给你提点小建议,总结总结,说的就是发现自身的优势与不足,同时实实在在地对不足设法进行改进。所以,你就如实地将你认为自己在射箭比赛中较其他人做得好或者你的特长写出来,这是优势。不足的话,就是说你在射箭中做的不好的方面,比如:动作不标准、力度掌握等等。 总的来说,我个人认为总结就要贴近现实,少来虚构的、不现实的想法与文字。当然,要写够600字的话,肯定就不能是单纯的总结了,那得好好地构思下句子的构成,我还是觉得按自己内心真实的想法去写就好了,不要一味追求字数,写不够600字也不会太影响老师的评价。
励志小短文一:You are Absolutely UniqueEnjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.You were meant to be different. Nowhere, in all of history, will the same things be going on in anyone's mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now.If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history, and something missing from the plan for humankind. Treasure your uniqueness. It is a gift given only to you. Enjoy it and share it!No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can. No one can speak your words. No one can convey your meanings. No one can comfort others with your kind of comfort. No one can bring your kind of understanding to another person. No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in your way. No one can smile your smile. No one else can bring the whole uniqu
I was born on March 26, 1979, in Busan, which is the second biggest city in Korea. I lived there with my parents and two brothers until I finished elementary and high school, and then I came to seoul alone when I was 19 years old. It is for going to SungKyunKwan Univ. But after joining army service, I did't continue stydying in SungKyunKwan Univ. So, I come back to Busan. And then I live Busan until now.In 1998, I entered Dona-A University. My major is Medicine. I just graduated in February, 2004.I work very conscientiously and have a very strong sence of responsibility. However, I sometimes have felt that I lack sociability. So, I have tried to overcome my weakness during my campus life through extracurricular works and serving the community. Now I think I do not lack sociability. I also have been leader of AFKN Listening Club. I don't feel many difficulties when I talk with a foreigner in English. I can use a personal computer and have gotten Word-processing License.
求英语演讲比赛的演讲稿,中学组的 三篇最好是范文
48.英语演讲稿:创新思维 Honorable teachers, ladies and gentlemen, and my fellow sutdents: Good morning! It's my pleasure to stand here to make a speech. First of all , let me introduce myself. My name is TongYao. I am from Class 2 Grade 7 in ChengGong middle school ! Today , my topic is : “Innovative Thinking” Have you ever thought that what is Innovative Thinking ? Somebody will said ,“thinking something different !” In fact, it's not so simple. Have you ever thought how to think something different ? Now , let me explain it to you in detail ! First , we should admit that Innovative ideas do start in one mind before taking on the world. Only in this way ,we have the power of Innovation . For example , the radio, television, telephone and so on, all were developed by scientists . And these scientists all had the ability and courage to think something different . It is a well know fact that Albert Einstein was the mastermind of the nuclear bombs . Second , we should be good at discovering , and be able to break the conventions. Sometimes, there are a lot of subjects of Innovation around us . But more often we lack the ability of discovering So, only if we be good at discovering and summing up ,we can innovate . Finally, I want to say , as a middle school student in the new century, we must have the courage and confidence to make innovations.)And we should study hard for development of our country ! Because we are the builders of our motherland !Honorable teachers, ladies and gentlemen, and my fellow sutdents, according to what I have said above , have you learnt more about the “Innovative Thinking” ? Of course ,you have ! I believe my speech is perfect ! And I also believe that as long as we expand our thinking , we will find something different . That' s all ! Thank you for your listening!尊敬的老师,先生们女士们,以及我的各位同学们:大家早上好!很高兴我能站在这里为大家演讲.首先,请允许我进行一下自我介绍,我的名字叫童尧。
我来自成功中学的七年级2班! 今天,我演讲的题目是:创新思维)。
那么你有没有想过如何去想一些不一样的东西呢?那么现在,就让我为你仔细的解释一下吧! 首先,我们应该承认:创新思维的确是先在人的思想中产生,然后再发生在这个世界中。
最后,我想说,作为新世纪的中学生,我们应该有勇气和信心去开拓创新!(并且,我们应该为了我们祖国的发展而努力学习!因为,我们是祖国的建设者尊敬的老师,先生们女士们,以及我的同学们, 通过我以上的陈述你们对创新思维有了更多了解了吗? (当然,我认为这是肯定的! 因为我相信我的演讲是很成功的并且我相信只要我们拓展我们的思想,我们就能发现一些不一样的事物。
我的演讲完毕,谢谢你们的聆听!49.英语演讲稿:health健康We care about ourselves more and more. We eat what's right and we exercise. We absolutely embrace health. However, it is not only our health that we should embrace, though many of us do not realize that. Many of us do not realize that the earth we live on is a fragile being that needs to be protected like a new born child. We probably haven't even noticed, that with each stride the civilization takes toward the ultimate development, more burdens are added to the earth that provides us with essentials to live. The decrease in air quality, the climate change, medical waste, noise and water pollution, and even food poisoning has added to the list of growing concerns to our living environment. Human are not supernatural beings, thus these problems have affected pretty much every matter. We upgrade gadgets and make full use of newer technologies, but we pay for the consequences in turn. For instance, the advent of batteries and machinery has caused million tons of water become toxic and undrinkable, further aggravating the already serious condition of water shortage and poisoning in several countries. The over-production and over-use of transportation vehicles and electricity has contributed to the Global Warming and caused myriads of species to disappear from the face of the earth due to home-loss and temperature change. We have brought wonders to the world, but have also destroyed miracles of nature. We are ...
给你一个示例 给你一个实例,照着做就可以了~~~~~ 一、前言 在21世纪的今天,英语在国际交流与对外活动中发挥着越来越大的的作用,作为新时代的大学生,学好英语,流畅口语是顺应社会发展所必备的素质。
二、活动细则 1、活动名称:山东师范大学风采英语演讲比赛(按赞助企业进行冠名,如“科普杯”山东师范大学风采英语演讲比赛) 2、活动时间:四月(具体时间按“比赛具体流程”) 3、活动对象:山东师范大学长清校区各院系学生 4、活动原则:公平、公正、活泼、交流、自信 5、活动形式:初赛、复赛、决赛 6、主办单位:山东师范大学校团委 7、承办单位:山东师范大学学生会、山东师范大学英语俱乐部(其他单位待定) 8、决赛邀请嘉宾: 9、活动宣传:海报宣传、负责人通知、网上发帖公告 10、报名方式:学生报名时可以到自己所在的宿舍楼一楼物业、楼管处领取报名表,填写后交由物业楼管处保存。
11、报名时间:自2006年3月20日开始,截止日期为2006年4月10号 三、工作人员安排 1、宣传部:负责海报的制作与张贴,以及活动的宣传 2、文秘部、编辑部:负责整理报名表以及选手的决赛演讲稿 3、外联部:协调赞助企业 4、管理部:备置活动物品 5、策划部:作好每一场比赛的赛前策划工作 四、比赛具体流程(初步预计参赛人数为600人) 〈一〉初赛 时间:4月15号、16号,上午8:00—11:30;下午2:00—5:00 地点:综合教学楼C区260人教室两间 演讲主题: 评分标准: 1、发音 20分 2、内容 30分 3、仪态仪表 10分 4、语言应用 10分 5、总体印象 10分 规则:选手分为两组,在两间教室同时进行海选。
评委:2名专业英语老师、4名英语专业优秀学生 (比赛入围选手名单将通过海报和负责人通知的形式进行公布) 〈二〉复赛 时间:4月20号、21号、22号,晚7:00—9:00 地点:综合教学楼C区260人教室一间 演讲主题: 评分标准: 1、发音 20分 2、内容 30分 3、仪态仪表 10分 4、语言应用 10分 5、总体印象 10分 规则:选手分为三组进行比赛。
评委:2名专业英语老师、2名研究生 (比赛入围选手名单将通过海报和负责人通知的形式进行公布) 〈三〉决赛 时间:4月26号下午2:00—5:30 地点:综合教学楼C区101报告厅 演讲主题: 决赛由两部分组成: 1、先进行定题演讲(限时3分钟),演讲结束后,评委提问一个问题,选手回答限时1分钟。
评分标准: 参赛选手的分数由两部分组成 1、定题演讲部分(该部分占总分的70%) 2、即兴演讲部分(该部分占总分的30%) 评分细则为: 1、发音 15分 2、内容 30分 3、仪态仪表 10分 4、语言应用 20分 5、总体印象 10分 6、应变能力(回答问题与即兴演讲) 15分 规则:选手分为两组进行比赛,分数排在前10位的选手即可获一、二、三等奖,后十名可获优秀奖,一等奖1名,二等奖3名,三等奖6名,优秀奖10名 评委:3名外教,2名专业英语老师,2名研究生、1—3名嘉宾(由赞助商单位和校方领导出任) 决赛具体流程: 下午 1:30 工作人员入场准备活动前期工作 1:40观众入场 2:00嘉宾入场 2:05由活动主持人介绍出席嘉宾,并介绍此次活动的主要目的等事项 2:10 由校团委**开幕词,并宣布活动开始 2:15 活动正式开始 2:15—3:30 第一组选手进行比赛(75分钟) 3:30—3:45 由十大校园英语歌手演唱 3:45—5:00 第二组选手进行比赛(75分钟) 5:00—5:30 演讲结束,比赛进入评奖阶段,节目说唱英语,并抽取20名幸运观众。
5:30 主持人公布获奖名单,嘉宾进行颁奖,比赛结束,由赞助商嘉宾做总结陈词。
注意事项:进入决赛的每位选手欲4月25号中午12点之前必须将自己撰写的演讲稿打印一份交到4#507室 五、活动具体要求 1、工作人员着装统一,佩带绶带和学生证 2、工作人员提前30分钟入场 3、活动过程中要求参赛人员要维护现场秩序,保持全场安静,并要求把手机调到震动或者关机状态。
4、活动结束后全体工作人员留下负责现场的清洁 分给我吧~
我的英语成绩不是特别拔尖我无法对你传授什么经验但我参加过生物竞赛多少总结出了一些东西一定要有坚强的意志 如果参加了就一定要坚持到底工夫用在平时不要等到考试前几天才后悔那会让你有要撞墙的冲动因为参加竞赛是为了你自己的前途和人生啊最后祝你能靠自己打拼出一番天地相信自己
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