty things. Here are two examples:
For men, they will say “I?ve got to see a man about a dog.?? While for women, they tend to say“I?ve got to powder my nose”. It is also true in Chinese. People seldom say words like “撒尿”“拉屎”, but use “大号”“小号”to substitute them.
Just think about such a situation: a man and a woman are on dating. Suddenly the man gets a bellyache and what should he say? If he says directly: “我去拉个屎!” maybe the woman will never want to date him. Therefore, the using of euphemism helps to maintain relationship and save one?s face.
● Politeness function
Politeness function of euphemism is to avoid inelegant things and make people feel pleasant. In daily life, when people meet with some unpleasant things or behaviors, they usually choose some vague expressions to avoid making bold or hurting other?s feeling----to use euphemism. Usually it will be found in following aspects:
To describe appearance and physical defects
It is harsh to say someone is deaf, so people use “auditory-impaired” to replace it. They sound more gracefully. And we use “physically handicapped” for lame person. When English-speakers refer to the appearance, they don?t use the word “ugly” or “awful”, which has strong derogatory sense. Instead, they use the word “plain-looking” or “not pretty”. In the age of judging beauty by slim figure, we use the words “plumy, heaviest, stout” to substitute “fat”. For example, Tom is taking her girlfriend Penny home and secretly asks his friend—Bob?s opinion about her.
Tom: Hey, Bob. What do you think about my girlfriend?
Bob: (silent for a while) she is well-developed.
Actually, she is fat, but it?s impolite to use the word “fat”, thus the word “well-developed” is a good choice, it not only expresses the speaker?s real opinion, but also pleases the hearer. So why don?t we use it? This is also true in Chinese. In China, we seldom use the word “胖” if we don?t want to hurt one?s face. Thus we tend to use the words like “丰腴, 丰满,富态” etc. to express the meaning of overweight. To describe age
Westerners are sensitive to age, that?s way we are not supposed to talk about age with foreigners. In their opinion, “old” equals to “useless” to some extent. In order not to hurt the feeling and self-esteem of the old, “old men” are replaced by “senior citizens”, “seasoned men”, “mature golden age” or “evergreen clubs”. For the word “senior” has many meanings. Except “older”, it also means higher in rank or authority. Corresponding, the retired person “retired people” often is called as “pensioners” And the word “seasoned” means experienced. This is especially the case for women.
To describe some professions
For different jobs, the money you can make is different. Some professions are decent while some are dirty and suffering. In order to meet the psychological demand of people, professional euphemisms are used. This kind of euphemism not only satisfies the vanity of people, but also achieves the popularization of commercial advertisement. To have a nice name of the job, people often have a feeling of being respected. Following are some euphemisms about profession:
beautician (美容师)---hair dresser (理发师);landscape technician (风景技师)--- gardener (园丁;花匠);footwear maintenance engineer (鞋类保养工程师)--- bootblack (擦鞋匠);sanitary engineer(卫生工程师)---dustman (垃圾清理工);meat technologist (肉类技术专家)---butcher (屠夫);member of the vertical transportation corps (垂直交通大队队员)---elevator operator (电梯服务员);mortician(殡仪专家)--- funeral undertaker (殡葬承办人);bubble dancer (气泡舞蹈家)---dishwasher (在餐馆洗碗碟的人).
The literal enhancement of the jobs on the one hand reflects the nice wish of the lower class people and respect of society; on the other hand, it is the strategy of the employers to attract people to undertake unfavorable jobs.
I still remember an example of a Korean soap opera My Name is Called Jin Sanshun. When Zhenxian?s mother asked what Sanshun?s parents did, she said: “my father is a chief manager in a food business and my mother takes the charge of a financial
business.” Actually, Sanshun?s father is merely the owner of a small mill, while her mother is just an assistant in the grocery. But from the perspective of Sanshun who was talking with her future mother in law, she tried her best to make parents? profession sound more confident and impressive.
● Covering up function
In Vagueness Language, Channell stated covering up function as deliberately hiding information. This can be more seen in western political life, which is used by politicians to serve their political goals. For example, in Vietnam War, Gulf war, or Iraqi war, a number of euphemisms emerged to gloss over the horror and cruelty of war and contemptible diplomatic means. Such as “air option (air strike), collateral damage (civilian casualties), ground war (ground operation), suicidal attack (one-way mission),etc.”In this way, they try to withhold the facts as to ease the tense relations between other countries and reassure and pacify public?s anti-war emotions. After the “9.11” attack, “Anti-terrorism” and “pre-emptive strikes (先发制人的攻击)” are widely used by the American Military. Pre-emptive strike (先发制人的攻击) impresses us that the best way to curb the enemy?s attack is to assault them first, therefore, it sounds ethically correct. Actually, “terrorism (恐怖主义)” has been mingled with “ethnical liberation (民族解放)” and the target of “pre-emptive strikes” has turned to “clear up dissidents (消除异己)”.
Refraining from discrimination
In order to show mercy on the poor people, they are called as “needy (贫困)”instead of “poor”, then “culturally deprived”, then “underprivileged (特殊情况)”, and finally “disadvantaged (拮据)”. “Slum (贫民窟)” is changed to “substandard housing (低于标准的住宅)”. In English, “poor nations” are replaced by “underdeveloped nations (欠发达国家)”“less developed nations (发展中国家)”,, and “the third world (第三世界)”. As a matter of fact, although there is euphemism for poor people, a nice name can give them nothing practical, but the literal comfort and satisfaction.
● Humor function
Euphemism has been used to help people face the fact more easily. For example, people use “push up daisies” to take place of “be buried” because the former words can reduce people?s horror towards death. And “be sent into prison” is replaced by “live at government?s expense”. This expression is witty, which is just like “吃皇粮”in Chinese. Another example, “hen-pecked husband”,which describes the husband who is afraid of his wife. Very interesting, because in China, there is a similar phrase to describe such husband—“妻管严”. When we read these expressions, we feel very humorous instead of being nervous or stressed.
Politeness Principle and the cooperative Principle
The Politeness Principle shows equal and friendly relationships between people in the society. It demands that in communication, the speaker should cooperate with the hearer. The two parties use euphemisms to replace harsh words because it can meet the psychological needs of face-want. And the language used by the two parties
should be appropriate. Generally speaking, the appropriateness of the speech is closely related with euphemism. However, “The Maxim of Relevance” of Grice?s “Cooperative Principle” limits the choice of euphemism. He suggests that in communication, the reply of the hearer should be closely related to the speech of the speaker. In the process of communication, the euphemisms used just now should be connected with the primary language symbols. In such case, it will provide a clue to the hearer so that he can understand the connotation of the speech. This principle provides a lot of standard conversational implicatures. In a word, the two parties can understand the intention of each other from the context. For example,
A: How is John doing with his study at school?
B: He’s a machine.
Here, from the literal meaning of B's reply, he seems haven?t answer A?s question. But at least, his answer violates Quality Maxim and Relation Maxim. We know that though B?s answer doesn?t cooperate with A?s question, we can still understand B?s meaning by the deeper implication of his speech. First, we should suppose that this conversation tally with Cooperative Principle. Second, we can guess the implication between machine and study. At last, we can infer that John is hard-working. Thus, if the utterance is not relevant with each other, we can reason. “Unlike presuppositions and entailments, implicatures are inferences that cannot be made from isolated utterances. They are dependent on the context of the utterance and the shared knowledge between the speaker and the hearer.”
As a matter of fact, the principle of sympathy in politeness principle is greatly involved here, i.e. reduce offensive feelings and emotions between the two communicators; add sympathetic feelings and emotions between the two communicators. In the text book, professor He Ziran used a set of examples to illustrate the importance to be aware of politeness in communication.
1. I’m very sorry to hear about your grandmother.
2. I’m very sorry to hear your grandmother killed herself.
3. I was very sorry to hear your grandmother tripped over the cat, cart wheeled
down the stairs and brained herself on the electricity meter.
Very obviously, we can distinguish the degree of politeness from the examples above.
Euphemism is an appropriate language form created by people to achieve an ideal communicative effect in the social interactions. “Enrighr D.J. stated that ?If euphemism doesn?t exist, the movement of the world will stop and it will be filled with hatred.?” Nearly no one can live without euphemism.
Euphemism is not only a social phenomenon, but also a lingual phenomenon. The formation of euphemism is the result of social factors and psychological factors. From the day of its birth, there are countless ties between euphemism and the social culture. Euphemism develops while the society develops. Euphemism is a mirror. We can learn the values and moral concepts of the society. Euphemism that accords with Politeness Principle oils human communication because polite function is the main
function of Politeness principle. People?s interpersonal relations will be more harmonious. As a foreign language learner, it is necessary to know more knowledge of euphemism and learn to use it properly, which will help to facilitate communication greatly.
1. Pragmatics, George Yule, 上海外语教育出版社
2. 马漪云.浅谈英语中的委婉语及其运用[J].山西农业大学学报(社会科学版),
2005年4月. 第1期.
3. 向仍东. 浅析英语委婉语的特征、构成及作用[J]. 长沙大学学报, 2005年1
月. 第1期
4. 李丽娟. 英语委婉语的语法表达形式[J]. 宁德师专学报, 1998年第3期
5. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第四版增补版)》北京:商务印书馆
6. 胡文仲主编 《英语习语与英美文化》北京: 外语教学与研究出版社
7. 温洪瑞 “委婉语的使用动机与特点”《山东外语教学》2002年第8期
Pragmatics Course Paper
1. 选题范围:以本学期所学教材内容为基础,选取与语用学相关的题目,查阅相关参考文献完成写作。
3.正文使用小4号字,1.5 倍行距
英文字体使用Times New Roman,中文使用宋体。
4. 截止日期:2010级:2014-05 -10; 2011级:2014-06-20
Suggested topics:(以下仅供参考。)
1. Defining pragmatics
2. The development of pragmatics
3. Competence, pragmatic competence, communicative competence
4. Deixis and FLT
5. Conversational implicature and English listening
6. Presupposition and English reading comprehension
7. Linguistic politeness
8. Politeness principle / cooperative principle and communication
9. Performatives and speech acts
10. Indirect speech act
11. Hedging in discourse
12. Pragmatic vagueness in verbal communication
13. Pragmatics in translation
14. Pragmatics in FLT
15. Context and word meaning
16. pragmatic markers
17. Pragmatic failure
18. Recent development of pragmatic studies in China
19. Relevance Theory: implications and applications
20. Pragmatic meaning and sentence meaning
PS. 请把所收集的语料打印后单独一页附在论文后面。
姓名 外语系 10英语教育2班 1021013246 宗培晚
摘要 何为语境,每个人都可以大概说出来。简言而之,也就是在合适是的场合说合适的话,也可以用中国一句俗语表达,见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。语用学中的语境也不是如中国俗话所说的那么简单,他是一个复杂的过程。在当今的跨文化交际中,学会并掌握各种语境对我们对外交往中有之不可忽视的作用。语境的意义,性质,构成因素等等问题,是古今学者研究的热题。个人的观点也不尽相同,取之合理之处,加深对语境的了解。语境并不只是一个名词,它蕴含的含义是庞大而多彩的。走进语用学的语境,探究生活的点点滴滴,发现世界的共同性与差异性。
关键词 语境 性质 分类 构成因素 语用学 交际 整体 系统
正文 对语用学中的语境的研究是一个复杂的过程,同时国内外很多语境学者对语境的性质、分类、构成因素等问题各抒己见,很难得到比较全面的解释。源于这些学者的对语境研究的出发点不同,侧重点不同。因此,很多人认为,要对语境进行科学的分类,必须以其在相关学科中的性质、特征、功能以及构成因素等的共性作为依据,也就更加加重了语境的复杂性。
老生常谈,先来介绍一下什么是语境,客观的说也就其理论含义 。语境的定义:语境就是人们运用自然语言进行言语交际的言语环境。另外语境就是任何与语言形式出现相关的环境要素构成的集合。语境分为语言语境和非语言语境,语言语境的内容1 语篇结构上看,上下文包括篇、段、 句、词等
非语言语境包括人的因素,社会因素,历史因素,文化因素,民族因素, 伴随因素
2. 语境的整体性 语境的整体性是语境系统性的反映。任何系统都是由相互联系、相互制约的若干要素组成的具有特定功能的综合整体,语境系统也是如此。它以实施特定言语交际行为的交际目的为依据,将与该言语交际行为相关的语境要素组合成一个整体,整体内各语境要素对言语交际行为产生或强或弱的制约作用。作为一个独立存在的语用要素,语境本身是一个整体,内部包含了众多的子因素,这些子因素并不是平面的罗列和杂乱的堆砌,而是有一定的结构和层次。不同的因素和结构所起的作用往往并不相同。但要看到,在具体的语用交际中,语境功能的发挥通常是以整体的面貌呈现出来的。这说明,在具体的语用中,语境的功能是以整体的状态呈现出来的。
4. 语境的传递性语境的动态性是不断地构建、生成和创造着新的语境,语境的这种不断地构建的。
6. 语境的确定性
10. 语境的自返性
结语 语言学在生活学习中起着具足轻重的地位,语境是语言中重要的一个部分。掌握语言学有利于我们在跨文化交往中避免很多问题,更好地进行文化交往,促进民族文化的交流与合作。语境包括的范围很多,需要我们花很多精力去学习。说合适的话是一个有知识人必备的,这样不经是对别人的尊重也是对自己素质的一种体现。时代在发展,社会在进步,语言的魅力也在与日俱增,作为新时代的大学生我们更应该学好语言,掌握语境知识,更好地适应这个时代的变迁。 参考文献
1 何自然 语用学中的语境 广东外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心 2 索振羽 语用学教程 北京大学出版社 2004-7-1 3维索尔伦 语用学新解 外语教学与研究出版社 2008-8-1
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