口译工作也是时时都在学习的工作,在联合国担任口译必须对国际政治有深入了解,也必须随时注意国际时势。联合国的出版物,包括UN Journal及网路的即时新闻UN Daily News是口译员要仔细研读的资讯。
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视频 | 她是2017年全国英语演讲总决赛冠军,她都讲了啥?(附视频&演讲稿)
视频 | “不适合演讲”的她是如何逆袭成为2017年全国亚军的(附视频&演讲稿)
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视频 | 她是2017年全国英语演讲总决赛冠军,她都讲了啥?(附视频&演讲稿)
视频 | “不适合演讲”的她是如何逆袭成为2017年全国亚军的(附视频&演讲稿)
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姓名 出生年月 性别 学 历 专业 毕业院校 职称 翻译年限
第 1 页 共 3 页
能应付不同的工作场合,解决出现的问题与困难。逻辑思维能力与分析能力较强。 2、具有突出的适应能力与学习能力,能在压力环境下保持高效率的工作。在公
司安排的工作任务中,有强烈的责任感、时间观念、自律能力和团队合作精神。 3、喜爱旅游、读书、音乐、瑜伽。
第 2 页 共 3 页
第 3 页 共 3 页
Training of Interpreters: interpreting and simultaneous interpreting, an exercise by which interpreter Some Suggestions on Sight Translation Teaching trainees can learn to react quickly and improve their oral skills (Spilka 1966;
Curvers et al. 1986; Weber 1990; Falbo 1995; Viaggio 1995). However, Key Words: Sight translation, interpreter training, teaching methods, sight translation, consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation. are performed under different conditions. Even though there are similarities
in the mental process, the overall process is different. In sight translation, Abstract: Sight translation has been considered as a part of simultaneous the translator reads a written text, whereas the interpreter, in both and consecutive interpretation. However, due to recent developments in the consecutive and the simultaneous modes, listens to a speaker. Due to the fields of business, finance, international trade, science and technology and differences in the process, the methods and strategies that an interpreter due to changing market demands, sight translation has gained an extra trainee uses in sight translation will change.
place beyond consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. This paper aims
at laying a groundwork for teaching sight translation, based on concepts This paper will present some suggestions for sight translation teaching. and strategies of skill training. However, sight translation will not be considered as a supportive method for
simultaneous and consecutive interpretation but a sole interpretation
method that can be used by the interpreter trainees in various fields. Introduction
Recent developments in many fields such as international relations, Pre-Exercises
business, trade, social sciences, and technology and the need for accessing
information in the shortest possible time necessitate an active and effective Sight Translation (ST) is generally taught in the second semester of the communication medium. Translation, notably interpretation, is one of those second year or in the first semester of the third year in the departments of communication media. translation and interpretation in Turkey. The main reason is that general
skills such as reading, writing, textual analysis and vocabulary are taught in The term "interpretation" generally brings simultaneous, consecutive or the first two years. The first exercises to be used in a sight translation liaison interpretation to mind. Sight translation has mostly been considered course will be directly related with those basic skills. as a supportive interpretation method for simultaneous and consecutive
interpretation. Jean Herbert (1952) characterized sight translation as a type The first two weeks of the semester can be devoted to fast reading, of simultaneous interpreting. For many scholars, sight translation is just a skimming, scanning and reading comprehension activities. Those activities pedagogical exercise for getting started in the techniques of consecutive will enable students to speed up their reading and get the gist of the text
that they are working on in the shortest possible time. exercise is to enable the students to use their passive knowledge and make
logical connections between the facts. Following this exercise, the students
are handed out the original text and are asked to check if their outline and Exercise 1 assumptions are correct. Then they read the text one more time by using
fast reading techniques and mark the unknown words. However, the In the beginning, the students are given a text (250-300 words) in their instructor does not explain those unknown words at this stage. native language and are asked to read the whole text in 20-30 seconds.
Then, they are asked general questions about the subject of the text. In the
second phase, they are asked more specific questions (such as names, Exercise 3
dates, places, etc.) before they are asked to read the text for the second
time. This time, they are given 10-15 seconds to find the specific The same text used in the previous exercise will be used in this exercise. information. Lastly, the students are given enough time to read the text This time, the students are asked to analyze the text in detail. What is the thoroughly. This time, they are asked comprehension questions. The same type of the text? Is it informative? Is it vocative? How is the form of the text? exercise is repeated with the texts written in L2. The aim of this exercise is Does it include titles, subtitles, articles, tables, graphs, etc? What is the to develop reading comprehension and fast reading skills. message of the text? Does the text include technical words, jargon,
abbreviations, etc? Are the sentences complex? Those questions will
prepare the student for the translation process. The following exercises will Exercise 2 enable students to develop their own strategies to deal with
language-specific problems.
In the following weeks, the instructor chooses texts from various fields and
gives only the titles of the texts and asks students to use their passive
knowledge on the subject. For example, the instructor asks students what Exercise 4
they expect from a text entitled "Painful changeover to Euro". The students
produce key words by brainstorming on the subject. In the beginning they One of the problems that perplex students is the presence of unknown may wander from the subject and produce irrelevant keywords. However, as words. This problem also slows down the reading speed of students and they begin to use their passive knowledge and make logical connections disables them to deal with other problems they face in sight translation. In they will come to the point. Then, the instructor randomly chooses fast reading process, when the student encounters an unknown word, or a keywords from the text and asks students to make logical connections word that is difficult to pronounce, his/her reading speed will slow down. between those keywords and form a bold outline of the text. The aim of this However, in a slow and meaningful reading process, he/she either will be
able to guess the meaning of the unknown word by using contextual clues or Lake)
will realize that the word is not crucial for understanding the message of the
whole text. In some cases, however, the word may be directly related to the Exercise 5:
message and it may cause problems in translation if the word is omitted or
ignored. Bearing this in mind, the lecturer may choose texts that may help Another language-specific problem that may cause problems in the process students to deal with unknown words. The following strategies can be of sight translation is complex sentence structures. Long, complex and applied on the sample texts: compound sentence structures generally slow down the reading speed and
increase the risk of wrong interpretation. Using "parsing" and "chunking" To focus on the message of the sentence/paragraph rather than the methods may eliminate this problem.
meaning of the word.
For this exercise, the students are handed out texts, which are written in Sample text: "If anyone is asked to rate a person, whom he knows complex sentence structures. The students are asked to parse each sufficiently well, on a number of personality variables, he will tend to be sentence in order to work out to what grammatical type each word and influenced by his general opinion of the person. If he has a high opinion of clause belong. Then, they are asked to determine the smallest semantic the person he will tend to rate him high on all desirable qualities, and vice units in each sentence. Depending on the sentence structure of the versa if he has a low opinion. (C.J. Adcock: Fundamentals of Psychology) language they are translating into, they restructure their sentences.
However, it should be noted that the aim of this exercise is to analyze the To guess the meaning of the word by using contextual clues sentence structure and to re-formulate it in the target language. The aim is
not to use the same grammatical structure but to give the same message in Sample text: If you were to place a human brain on a table in front of you, the target language.
you would notice that it is divided neatly into two halves vertically from front
to back: these are the right and left cerebral hemispheres. And each
hemisphere is further divided into four so-called lobes: the one at the front Exercise 6:
(the frontal lobe) is responsible for controlling movement and for some
aspects of emotions; the occipital lobe (at the back) deals with sight, the This exercise will help students to focus on the meaning rather than the lobe at the side (the temporal lobe) is an important memory store; and the structure and the words of a given text. The students are given texts written parietal lobe (at the top) has a vital role in comparing and integrating in their native language and they are asked to "paraphrase" each sentence. information that flows into the brain through the sensory channels of vision, They are expected to use their own words to give the same message. They hearing, smell and touch. (Richard Leakey and Robert Lewin: People of the try to re-express each sentence in 2-3 different ways without changing the
meaning. They are allowed to make additions and omissions, to break a long
sentence into smaller sentences, to combine short sentences and make a The text to be sight translated may involve graphs, tables, pictures or longer sentence and to change the sentence structure (e.g. active diagrams. The students should be able to read and interpret those sentences to passive, passive sentences to active sentences). The only rule visual-aided texts.
is not to change the meaning.
In order to expose the students to different styles of writing and document
structures, texts of considerable difficulty and complexity should be chosen. Suggestions Though text types and topics may vary according to market demand, a sight
translation course syllabus design should include the following text types: The above-mentioned exercises aim at enabling students to produce correct, Commercial and economic texts, e.g. real-world texts on current world coherent and fluent translations. However, all those exercises are in-class economic and financial issues, international trade and business, scientific activities. It is obvious that real-life conditions will be different and and technical texts, e.g. medicine, environment, computer science, journal sometimes more difficult. Therefore, the students should be prepared to articles, manuals, patents, political and legal texts. solve various problems before they work in real-world conditions. For
example: In conclusion, it should be noted that training time is the time to introduce
students to the real-life process of translation. They should be made aware The text to be sight translated may be handwritten. Hence, in order to of the fact that there are many factors which may act as constraints on the familiarize the student with various handwritings, in-class activities should process. Their role is to make certain decisions in order to maneuver among include handwritten texts. those factors.
The text to be sight translated may involve ungrammatical sentence
structures and poor punctuation. Therefore, texts written by R
non-native-speakers who are unfamiliar with the rules of grammar and
punctuation should also be included in the exercises to make students
familiarize with that kind of texts.
The text to be sight translated may be incoherent, or poorly organized. In
such a case, the student should be able to detect shortcomings and correct
them in the shortest time.
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