例5、配制2∶1液300ml,需10%NaCl、5%NaHCO3、10%GS各多少毫升。 10%NaCl=300/15=20ml
(正常人:BS(blood sugar,血糖)为3.9~6.1mmol/LBUN(blood urea nitrogen,尿素氮)为1.78~7.14mmol/L)
③MCV(平均红细胞体积μm3)=红细胞比积×1000除以红细胞数(N/L) 正常值82~96μm3,>96μm3为低渗,
New Microcapsules Based on
Oligoelectrolyte Complexation
Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials, Department of Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
ABSTRACT: A new one-step microencapsulation procedure has been devel-oped. For the alginate/oligochitosan system the molar mass of the chitosan is akey parameter in the formation of stable, elastic capsules with high modulus.Furthermore, the selection of an optimum molar mass provides an additionaldegree of freedom, permitting the simultaneous regulation of mechanical prop-erties and permeability without the need for multicomponent organic-inorgan-ic chemistries as have been previously employed. The effects of molar mass ofchitosan, its concentration, the alginate molar mass and its metal salt on thepreparation, physical properties, and release characteristics of the capsuleshave been studied.
Over the past two decades a variety biologically active species have been immo-bilized or encapsulated, ranging from enzymes for bioreactors and biosensors1 tohepatocytes for the treatment of liver failure.2 Microencapsulated cells, in general,have potential for the treatment of diseases requiring enzyme or endocrine replace-ment as well as in nutrient delivery of enzymes and bacteria. Encapsulation is, fur-thermore, employed in various industries including food,3 agriculture,4 andbiotechnology, 5 the latter of which is clearly a high value-added application. A par-ticular case of encapsulation involves immunoisolation of mammalian cells for thegeneration of bioartificial organs.
A wide variety of approaches, based on various polymer chemistries, processesfor membrane formation and encapsulation technologies have been evaluated. Thesehave been summarized in a recent review.6 Other than some innovative chemistriesintroduced by Sefton7 and Dautzenberg,8 who employed, respectively, phase inver-sion and complex coacervation to form the capsular membranes, the overwhelmingmajority of the literature over the past two decades has utilized the alginate/poly-L-lysine polyelectrolyte symplex system.9 Generally, multivalent ions such a calciumor barium are used to gel the alginate. These solid beads are then coated with a so-lution of an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte (poly-L-lysine). The beads are con-verted into a permeable capsule by liquefying the gel, usually via the addition of thechelating agent such as ethyleneditetracetic acid or sodium citrate.
While Sun, who pioneered the alginate/poly-L-lysine chemistry,10 was success-ful, originally in rodents and more recently in larger animal discordant xenografts,a e-mail: Artur.Bartkowiak@epfl.ch
BARTKOWIAK & HUNKELER: NEW MICROCAPSULES37many authors have failed to repeat his results. Further disadvantages of the alginate/poly-L-lysine system include the present cost of the polycation and the limited me-chanical properties and biocompatibility reported by some groups.11 Moreover, thereproducibility of the capsule properties of both polymers is still questionable, ow-ing to the batch to batch changes in properties. Therefore, modification of this chem-istry has been extensively investigated, where metal cations other than Ca2+12 and poly(amino acids) other than poly-L-lysine13 have been employed. Poly-L-lysinecan be also replaced by other polycations, with the chitosan found to be a good sub-stitute. This natural occurring polysaccharide exhibits various biological activitiesand many attempts have been made to apply it as a biomaterial.14
They are many “so-called” chitosan/alginate capsules described in the academicliterature, 15 with the first attempt to replace poly-L-lysine with chitosan having beenreported by Rha et al. in 1984.16 Such capsules can be produced by a one-step pro-cedure, where alginate is dropped into the calcium/chitosan solution, or in two stepswhere alginate/calcium preformed beads are subsequently coated with chitosan.15Several of the preparation methods for preparing alginate/Ca2+/chitosan capsuleshave been patented.17–19 However, all techniques employ high molar mass polymers(greater than 10 kD) with reactions carried out below a pH of 6.6 to ensure chitosansolubility. Furthermore, the replacement of PLL by chitosan does not significantlyimprove capsule mechanical properties nor does it permit the control of membranemolar mass cut-off.
The capsule membrane formation involves a salt bond formation between two op-positely charged polymers during the diffusion of chitosan macromolecules into thewide pore alginate/Ca2+ gel bead matrix. However, in the absence of the addition ofcalcium cations, very thin and fragile membranes are formed owing to the slow dif-fusion of polycation. The authors believe that this limitation can be overcome by em-ploying a lower molar mass chitosan, in analogy to the cellulose sulfate/pDADAMCsystem introduced by Dautzenberg.8
The objective of our investigation has been the evaluation of the effect of chitosanmolar mass (<100 kd)="" on="" mechanical="" properties="" and="" permeability="" of="" binary="" alginate/chitosan="">100>
It will be shown in this paper that the control of the molar mass (MM) of the poly-electrolytes is a key parameter in the formation of stable capsules.20 Furthermore,the selection of an optimum MM provides an additional degree of freedom to the bi-nary polyelectrolyte complexation, permitting the simultaneous regulation of me-chanical properties and permeability without the need for multicomponent organic–inorganic chemistries as have been previously employed.
Alginate Keltone HV (lot. 46592A: Mn = 300 kD and polydispersity of 2.3) wasobtained from Kelco/NutraSweet (San Diego, CA, USA). Molar masses were in-ferred from (gel permeation chromatography) measurements on a Shodex OHpak
38ANNALS NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCESSB-804 HQ stationary phase using 0.1 M aq. Na2SO 4 as a mobile phase. A relativecalibration curve based on pullulan standards (PSS, Mainz, Germany) wasemployed.
Chitosan samples with different molar masses (1–100 kD) were obtained in con-trolled radical degradation by hydrogen peroxide (0.8–6.4 mMol/g of polysaccha-ride) at 80°C 21,22 of chitosan HMW (Aldrich, Buchs, Switzerland, Lot. 06026MNwith degree of deacetylation 86.2%). Molar masses of chitosan samples were esti-mated by GPC measurements using the Shodex OHpak SB-804 HQ and 0.5 M aceticacid/0.5 M sodium acetate buffer system, which is recommended by Showa-DenkoCompany (Tokyo, Japan).23 Pullulan and polyethylene glycol standards (PSS,Mainz, Germany) were used for column calibration and as relative references forMM calculation. All other reagents were of analytical grade.
Microcapsule Preparation
Capsules were formed from a pair of oppositely charged polysaccharides, wherea 0.75–1.5% aqueous sodium alginate was prepared in deionized water, 0.9% NaCl,or a 1% aq. mannitol solution. Approximately 2 mL of this solution was introducedinto a 5 mL disposable syringe with a 0.4 mm flat-cut needle (Becton Dickinson AG,Basel, Switzerland). The droplets were sheared off for 30 sec (kdScientific syringepump, Bioblock Scientific, Frenkendorf, Switzerland: flow rate 1 mL/min) into 20mL of 1% chitosan (molar mass varied between 1–100 kD) solution when the pHwas adjusted to 6.5 with 1 M NaOH. The microcapsules produced (1–3 mm in diam-eter) were allowed to harden for 30 minutes, filtered and rinsed with solvent used forpreparation of polysaccharide solutions. Each process was repeated 3–4 times withcollected microcapsules (more than 2 mL in volume) stored at 4°C. The entire cap-sule formation procedure described herein has been performed at ambienttemperature.
Permeability Measurements
Two mL of microcapsules were placed in a 10 mL recipient bath. Two mL of a0.1% polymer standard solution (glucose plus four dextrans 4–110 kD), in 0.9%NaCl, was added under agitation. Aliquots were withdrawn at various times and in-jected into a liquid chromatograph equipped with a Shodex SG-G and SB-803 HQcolumns. The eluent was 0.9% NaCl applied at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The poly-mer concentration was proportional to the height of the detected chromatographicpeak and solute diffusion was calculated with respect to the initial standard concen-tration. In this study the cut-off of microcapsules was defined as the lowest molarmass of dextran for which solute diffusion was smaller than 2% after a contact timeof 32 minutes.
Mechanical Characterization
Microcapsules were tested on a Texture Analyzer (TA-2xi, Stable Micro Systems,Godalming, UK). The apparatus consists of a mobile probe moving vertically at aconstant velocity. The capsules were compressed at 0.1 mm/sec speed until bursting
FIGURE 1. Mechanical properties of alginate/chitosan capsules as a function of thechitosan molar mass.
occurred. The force exerted by the probe on the capsule was recorded as a functionof the displacement (compression distance), therefore leading to a force vs. straincurve. Twenty capsules per batch were analyzed in order to obtain statistically rele-vant data.
Chitosans of various molar masses were prepared by controlled radical degrada-tion method using continuous addition of hydrogen peroxide at 80°C from 0.5 to4hours. All samples have similar polydispersity of MM (1.5–1.6) and degrees ofdeacetylation (80–84%).
The effect of chitosan molar mass on the relative mechanical strength of the pre-pared chitosan-alginate capsules, measured by their bursting force, is illustrated inF IGURE 1. Mechanical properties of capsules are strong function of the chitosan mo-lar mass. Below approximately 600–1000 daltons, precipitates are formed (no mi-crocapsules). In the few seconds after the reaction the alginate drop surface iscovered with a milky, non-transparent, unstable membrane, which during the reac-tion transforms into the white precipitate. Apparently, the oligochains (2–6 mono-meric units) are to short to react with more than one alginate chain and, therefore,do not function as crosslinkers and consequently do not create stable membranes.Above a molar mass of 30 kD the membranes are quite thin and have weak me-chanical properties. Generally capsules are so fragile that after removing the sur-rounding solution they rupture under their own weight.
Dautzenberg et al. described membrane formation of two oppositely chargedpolyelectrolytes as a two-step process.24 This begins with the spontaneous creationof a solid-like precipitate at the droplet surface as the result of the phase separationprocess. After this initial step the inner-direction build-up of membrane is observed.This process is diffusion-controlled, where the polycation penetrates through themembrane formed in the first step. When the cut-off of the primary membrane is toolow the polycation molecules are not able to diffuse through. This is the case when
chitosan of molar mass higher than 30 kD was used.
FIGURE 2. Influence of reaction time on alginate/chitosan capsule mechanical resis-tance (chitosan 2.5 kD, reaction time 5–20 min, 1.25–1.75 mm in diameter). The verticalline refers to the “osmotic imbalance” between solution interior and exterior to the capsules.The horizontal lines in the “box ” represent the average values of the bursting forces.
Between the molar mass extremes mentioned above, stable capsules are generat-ed with a maximum strength at a chitosan molar mass of 2000–3000 daltons. Thecapsule mechanical strength is one of the most important features for practical pur-poses. With reduction of the chitosan molar mass below 30 kD, the formation of cap-sules with increasing membrane thickness and mechanical properties is observed.Similarly the molar mass of chitosan employed in the encapsulation procedure wasdetermined to by a key factor in the alginate/Ca2+/chitosan capsule formation.25However, in that case the optimum molar mass for stable capsules formation was inthe range of 160–330 kD. This difference is caused by immobilization of alginate bycalcium cations in the form of porous gel matrix. The decrease of membrane stabilityobserved for molar mass below 2000 is a consequence of the participation of precip-itation process in alginate/chitosan membrane formation.
All reactions described in this paper were carried out at pH 6.5, which is a limitof chitosan solubility. However, oligochitosans below 8–10 kD are soluble abovepHs of 7.0. The new binary capsules with good mechanical properties can be formedup to a pH of 7.4, which will be detailed elsewhere.26 The ability to produce capsules
under neutral and slightly basic conditions is a strong advantage of the newly devel-
FIGURE 3. Mechanical resistance of capsules prepared in pure water and 1% mannitol solution (chitosan 2.3 and 2.5 kD, reaction time 10 min, 1.25–1.75 mm in diameter).
FIGURE 4. Comparison of bursting forces of capsules with different diameters (chito-san 2.5 kD, reaction time 10 min).
oped method, since the alginate/Ca2+/chitosan-based capsules can only be produced
up to a pH of 6.6. Since several types of biologically active species, including mam-
FIGURE 5. Diffusion of dextrans through an alginate/chitosan capsule membrane.Comparison of capsules obtained with chitosan of different molar masses (reaction time30min). The ingress was measured after a contact time of 32 min.
malian cells, require a pH range between 7 and 7.4 for culture, the new encapsulationprocedure described herein is evidently much more robust over a practical range.
The mechanical properties of the capsules vary remarkably as a function of thereaction conditions. The molar mass of chitosan, and the reaction time, have beenfound to be of the greatest importance for the process of capsule formation. Gener-ally, the mechanical strength of the capsules increases with progressing reaction timeowing to the growth of the capsule wall thickness (FIG . 2). The significant drop inmechanical stability and surface deformation after ten minutes of reaction are the re-sult of differences in osmotic pressure between solution interior and exterior to thecapsules (osmotic imbalance). The wall morphology not only changes according tothe progressing conversion of the polyelectrolytes, but also because of the osmoticeffects caused by the counterions of the separated polyelectrolytes. A reduction ofthe capsule volume due to the osmotic draining of water plays an important part incapsule stability and porosity. This negative effect can be reduced by introductionnon-reactive low molar mass osmotic pressure modifiers such as mannitol. The cap-sules synthesized in the presence of 1% mannitol solution have improved mechani-cal properties (FIG . 3) with the mechanical strength depending strongly on the sizeof the capsules (FIG . 4). Larger capsules with higher volume/surface ratios are lessresistant than the smaller capsules.
Porosity, like mechanical resistance, depends on the thickness and morphology
of the capsule wall. Lower cut-offs are obtained after longer reaction times and using
FIGURE 6. Diffusion of dextrans through an alginate/chitosan capsule membrane.Comparison of capsules prepared in water and in salt solution (chitosan 4.5 kD, reactiontime 30 min). The ingress was measured after a contact time of 32 min.
chitosan of higher molar masses (FIG . 5). For the chitosan of 4.5 kD the membranemolar mass cut-off is approximately 70 kD while for a chitosan of 7 kD it is 110 kD.Surprisingly, no significant difference in the permeability of alginate/Ca2+/chitosancapsules, prepared with chitosan of the Mv = 160–310 kD, was observed.25The presence of the low molar mass salt (0.9% NaCl) during the binary capsuleformation accelerates the diffusion of the oligocations and leads to thicker capsulewalls. Therefore, the capsule has less stability and a more porous membrane (FIG .
6). This difference can be explained by shielding effect of the sodium cations duringthe polyelectrolytes complex formation. At low alginate concentration the mem-brane growth occurs more rapidly than at higher concentrations. The oligocationscan penetrate more easily through less concentrated polyanion solutions and createthicker and less dense membranes. Consequently, the final capsules are more porousand have higher cut-offs (FIG . 7).
A new generation of microcapsules can be prepared by utilizing a polyelectrolytecomplexation reaction between two oppositely charged polysaccharides, one ofwhich is oligomeric.20 The resulting microcapsules have good mechanical proper-ties and, more significantly in relation to the existing literature, can be applied up toa pH of 7.5. The latter is a necessity of other competing technologies, with bead for-
mation accomplished with the addition of simple electrolyte, normally a divalent
FIGURE 7. Diffusion of dextrans through an alginate/chitosan capsule membrane—different alginate concentrations (chitosan 2.7 kD, reaction time 30 min). The ingress wasmeasured after a contact time of 32 min.
salt. The novel technology forms a membrane directly between two oppositelycharged polyelectrolytes in solution in the absence of simple electrolyte. The newcapsule is unique relative to most polyelectrolyte complex systems in that it involvesa single step process to generate the membrane and microcapsule, avoiding the for-mation of a bead as a precursor. The molar mass of the “outer ” polymer has beenoptimized so as to permit the formation of mechanically stable capsules. Specifical-ly, chitosan oligomers with molar masses between 2 and 20 kD are favored. Theseare envisioned to have applications in the bioencapsulation field in general, pertain-ing specifically to the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries, as well as inbiomedical transplants.
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+0.1mol/LNaOH溶液可一元解离为0.1mol/L Na和0.1mol/L
-OH。他的渗透压就是0.2 Osm/L=2mOsm/L。
1972年 Separation and Some Properties of the Major Proteins
of the Human Erythrocyte Membrane
0.155M-NaH2PO4 (iso-osmotic phosphate buffer,pH7.4) The cells were lysed
into 37 litres of a stirred solution of iso osmotic phosphate buffer, pH7.4, diluted with
19.5vol. of deionized water (diluted phosphate buffer, pH7.4) maintained near 0?C
with a cooling coil connected to a circulating refrigeration bath and a solution of
0.3ml of di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate in 3ml of propanol was immediately added
slowly to the lysate.
等渗缓冲液:0.155M-NaH2PO4,渗透压为0.155 M×2 =0.155mol/L×2=310
+-mOsm/L(注:1 M NaHPO4可一元解离为1 M Na和M HPO,1mol/L NaHPO42242
的渗透压为2 Osm/L=2000 mOsm/L。等渗液的渗透压在280-320 mOsm/L范围内)
渗透压为310 mOsm/L?20.5=15 mOsm/L.
rPBS,PH=7.4(KCL137mM,NaCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 8.1mM,KH2PO4 1.5 mM) 渗透压:137 mM×2+ 2.7 mM ×2+8.1mM×3+ 1.5 mM×2=306.7 mOsm/L
PBS,PH=7.4 (NaCL137mM,KCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 8.1mM,KH2PO4 1.5 mM,)渗透压同上计算为306.7 mOsm/L
rPBS,PH=5.6 (KCL137mM,NaCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 0.5mM,KH2PO4 9.5mM) 渗透压为137 mM×2+ 2.7 mM ×2+0.5mM×3+ 9.5 mM×2=299.9 mOsm/L
PBS,PH=5.6 (NaCL137mM,KCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 0.5mM,KH2PO4 9.5mM,)配
制1L:渗透压同上计算为299.9 mOsm/L
PH=7.4的渗透压为306.7 mOsm/L /15=20.4 mOsm/L
PH=5.6的渗透压为299.9mOsm/L /15=20 mOsm/L
低渗液为0.1mmol/L Na2HPO4,12H2O,加入0.1mmol/L EDTA和0.1mmol/L PMSF。
渗透压为0.1mmol/L×3=0.3 mOsm/L。
文献中低渗透压为15 mOsm/L;
我的20 mOsm/L,曾经查到一篇文献提到PH=5.8-5.9,20 mOsm/L的磷酸缓冲液提取到的膜上最大程度的结合血红蛋白;
渗透压:渗透压与溶液中可一元解离的离子浓度有关。如:0.1mol/LNaOH溶液可一元解离为0.1mol/L Na+和0.1mol/L OH-。他的渗透压就是0.2 Osm/L=2mOsm/L。
1972年 Separation and Some Properties of the Major Proteins of the Human Erythrocyte Membrane
0.155M-NaH2PO4 (iso-osmotic phosphate buffer,pH7.4) The cells were lysed into 37 litres of a stirred solution of iso osmotic phosphate buffer, pH7.4, diluted with 19.5vol. of deionized water (diluted phosphate buffer, pH7.4) maintained near 0°C with a cooling coil connected to a circulating refrigeration bath and a solution of 0.3ml of di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate in 3ml of propanol was immediately added slowly to the lysate.
等渗缓冲液:0.155M-NaH2PO4,渗透压为0.155 M×2 =0.155mol/L×2=310 mOsm/L(注:1 M NaH2PO4可一元解离为1 M Na+和M H2PO4-,1mol/L NaH2PO4的渗透压为2 Osm/L=2000 mOsm/L。等渗液的渗透压在280-320 mOsm/L范围内) 低渗缓冲液:将等渗缓冲液用19.5倍体积的去离子水稀释而成。也就是稀释了20.5倍,渗透压上除以20.5即可。
渗透压为310 mOsm/L÷20.5=15 mOsm/L.
rPBS,PH=7.4(KCL137mM,NaCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 8.1mM,KH2PO4 1.5
mM) 渗透压:137 mM×2+ 2.7 mM ×2+8.1mM×3+ 1.5 mM×2=306.7 mOsm/L PBS,PH=7.4 (NaCL137mM,KCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 8.1mM,KH2PO4 1.5 mM,)渗透压同上计算为306.7 mOsm/L
rPBS,PH=5.6 (KCL137mM,NaCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 0.5mM,KH2PO4 9.5mM) 渗透压为137 mM×2+ 2.7 mM ×2+0.5mM×3+ 9.5 mM×2=299.9 mOsm/L PBS,PH=5.6 (NaCL137mM,KCL2.7mM,Na2HPO4 0.5mM,KH2PO4 9.5mM,)配制1L:渗透压同上计算为299.9 mOsm/L
PH=7.4的渗透压为306.7 mOsm/L /15=20.4 mOsm/L
PH=5.6的渗透压为299.9mOsm/L /15=20 mOsm/L
低渗液为0.1mmol/L Na2HPO4?12H2O,加入0.1mmol/L EDTA和0.1mmol/L PMSF。
渗透压为0.1mmol/L×3=0.3 mOsm/L。
文献中低渗透压为15 mOsm/L;
我的20 mOsm/L,曾经查到一篇文献提到PH=5.8-5.9,20 mOsm/L的磷酸缓冲液提取到的膜上最大程度的结合血红蛋白;