1( 考生务必将密封线内的各项目填写清楚。 2( 考生必须用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接答在试卷上,答在草稿纸上无效。
3( 本试卷共8页,四大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
一、选择题(本题共10分,每题1分,共10分) 1(下列没有错别字的一组是( )
A(残无人道 称心如意 英雄辈出 班门弄斧 B(英雄气概 川流不息 铤而走险 仗义执言 C(当仁不让 破釜沉舟 声音洪亮 精神换发 D(变本加厉 漠不关心 情不自禁 口干舌噪
2(下列词语中构词方式不同的一组是( ) A(源泉 B(春风 C(光线 D(葡萄
3(下列名句作者排列顺序正确的一组是( ) (1)月上树梢头,人约黄昏后。
(3)安得广夏千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。 (4)春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。
A(欧阳修 辛弃疾 杜甫 孟郊
B(欧阳修 杜甫 辛弃疾 孟郊
C(欧阳修 辛弃疾 孟郊 杜甫
D(辛弃疾 欧阳修 杜甫 孟郊
4(下列说话不正确的一项是( )
5(下列表述正确的一项是( )
6(下列诗句所描写的历史人物依次是( )
7(下列作品、作家、国别、文本对应全部正确的一项是( )
B(《装在套子里的人》——契诃夫——苏联——短篇小说 C(《项链》——莫泊桑——法国——短篇小说
8(下列作品、作家、朝代、文本对应全部正确的一项是( ) A(《六国论》——苏轼——宋朝——史论
C(《大堰河—我的保姆》——艾青——现代——诗歌 D(《废都》——贾平凹——近代——小说
9(下列表达不正确的一项是( )
A(《太阳照在桑乾河上》是女作家丁玲的代表作之一。 B(《茶馆》、《雷雨》是老舍创作的话剧。
10(文学作品按传统四分法分类,可以分为( )
二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每题1分,共10分) 11(_______________,达则兼善天下。
12(何当共剪西窗烛,______________(李商隐《夜雨寄北》)。 13(_______________,又岂在朝朝暮暮。(秦观《鹊桥仙》)。 14(冯梦龙的“三言”是指《喻世明言》、《____________》和《醒世恒言》。 15(杜丽娘是汤显祖著名的戏剧作品《__________》中的人物。
24(“并穷绮丽,以饰舆服”之中“穷”的含义是( ) A(贫苦 B(竭尽 C(困顿 D(拮据
25(“尝以一珊瑚树高二尺许赐恺”之中“许”的含义是( ) A(许诺 B(允许 C(许多 D(约略
26(“又以为疾己之宝”之中“疾”的含义是( ) A(嫉妒 B(快速 C(同“急” D(疾病
27(文中王恺的心理变化过程是( )
28(关于本文说法错误的是( )
A(文章揭示了魏晋时期穷极奢侈的社会现实。 B(文章表现了魏晋门阀残暴的品性。
(【解析】答案:A。 4
5( 【解析】答案:B。
(【解析】答案:B。 6
(【解析】答案:C。 8
题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分
一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内)
xf()1x2,1、若lim,,则 limx,0x,0xx2f()3
112A、 B、 C、3 D、 23
1,2,xsinx,0f(x),2、函数在x,0处 ,x
A、连续但不可导 B、连续且可导 C、不连续也不可导 D、可导但不连续 3、下列函数在上满足罗尔定理条件的是 ,,,1,1
1x2y,1,xy,1,A、 B、 C、 D、 y,ey,1,xx
2x'f(x)dx,e,Cf(,x)dx,4、已知,则 ,,
11,2x,2x,2x,2x2e,C,2e,CA、 B、 C、 D、 e,C,e,C22
u5、设为正项级数,如下说法正确的是 ,nn,1
,,u,1n(0,l,,)uulimu,0lim,lA、如果,则必收敛 B、如果,则必收敛 ,,nnnn,0,,nun,1n,1n
,,,,2nuu(,1)uuC、如果,则必定收敛 D、如果,则必定收敛 ,,,,nnnn,n1n,1n,1n,1
22f(,x,y),,f(x,y)有,, 6、设对一切D,{(x,y)|x,y,1,y,0}x
22,则 {(x,y)|x,y,1,x,0,y,0}D,f(x,y)dxdy,1,,D
A、0 B、 C、2 D、4 f(x,y)dxdyf(x,y)dxdyf(x,y)dxdy,,,,,,DDD111
a(1,cosx)7、已知时,与是等级无穷小,则 x,0xsinxa,
f(x)f(x)8、若,且在处有定义,则当A, 时,在处连续. x,xx,xlimf(x),A00x,x0
11'f(x)f(1),29、设在上有连续的导数且,,则 f(x)dx,3xf(x)dx,,,0,1,,0010、设,,则a,(a,b), a,1a,b
,uxyu,esinx11、设, ,,x
O(0,0)A(1,0)B(0,2)D12、 . 其中为以点、、为顶点的三角形区域. dxdy,,,D
3x,113、计算lim. x,1x,1
22,x,ln(1,t)dydyy,y(x)14、若函数是由参数方程所确定,求、. ,2dxdxy,1,arctant,
1,lnxdx15、计算. ,x
,2216、计算. xcosxdx,0
2'217、求微分方程的通解. xy,xy,y
f(x),ln(1,x)18、将函数展开为的幂函数(要求指出收敛区间). x
2,z,z2f(u,v)20、设其中的二阶偏导数存在,求、. z,xf(x,xy),y,x,y
33x,x,221、证明:当时,. x,2
2223、已知一平面图形由抛物线、围成. y,,x,8y,x
1)求此平面图形的面积; (
(2)求此平面图形绕轴旋转一周所得的旋转体的体积. y
g(t)(1)求的值使得连续; a
'(2)求. g(t)
1、C 2、B 3、C 4、C
5、C 6、A 7、2 8、 f(x)0
xy9、,1 10、 11、 12、1 1e(ysinx,cosx)
4,13x23,,13、原式lim 1x,1,312x2
1dy1'1,()'222ydy1tdyt,dx1t,t214、, ,,,,,,'2'22tt24tdxdxxxtt221,t1t,
223,1,lnxd(1,lnx),(1,lnx),C15、原式 ,3
,,,,2,222222,xdsinx,xsinx,2xsinxdx,,2xdcosx16、原式 0,,,0004
,,22,,22,,2xcosx,2cosxdx,,2 0,044
2yyy,,'''2'p,17、方程变形为,令则,代入得:,分离变量得: y,,xp,,py,p,xp,,xxx,,
111x,lnx,Cy,,dp,dx,故,. 2,,lnx,Cpxp
n,,(,1)'nnn,2g(x),(,1)xdx,xg(x),ln(1,x)g(0),018、令,,, ,,,1nn,0n,0
n,(,1)n,2f(x),x,1,x,1故,. ,,1nn,0
,,,,n1,,1,1n4,,3,119、、, l,n,n,3,11,2i,3j,k1212
x,3y,1z,2直线方程为,,. 231
2,z,z'2'''''3''2''2',2xf,x(f,2x,f,y),2xf,2xf,xyf,xf20、,. 22122221222,y,x,y
3'2f(,1),,2f(1),221、令,,,,,, x,,1f(x),3x,xf(x),3,3x,0,,x,,2,2
33x,x,2f(2),,2f(,2),2,2,f(x),2,;所以,,故,即. f,2f,,2maxmin'y(0),022、, y,2x,y
xxy(0),0,由得,故. 通解为C,2y,,2x,2,2ey,(,2x,2),Ce
26422(8)23、(1) S,,x,xdx,,,23
1822(2) V,,(y)dy,,(8,y)dy,16,,,04
tttf(x)dxdy,dxf(x)dy,tf(x)dx24、 ,,,,,000Dt
t,,f(x)t0,, g(t),0,,at,0,
tg(t)a,g(0),limg(t),0limg(t),limf(x)dx,0(1),由的连续性可知 ,0t,0,0,0tt
'(2)当t,0时,, g(t),f(t)
hf(x)dxg(h),g(0),'0g(0),lim,lim,limf(h),f(0)当t,0时, h,0h,0h,0hh
'综上,. g(t),f(t)
英 语 试卷
本试卷分第 1卷 (客观题 ) 和第Ⅱ卷 (主观题 ) 两部分。两卷满分 150分。考试时间 120分钟。
第 I 卷 (共 100分 )
1.答第 1卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证 号等项目。
2.用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂写 在答题卡上,成绩无效。
Part I Reading Comprehension(共 20小题,每题 2分,共 40分 )
Directions :In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions . Read the passage and answer the
questions . Then mark your answer On the answer sheet .
Passage One
Questions 1~5 are based on the following passage.
Vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a meaningful activity. Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appealing for many people. In addition, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban and suburban families. well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables, thus increasing the nutrition of the family diet.
Freezers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjoyed at a later date. Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area.
Although the money spent for a garden may be little, one cannot escape the fact that gardening requires hard work and time. Many of the gardening tasks must be performed at times that are most inconvenient. Not doing jobs that should be done on a regular basis may result in failure and a negative feeling toward gardening.
well-kept garden is more enjoyable and profitable than a large neglected one. Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of the day. Too much shading results in poor plants and few vegetables. If possible, the garden should be near the house, so the gardener can work in it whenever they are free.
Soils for vegetables should be easily broken up and porous (多孔的 ) for quick water drainage and good aeration (透气 ). Usually the home owner has little choice in the soil type he can choose. Fortunately, many vegetables can be grown on poor soils if the soils are properly prepared.
1. Many people find home gardening____
A. expensive and boring B. interesting and enjoyable C. time-consuming and inconvenient D. neither interesting nor enjoyable 2. A well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh
A. all year round B. whenever you need nutritious food C. for a greater part of the year D. throughout spring
3. The amount of money you spend on your garden ___
A. can be large B. must be large
C. can not be large D. must not be small
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Vegetables need to have as much shading as possible:
B. A small garden is much better than a large one.
C. Homeowners can freely choose the soil for their vegetable garden.
D. Whenever possible, the vegetable garden should be close to your home. 5. From the passage we can conclude that_____
A. vegetables need little care while growing
B. vegetables can be grown on almost any kind of soil
C. vegetable gardening is an indispensable part of life for urban and
suburban people
D. vegetable gardening is a good pastime for retired people
Passage Two
Questions 6~10 are based on the following passage.
In old days, when a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something so shocking as to distract the serious work of an office, secretaries were men. Then came the First World War and the male secretaries were replaced by women. A man's secretary became his personal servant, in charge of remembering his wife's birthday and buying her presents; taking his suits to the
dry-cleaners; telling lies on the telephone to keep away people he did not wish to speak to; and, of course, typing and filing and taking shorthand.
Now all this may be changing again. The microchip (芯片 ) and high technology is sweeping the British office, taking with it much of the routine clerical (文书的 ) work that secretaries did.
high-tech work-and then men will want to do it again.
That was said by one of the executives (male) of one of the biggest secretarial agencies in this country. What he has predicted is already under way in the U. S.
Once high technology has made the job of secretary less routine (泛味的 ), will there be a male takeover? Men should be careful of thinking that they can buy negligees (妇女长睡衣 ) for the boss's wife, but because they are as efficient and well-trained to cope
6. Before 1914 female secretaries were rare because they_____
A. were less efficient and less trained than men
B. were looked down upon by men
C. would have disturbed the other office workers
D. wore stockings and were not as serious as men
7. A female secretary has been expected, besides other duties, to____
A. be her boss's memory B. do everything her boss asks her to do C. clean her boss's clothes D. telephone the boss's wife
8. Secretaries, until recently, had to do a lot of work now done by____
A. machines B. other staff C. servants D. wives
9. A secretary in the future will __
A. have more work to do B. be better paid
C. have higher status D. have less work to do
10. The writer believes that before long __
A. both men and women can act as secretaries
B. men will be better than machines
C. men will take over women's jobs as secretaries
D. women will operate most office machines
Passage Three
Questions 11~15 are based on the following passage.
Humanity is a new experiment on planet Earth. For most of its history, life on Earth was restricted to the sea. Living things began to populate the land slightly over 400 million years ago, and humans have existed for no more than 3 million years.
One way to represent the evolution of life is to compress the 4.6-billion-year history of Earth into a l-year-long film. In such a film, Earth forms as the film
begins on January 1, and through all of January and February it cools and is cratered (变成坑状
4-billion-year history of Precambrian (前寒武纪 ) evolution lasts until the film reaches mid-November, when primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms such as trilobites (三叶虫 ).
If we examine the land instead of the oceans, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows plant and animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dinosaurs, for example, appear about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals (哺乳动物 ) and birds flourish. Throughout the 1-year-run of our film there are no humans, and even during the last days of the year as the mammals rise and dominate the landscape, there are no people. In the early evening of December 31, vaguely human forms move through the grasslands, and by late evening they begin making stone tools. The Stone Age lasts until about 11 ~ 45 pm, and the first signs of civilization, towns and cities, do not appear until 11 ~ 54 pm. The Christian era begins only 14 seconds before the New Year, and the Declaration of Independence is signed with 1 second to spare.
11. In comparing all of Earth's geological evolution to one calendar year, the author shows____
A. just how recently humanity has arrived on the scene
B. just how simple it is to understand the history of Earth
C. just how early humanity appears on planet Earth
D. just how difficult it is to understand the history of Earth
12. According to the passage, primitive ocean life begins to evolve into
complex organisms_____
A. in the middle of December B. when Earth is cratered
C. at the beginning of November D. when the land is still a lifeless waste 13. It is indicated in the passage that_____
A. Earth is cool at first
B. Earth is hot at the beginning
C. there are oceans at the beginning
D. there is life in the ocean in late February
14. In the one-year-long film dinosaurs____
A. die out on December 25 B. appear after December 25
C. die out on December 24 D. appear on December 24
15. In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence is signed____
A. a long time before the New Year
B. immediately after the New Year's Day
C. just one second before the New Year
D. right on the New Year's Day
Passage Four
Questions 16~20 are based on the following passage.
Internet-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is taking the unemployed 23 % longer to find a new position than it took during the last recession (经济萧条 ),when the
In addition to slowing job search efforts, the Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer. In a survey of 5,000 hiring managers by an online résumé~ site, 72 % said that a majority of the resumes they received in response to an online job posting did not match the position's description.
16. According to the passage, the coming of online job searching brings __
A. longer waiting time for the unemployed
B. longer computer technology training for the job seekers
C. more unemployment throughout the U. S. A.
D. more job opportunities in the Internet world
17. Professor Challenger thinks ___ should be considered more important by the unemployed.
A. browsing the Internet job sites
B. sending résumés by email
C. going to a traditional training center
D. meeting the potential employers in person
18. The Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer because __
A. the speed of the Internet is not fast enough
B. there is a lot of false information on the Net
C. the hiring position cannot be fully described on the Net
D. it has drawn many unfitting résumés
19. It can be inferred that
A. draw more job seekers to the websites
B. get rid of some unrelated resumes
C. serve as a bridge between the job seekers and the employers
D. provide the job seekers with more chances to visit the employers in person
20. According to the passage-the Internet has revolutionized job hunting by____
A. changing the recession cycle
B. opening more chances for job seekers
C. improving the reemployment situation
D. reducing the interview time
Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure ( 共 40小题 , 每题 1分,共 40分 ) Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the answer sheet. 21. The earth revolves a little more rapidly __ it is closer to the sun.
A. whether B. whereas C. although D. when
22. The number of members in the club____ to two hundred.
A. were limited B. limits C. was limited D. limited
23. On close examination, we found the signature not __
A. realistic B. accurate C. exact D. genuine
24. As a highly __ young designer, she has a promising future in her field. A. original B. occasional C. optional D. obedient
25. Let me give you a __ of how the computer works.
A. demonstration B. difference C. deduction D. distinction 26. An author must not be too ____ to criticism.
A. sensible B. sensitive C. senseless D. insensible 27. Fu Lei is known for his __ of music and knowledge on philosophy.
A. explanation B. interpretation C. composition D. interaction 28. The judge dismissed the case because there was not __ evidence.
A. adequate B. excessive C. many D. plenty
29. Much to my surprise, they went away without telling us their ___ address. A. forever B. everlasting C. permanent D. eternal
30. Instead of going into details about his project, he spoke __
A. in short B. in general C. in particular D. in common 31. My book is ___finished; I have only a few changes to make in the writing. A. virtually B. violently C. vertically D. visually
32. The amount of water used in the manufacturing process is enormous, but the amount wasted is___
A. the greatest B. more greater C. greatest D. even greater 33. The __ was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter.
A. examination B. inspection C. survey D. analysis 34. Many university courses are not really ___to the needs of students or their future employers.
A. associated B. adopted C. geared D. qualified
35. __ David's expression, we'd say he is not in a good mood today.
A. To judge by B. Judged by C. To be judged by D. Judging by 36. It is not considered __ to litter in public.
A. respectful B. respective C. respected D. respectable 37. He was __ of his political rights because of the bribery.
A. deprived B. acquired C. acquainted D. accused 38. His description of the ghost was so __ that his little daughter screamed when he came to the part of killing.
A. moderate B. vivid C. active D. Passive
39. I thought his speech would be interesting, but it turned out that the more he talked, __
A. the more bored became I B. the more I became bored
C. the more bored I became D. I became the more bored
40. You have to take the __examination before an interview can be
A. precious B. preliminary C. prior D. potential
41. Many writers __ their childhood memories for the materials of most of their stories.
A. draw on B. draw up C. draw out D. draw off
42. Unless you have a good map, this place is very difficult to___
A. preserve B. dwell C. dislocate D. locate
43. In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, __ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.
A. compelling B. compulsory C. obliged D. compulsive 44. __ the rain, we should have had a pleasant trip to the countryside.
A. Because of B. Due to C. Thanks to D. But for
45. When confronted with such an urgency, my mind goes____, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.
A. dim B. blank C. faint D. vain
46. Horseback riding __ both the skill of handling a horse and mastery of diverse riding styles.
A. fosters B. solves C. involves D. exaggerates 47. I was __ the chance of going to university when my parents' business collapsed and they lost everything they owned.
A. ignored B. refused C. neglected D. denied
48. The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is marvelous. I'd like to have it again even if it costs___
A. as twice much B. twice as much C. much as twice D. as much twice 49. There has been a __ for industry to be constructed in a single region, instead of being scattered evenly over the whole country.
A. trend B, signal C. vision D. currency
50. The final document was supposed to mend the damage __ upon the world by the war.
A. impressed B. compromised C. imposed D. condensed 51. If you __ your friends, you may lose them.
A. conceal B. deceive C. receive D. conceive
52. I don't know whether he is __ to special treatment just because of his rank. A. right B. bound C. due D. entitled
53. __ too much to do, they have to keep themselves busy all day long. A. Having B. Have C. Had D. Being
54. The bank refused to __ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.
A. credit B. borrow C. loan D. lease
55. Air pollution, together with overpopulation, __ many problems in big cities today.
A. are causing B. is causing C. are caused D. is caused 56. You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a __ A. fare B. fund C. deal D. deposit
57. She has no idea of what the book is about. She __ have read it very carefully.
A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. needn't
58. It may be necessary to stop __ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.
A. at a distance B. at ease C. at intervals D. at length 59. I think I _______ the movie we went to last night even more if I had read the book.
A. would enjoy B. would have enjoyed
C. will enjoy D. enjoyed
60. No sooner __ begun to speak than some noise arose from the audience. A. he had B. had he C. he has D. did he
Part Ⅲ Cloze (共 20小题,每题 1分,共 20分 )
Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then mark your answer on the answer sheet.
of the city. The city larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's of the people in Washington work for the government.
About 9:30 we went to the White House. It's the public from
10 to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved 69 quickly.
The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds
each side.
Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went five of the main rooms. One of them was the library on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk of old furniture from the time the White House was built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and famous people from history.
61. A. made B. took C. went D. set
62. A. position B. place C. section D. circle
63. A. was B. is C. has been D. should be
64. A. reason B. for C. since D. because
65. A. Much B. More C. Few D. Most
66. A. opened to B. open to C. opening for D. opened for
67. A. near B. since C. towards D. Till
68. A. waited B. wait C. waiting D. to wait
69. A. somewhat B. pretty C. slightly D. completely
70. A. all B. whole C. every D. each
71. A. take B. make C. cover D. possess
72. A. about B. on C. in D. for
73. A. that B. where C. what D. which
74. A. across B. for C. through D. along
75. A. after B. by C. with D. for
76. A. clothes B. cloth C. clothing D. dressing
77. A. pieces B. bits C. blocks D. sheets
78. A. which B. since C. when D. where
79. A. firstly B. early C. at first D. first
80. A. the other B. other C. others D. Another
第Ⅱ卷(共 50分)
Part Ⅳ Translation(共 35分 )
Section A(共 5小题,每题 4分,共 20分 )
Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part Ⅰ .
1. Vegetable gardeners agree that many home-grown vegetables are superior to those purchased from markets. (Line 1, Paragraph 2, Passage 1)
_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. One should not plant a garden that is too large for him to care for. ( Line 1, Paragraph 5, Passage 1 )
_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3. There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as
men. (Line 2, Last Paragraph, Passage 2)
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometime in March or early April, when the first living things develop. (Line 3, Paragraph 2, Passage 3)
_________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. Job seekers must learn how to use the Internet as a tool, rather than just relying on it as a means for submitting electronic resumes. ( Line I, Last Paragraph, Passage 4)
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Section B (共 5小题,每题 3分,共 15分 )
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English
1.据说这幅画是毕加索 (Picasso)的名作。
_______________________________________________________ 2.我记得以前在电视上见过他,但我不能肯定。
_________________________________________________________ 4.面对这样复杂的情形,他努力抑制着自己的情感。
___________________________________________________________ 5.我期待着再次见到他,因为我们已整整十年没见面了。
Part V Writing(共 15分 )
Directions: In this part you are required to write an essay about how your daily schedule has changed since you became a college student. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.
高等数学 试卷
1. 考生务必将密封线内的各项填写清楚。
2. 考生须用钢笔或者圆珠笔将答案直接答在试卷上,答在草稿纸上无效。 3. 本试卷共五大题 24小题,满分 150分,考试时间 120分钟。
选择题 (本大题共 6小题,每小题 4分,满分 24分,
在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项符合题目要求,
1. 若 21
2(lim 0=→x x f x ,则 )
(lim 0x f x x →等于 ( )
A . 21 B. 2 C.3 D. 3
2. 函数 ??
???=≠=0, 00
, 1sin ) (2
x x x
x x f ,在 0=x 处 ( )
A .连续但不可导 B. 连续且可导
C. 不连续也不可导 D. 可导但不连续
3. 下列函数在 [— 1,1]上满足罗尔定理条件的是 ( )
A . x e y = B. ||1x y += C. 21x y -= D. x y 1
4. 已知 ?+=C e dx x f x 2) (,则 ?-'dx x f ) (等于 ( )
A . C e x +-22 B. C e x +-221 C. C e x +--22 D. C e x +-22
5. 设函数 ∑∞
n n u 为正项级数, 如下说法正确的是 ( )
A. 如果 , 0lim =∞
→n n u ,则 ∑∞
n n u 必定收敛
B. 如果 ) 0(lim 1
+∞<≤=+∞→t t="" u="" u="">≤=+∞→t>
n n ,则 ∑∞
=1n n u 必定收敛
C. 如果 ∑∞
n n u 收敛,则 ∑∞
n n u 必定也收敛
D. 如果交错级数 ∑∞=-1
) 1(n n n
u 收敛,则 ∑∞
n n u 必定也收敛
6. 设 对 一 切 实 数 x 有 }{
, 1|) , (), , () , (22≥≤+=-=-y y x y x D y x f y x f ,
0, 0, 1|) , (221≥≥≤+=y x y x y x D ,则 dxdy y x f D
??) , (等于 ( )
A.0 B.
dxdy y x f D ??1) , (
C. dxdy y x f D ??
) , (2 D. dxdy y x f D ??1
) , (4
二 , 填空题
(本大题共 6小题,
每小题 4分, 满分 24分) 7. 已知 0→x 时, ) cos 1(x a -与 x x sin +是等价无穷小,则 a =_____________ 8. 若 A x f x =→) (lim 0
, 且 ) (x f 在 0x x =处有定义, 则当 A_________时, ) (x f 在 0
x 处连续。
9. 设 ) (x f 在 [0,1]上 有 连 续 的 导 函 数 且 3) (, 2) 1(1
0==?dx x f f , 则
) (1
='?dx x f x 。 10. 设:, , 1b a a
⊥= 则 ______________) (=+?b a a 。 11. 设:, sin x e u xy =则
。 12.计算 _____________=??D
dxdy ,其中 D 为以点 O(0,0), A(1,0), B(0,2)为顶
三. 解答题 (本大题共 8小题, 每小题 8分,
满分 64分)
13. 计算:1
--→x x x 。
14.设函数 ) (x f y =由参数方程 ???-=+=t
t y t In x arctan ) 1(2确定,求 22, dx y
d dx dy 。
15. 计算 ?+dx x
16. 计算:?20
2cos π
xdx x 。
17. 求微分方程 22y xy y x -='的通解
18. 将函数 ) 1() (x xIn x f +=展开为 x 的幂级数(要求指出收敛区间) 。
19.求过点 M (3,1,— 2)且与两平面 0634, 07=-+-=-+-z y x z y x 都平行 的直线方程。
20. 设 ) , (2
xy x xf z =,其中 ) , (v u f 的二阶偏导数存在,求 x
y z
y z ?????2, 。
四. 证明题 (本大题共 1小题,满分 8分)
21. 证明:当 2||≤x 时,则 232
≤-x x
五. 综合题 (本大题共 3小题,每小题 10分,
满分 30分)
22. 已知曲线 ) (x f y =过原点且曲线在点 ) , (y x 处的切线斜率等于 y x +2,求此 曲线方程。
23. 已知一平面图形由抛物线 2x y =及 82+-=x y 围成。 (1)求此平面图形的面积;
(2)求此平面图形绕 y 轴旋转一周所得的旋转体的体积。
24.设 ??
??=≠=??0, 0, ) (1
) (t a t dxdy x f t t g D
,其中 t D 是由 t y t x ==, 以及坐标轴所围成的 正方形区域,函数 ) (x f 连续。 (1)求 a 的值使得 ) (t g 连续; (2)求 ) (t g '。
本试卷分第 1卷 (客观题 ) 和第Ⅱ卷 (主观题 ) 两部分。第 1卷 l 至 10页,第Ⅱ卷 11页至 13页。两卷满分 150分。考试时间 120分钟。
第一卷 (共 100分 )
注意事项:1.答第 1卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项 目。 2.用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂写在答题卡上,成绩 无效。
Part I ReadingComprehension(共 20小题,每题 2分,共 40分 )
Directions :In thispart there are fourpassages . Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions . Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer On the answer sheet .
Passage One
Vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a meaningful activity. Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appealing for many people. In addition, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban and suburban families.
Vegetable gardeners agree that many home-grown vegetables are superior to thosepurchased from markets. From spring through late fall, a well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables, thus increasing the nutrition of the family diet.
Freezers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjoyed at a later date. Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area.
Although the money spent for a garden may be little, one cannot escape the fact that gardening requires hard work and time. Many of the gardening tasks must be performed at times that are most inconvenient. Not doing jobs that should be done on a regular basis may result in failure and a negative feeling toward gardening.
One should not plant a garden that is too large for him to care for. A small, well-kept garden is more enjoyable and profitable than a large neglected one. Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of the day. Too much shading results in poor plants and few vegetables. If possible, the garden should be near the house, so the gardener can work in it whenever they are free.
Soils for vegetables should be easily broken up and porous (多孔的 ) for quick water drainage and good aeration (透气 ). Usually the home owner has little choice in the soil type he can choose. Fortunately, many vegetables can be grown on poor soils if the soils are properly prepared.
1. Many people find home gardening____
A. expensive and boring B. interesting and enjoyable
C. time-consuming and inconvenient D. neither interesting nor enjoyable
2. A well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables_____
A. all year round B. whenever you need nutritious food C. for a greater part of the year D. throughout spring
3. The amount of money you spend on your garden ___
A. can be large B. must be large
C. can not be large D. must not be small
4. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Vegetables need to have as much shading as possible:
B. A small garden is much better than a large one.
C. Homeowners can freely choose the soi for their vegetable garden.
D. Whenever possible, the vegetable garden should be close to your home.
5. From the passage we can conclude that_____
A. vegetables need little care while growing
B. vegetables can be grown on almost any kind of soil
C. vegetable gardening is an indispensable part of life for urban and suburban people
D. vegetable gardening is a good pastime for retired people
Passage Two
In old days, when a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something so shocking as to distract the serious work of an office, secretaries were men.
Then came the First World War and the male secretaries were replaced by women. A man's secretary became his personal servant, in charge of remembering his wife's birthday and buying her presents; taking his suits to the dry-cleaners; telling lies on the telephone to keep away people he did not wish to speak to; and, of course, typing and filing and taking shorthand.
Now all this may be changing again. The microchip (芯片 ) and high technology is sweeping the British office, taking with it much of the routine clerical (文书的 ) work that secretaries did.
That was said by one of the executives (male) of one of the biggest secretarial agencies in this country. What he has predicted is already under way in the U. S.
Once high technology has made the job of secretary less routine (泛味的 ), will there be a male takeover? Men should be careful of thinking that they can walk right into the better jobs. There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as they--not just because they can buy negligees (妇女长睡衣 ) for the boss's wife, but because they are as efficient and well-trained to cope with word processors and computers as men.
6. Before 1914 female secretaries were rare because they_____
A. were less efficient and less trained than men
B. were looked down upon by men
C. would have disturbed the other office workers
D. wore stockings and were not as serious as men
7. A female secretary has been expected, besides other duties, to____
A. be her boss's memory B. do everything her boss asks her to do C. clean her boss's clothes D. telephone the boss's wife
8. Secretaries, until recently, had to do a lot of work now done by____
A. machines B. other staff C. servants D. wives
9. A secretary in the future will __
A. have more work to do B. be better paid
C. have higher status D. have less work to do
10. The writer believes that before long __
A. both men and women can act as secretaries
B. men will be better than machines
C. men will take over women's jobs as secretaries
D. women will operate most office machines
Passage Three
Humanity is a new experiment on planet Earth. For most of its history, life on Earth was restricted to the sea. Living things began to populate the land slightly over 400 million years ago, and humans have existed for no more than 3 million years.
One way to represent the evolution of life is to compress the 4.6-billion-year history of Earth into a l-year-long film. In such a film, Earth forms as the film begins on January 1, and through all of January and February it cools and is eratered (变成坑状 ) and the first oceans form. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometime in March or early April, when the first living things develop. The 4-billion-year history of Precambrian (前寒武纪 ) evolution lasts until the film
reaches mid-November, when primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms such as trilobites (三叶虫 ).
If we examine the land instead of the oceans, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows plant and animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dinosaurs, for example, appear about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals (哺乳动物 ) and birds flourish.
Throughout the 1-year-run of our film there are no humans, and even during the last days of the year as the mammals rise and dominate the landscape, there are no people. In the early evening of December 31, vaguely human forms move through the grasslands, and by late evening they begin making stone tools. The Stone Age lasts until about 11 ~ 45 pm, and the first signs of civilization, towns and cities, do not appear until 11 ~ 54 pm. The Christian era begins only 14 seconds before the New Year, and the Declaration of Independence is signed with 1 second to spare.
11. In comparing all of Earth's geological evolution to one calendar year, the author shows____
A. just how recently humanity has arrived on the scene
B. just how simple it is to understand the history of Earth
C. just how early humanity appears on planet Earth
D. just how difficult it is to understand the history of Earth
12. According to the passage, primitive ocean life begins to evolve into complex organisms_____ A. in the middle of December B. when Earth is cratered
C. at the beginning of November D. when the land is still a lifeless waste 13. It is indicated in the passage that_____
A. Earth is cool at first B. Earth is hot at the beginning
C. there are oceans at the beginning D. there is life in the ocean in late February 14. In the one-year-long film dinosaurs____
A. die out on December 25 B. appear after December 25
C. die out on December 24 D. appear on December 24
15. In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence is signed____
A. a long time before the New Year B. immediately after the New Year's Day C. just one second before the New Year D. right on the New Year's Day
Passage Four
Internet-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is taking the unemployed 23 % longer to find a new position than it took during the last recession (经济萧
条 ),when the
In addition to slowing job search efforts, the Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer. In a survey of 5,000 hiring managers by an online r~sum~ site, 72 % said that a majority of the resumes they received in response to an online job posting did not match the position's description.
16. According to the passage, the coming of online job searching brings __
A. longer waiting time for the unemployed
B. longer computer technology training for the job seekers
C. more unemployment throughout the U. S. A.
D. more job opportunities in the Internet world
17. Professor Challenger thinks ___ should be considered more important by the unemployed.
A. browsing the Internet job sites
B. sending resumes by email
C. going to a traditional training center
D. meeting the potential employers in person
18. The Internet is making the hiring process longer for the employer because __
A. the speed of the Internet is not fast enough
I3. there is a lot of false information on the Net
C. the hiring position cannot be fully described on the Net
D. it has drawn many unfitting resumes
19. It can be inferred that
A. draw more job seekers to the websites
B. get rid of some unrelated resumes
C. serve as a bridge between the job seekers and the employers
D. provide the job seekers with more chances to visit the employers in person
20. According to the passage-the Internet has revolutionized job hunting by____
A. changing the recession cycle
B. opening more chances for job seekers
C. improving the reemployment situation
D. reducing the interview time
Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure ( 共 40小题 , 每题 1分,共 40分 )
Directions: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and .then mark your answer on the answer sheet.
21. The earth revolves a little more rapidly __ it is closer to the sun.
A. whether B. whereas C. although D. when
22. The number of members in the club____to two hundred.
A. were limited B. limits C. was limited D. limited
23. On close examination, we found the signature not __
A. realistic B. accurate C. exact D. genuine
24. As a highly __ young designer, she has a promising future in her field.
A. original B. occasional C. optional D. obedient 25. Let me give you a __ of how the computer works.
A. demonstration B. difference C. deduction D. distinction 26. An author must not be too ____ to criticism.
A. sensible B. sensitive C. senseless D. insensible 27. Fu Lei is known for his __ of music and knowledge on philosophy.
A. explanation B. interpretation C. composition D. interaction 28. The judge dismissed the case because there was not __ evidence.
A. adequate B. excessive C. many D. plenty 29. Much to my surprise, they went away without telling us their ___ address.
A. forever B. everlasting C. permanent D. eternal
30. Instead of going into details about his project, he spoke __
A. in short B. in general C. in particular D. in common 31. My book is ___finished; I have only a few changes to make in the writing.
A. virtually B. violently C. vertically D. visually
32. The amount of water used in the manufacturing process is enormous, but the amount wasted is___
a. the greatest B. more greater C. greatest D. even greater 33. The __ was conducted to find out how many people prefer butter.
A. examination B. inspection C. survey D. analysis 34. Many university courses are not really ___to the needs of students or their future
A. associated B. adopted C. geared D. qualified
35. __ David's expression, we'd say he is not in a good mood today.
A. To judge by B. Judged by C. To be judged by D. Judging by
36. It is not considered __ to litter in public.
A. respectful B. respective C. respected D. respectable 37. He was __ of his political rights because of the bribery.
A. deprived B. acquired C. acquainted D. accused 38. His description of the ghost was so __ that his little daughter screamed when he came to the part of killing.
A. moderate B. vivid C. active D. Passive 39. I thought his speech would be interesting, but it turned out that the more he talked, __
A. the more bored became I B. the more I became bored
C. the more bored I became D. I became the more bored
40. You have to take the __examination before an interview can be considered.
A. precious B. preliminary C. prior D. potential 41. Many writers __ their childhood memories for the materials of most of their stories.
A. draw on B. draw up C. draw out D. draw off
42. Unless you have a good map, this place is very difficult to___
A. preserve B. dwell C. dislocate D. locate 43. In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, __ schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.
A. compelling B. compulsory C. obliged D. compulsive 44. __ the rain, we should have had a pleasant trip to the countryside.
A. Because of B. Due to C. Thanks to D. But for
45. When confronted with such an urgency, my mind goes____, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.
A. dim B. blank C. faint D. vain
46. Horseback riding __ both the skill of handling a horse and mastery of diverse riding
A. fosters B. solves C. involves D. exaggerates 47. I was __ the chance of going to university when my parents' business collapsed and they lost everything they owned.
A. ignored B. refused C. neglected D. denied
48. The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is marvelous. I'd like to have it again even if it costs___
A. as twice much B. twice as much C. much as twice D. as much twice 49. There has been a __ for industry to be constructed in a single region, instead of being
scattered evenly over the whole country.
A. trend B, signal C. vision D. currency 50. The final document was supposed to mend the damage __ upon the world by the war.
A. impressed B. compromised C. imposed D. condensed 51. If you __ your friends, you may lose them.
A. conceal B. deceive C. receive D. conceive 52. I don't know whether he is __ to special treatment just because of his rank.
A. right B. bound C. due D. entitled
53. __ too much to do, they have to keep themselves busy all day long.
A. Having B. Have C. Had D. Being 54. The bank refused to __ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.
A. credit B. borrow C. loan D. lease
55. Air pollution, together with overpopulation, __ many problems in big cities today.
A. are causing B. is causing C. are caused D. is caused 56. You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually you'll have to pay a __
A. fare B. fund C. deal D. deposit
57. She has no idea of what the book is about. She __ have read it very carefully.
A. mustn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. needn't
58. It may be necessary to stop __ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.
A. at a distance B. at ease C. at intervals D. at length
59. I think I the movie we went to last night even more if I had read the book.
A. would enjoy B. would have enjoyed
C. will enjoy D. enjoyed
60. No sooner __ begun to speak than some noise arose from the audience.
A. he had B. had he C. he has D. did he
Part Il C!oze (共 20小题,每题 1分,共 20分 )
Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then mark your answer on the answer sheet.
We got up early this morning and 61 a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the business 62 of the city. The city 63 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's 64 Washington is a special kind of city. 65 of the people in Washington work for the government.
About 9:30 we went to the White House. It's 66 the public from 10 67 12, and there was a long line of people 68 to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved 69 quickly.
The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns 70 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds 71 about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long 72 each side.
Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part 73 the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went 74 five of the main rooms. One of them was the library on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named 75 the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk 76 . There are 77 of old furniture from the time 78 the White House was 79 built. And everywhere there are paintings and'statues of former presidents and 80 famous people from history.
61. A. made B. took C. went D. set
62. A. position B. place C. section D. circle
63. A. was B. is C. has been D. should be 64. A. reason B. for C. since D. because 65. A. Much B. More C. Few D. Most
66. A. opened to B. open to C. opening for D. opened for 67. A. near B. since C. towards D. Till
68. A. waited B. wait C. waiting D. to wait
69. A. somewhat B. pretty C. slightly D. completely
70. A. all B. whole C. every D. each
71. A. take B. make C. cover D. possess
72. A. about B. on C. in D. for
73. A. that B. where C. what D. which
74. A. across B. for C. through D. along
75. A. after B. by C. with D. for
76. A. clothes B. cloth C. clothing D. dressing
77. A. pieces B. bits C. blocks D. sheets
78. A. which B. since C. when D. where
79. A. firstly B. early C. at first D. first
80. A. the other B. other C. others D. Another
第二卷(共 50分)
Part Transiation(共 35分 )
Section A(共 S 小题,每题 4分,共 20分 )
Drections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part I.
1. Vegetable gardeners agree that many home-grown vegetables are superior to those purchased from markets. (Line 1, Paragraph 2, Passage 1)
2. One should not plant a garden that is too large for him to care for. ( Line 1, Paragraph 5,
Passage 1 )
3. There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as men. (Line 2, Last
Paragraph, Passage 2)
4. But those oceans remain lifeless until sometime in March or early April, when the first living things develop. (Line 3, Paragraph 2, Passage 3)
5. Job seekers must learn how to use the Internet as a tool, rather than just relying on it as a means for submitting electronic resumes. ( Line I, Last Paragraph, Passage 4)
Section B (共 5小题,每题 3分,共 15分 )
Drections: Translate the following sentences into English
1.据说这幅画是毕加索 (Picasso)的名作。
Part V Writing (共 15分 )
Directions: In this part you are required to write an essay about how your daily schedule has changed since you became a college student. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.
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