1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
How do you like your steak cooked? 你的牛排想做成什么样的,
medium 五分熟的
well-done 熟透的
rare 生的
学来就用 Let’s practice 2、
Do you have any questions?你有什么问题吗?
Do you have any questions you’d like to ask?
What’s your policy on bad weather days?
That’s up to your discretion(考虑).
I see.
Are there any questions we haven’t covered that you want to ask?
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Not that I can think of.
OK.Then We’ll be in touch.
I look forward to it.
Do you have any questions?
Yes, what’s your vacation policy?
Two weeks every year.
Can I take mine up front?
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据360教育集团介绍:Waiter :What kind of steak you prefer for the dinner
Guest :Mmm, they all look appealing(诱人的), do you have any suggestion?
Waiter :I recommend the Chef ‘s Special, the Prime Grade Fillet Mignon. It is very light and tender.
Guest :What do you mean by Prime Grade
Waiter :It means the best quality beef according to the grading system made by the US Department of Agriculture.
Guest :I see, so I take you’re advice, let‘s try your Filet Mignon.
Waiter :Thanks, how do you want to your steak cooked Most guests choose Medium Rare. Guest :Will it be too rare I am not used to rare food.
Waiter :Not at all, you will find that is the meat is so tender and juicy.
Guest :I ’ll try, don‘t let me down.
Waiter :Yes, Sir. What kind of accompaniments you choose to match your steak We have potato, vegetables, and mushrooms.
Guest :Do you have baked potato, broccoli, and some mushrooms
Waiter :We certainly do. Any condiment
Guest :No, thank you, I prefer the original taste of the steak.
Waiter :Do you want some wine to go with the steak
Guest :A glass of your house wine will be fine
Waiter :Thanks for your order, the steak will be ready in 15 minutes.
Waiter :Here is your steak, please be careful of the hot plate. Enjoy your dinner. Guest :Thanks a lot.
Waiter :How is the dinner Do you like the steak
Guest :Terrific, everything is so tasty.
Waiter :After the main course, do you want some dessert Guest :I ’m really full, I would rather pass this time, could you fixe me a cup of coffee? Waiter :Of course. Do you want it black, or to go with sugar and cream
Guest :The black will do.
What would you like to eat? 您想吃什么,
I’d like to have a beefsteak. 我想吃牛排。
How do you like your steak cooked,您要几分熟的,
Medium well, please. 七分熟的。
全熟是 well done
七分熟是 medium well
五分熟是 medium
四分熟是 medium rare
三分熟是 rare
How do you like your egg cooked? 您的蛋要几分熟,
Scramble. 全熟。
scramble 炒蛋(就是全熟)
sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋
sunny side down / ease over 两面都熟
T-bone steak 丁骨牛排
filet steak 菲力牛排
sirloin steak 沙朗牛排
corn soup 玉米浓汤
green salad 蔬菜沙拉
mashed potato 土豆泥
pasta 意大利面
ketchup 番茄酱
black pepper sauce 黑椒酱
French toast 法国土司
How do you like your steak cooked?
全熟是 well done 七分熟是medium well 五分熟是medium 四分熟是medium rare 三分熟是 rare。
What would you like to eat? 您想吃什么,
I’d like to have a beefsteak. 我想吃牛排。
How do you like your steak cooked,您要几分熟的,
Medium well, please. 七分熟的。
全熟是 well done
七分熟是 medium well
五分熟是 medium
四分熟是 medium rare
三分熟是 rare
How do you like your egg cooked? 您的蛋要几分熟,
Scramble. 全熟。
scramble 炒蛋(就是全熟)
sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋
sunny side down / ease over 两面都熟
T-bone steak 丁骨牛排
filet steak 菲力牛排
sirloin steak 沙朗牛排
corn soup 玉米浓汤
green salad 蔬菜沙拉
mashed potato 土豆泥
pasta 意大利面
ketchup 番茄酱
black pepper sauce 黑椒酱
French toast 法国土司
? 1-2成熟: 英文叫Blue 或Extra-rare ,法语叫Bleu ,这个即是所谓的带血牛肉,表面稍有一点焦黄色泽,当中完全是鲜红的生肉状态,并且是冷的;
? 3成熟:
英文为Rare ,法语是Saignant ,表皮焦黄,内中70%的肉为红色并带有大量血水,肉微冷; ? 4成熟:
英文Medium Rare,法文à Point,表皮焦黄,肉体温并带血;
? 5成熟:
英文Medium ,法文Rosé,表皮发焦,肉体烫热,为粉红色;
? 7成熟:
英文Medium Well,法文为Cuit ,表皮发焦,内中仍有部分肉体为粉红色;
? 全熟:
英文Well Done,法文为Bien Cuit,表皮为咖啡色,切开牛排不见一点粉红色。
生熟程度分成一分熟(rare)、三分熟(medium rare)、五分熟(medium)、全熟(well done)。 Ribeye Steak 肋眼牛排
chuck steak 头肩肉筋
rump steak 牛键肉
teriyaki sauce :日式的照烧酱汁
总会牛排 club steak
法式牛肉扒 french steak
1. How do you like your steak cooked? 你的牛排要几分熟?
通常点牛排,或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡,服务生都会这样问你How do you like it
cooked? 回答的方式也有几种:全熟是 well done,七分熟是medium well,五分熟是medium,四分熟是medium rare,三分熟是 rare。 那么,这些不同程度的牛排会是什么味道呢,没有吃过的人可能会觉得有点难想象。其实,摸摸自己头上的各部位就能知道你要的牛排煮出来会是什么样子了。well-done 就和头顶的感觉差不多, 硬梆梆的;medium well 就是额头,稍微有点弹性;medium 是鼻头,软软的; rare 就是下巴最柔软的部份。另外记得看烹饪节目的时候,有个老外教做牛排,五分熟的牛排摸起来的感觉就和摸手上虎口部位靠近骨头的肉的感觉差不多。大家再吃牛排的时候可以试一下。
2. How do you like your egg cooked? 你的蛋要几分熟?
1. Scramble 炒蛋(就是全熟)
2. Sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋 (因为荷包蛋像太阳,所以老美用 sunny side 来
3. Sunny side down / ease over两面都煎。 另外还有白煮蛋。这个分两种。汉语中是“嫩”、“老”之分,英语中是 soft boil 和hard boil。所谓的 soft boil 是指让蛋黄的部份还有点液体状,而 hard boil 则是指整个的蛋黄都煮成固体状的。
3. Did you burn it? 你把它烤焦了吗? 说过了“几分熟”后来点题外话。“生”和“熟”我们都讲过了,那你知道“熟过头--烤焦了”怎么说吗,其实烤焦了很简单,就是 burn。
4. Can I have some more bread? 能再多给我点面包吗?
有人告诉我厨师在做的时候会防如探针来判断他的成熟度。厨师在烹调时在肉上刺入肉类探热针,这样可根据肉中的温度探出肉扒的成熟度。 45-50度代表四成熟(medium rare);
65-75度可达七成熟(medium well);
75度或以上即为全熟 (well done)
1. Can I see the menu first? In fact, when you go to a western restaurant the hostess/host will usually give you the menu as soon as you are seated.You are more likely to ask this if you want to check out the prices before actually sitting down at a table. 我能先看一下菜单吗,在西餐馆,你一旦落座侍者会马上把菜单给你。如果你想在坐下之前核实一下价钱,你就可以用这句子。 2. What do you recommend? This is a good question if you've never been to a restaurant before and want to know what the best dishes are.Usually though, your server will recommend the more expensive dishes. 你推荐什么呢,当你走进一家从没去过的餐馆,想知道那里的特色菜时,这句话就可就派上用场了。"What do you recommend?"不过要谨慎哪!通常情况下,侍者推荐的可能是非常非常昂贵的菜呀! 3. I'll have a steak. Steak is very common in the west. In fact, some restaurants specialize in steak!These restaurants are called "steakhouses"i.e."Outback Steakhouse".Steak is usually eaten with potatoes (a baked potato, mashed potatoes or French Fries) and a vegetable (usually salad or Cole Slaw). 牛排在西方是很常见的。许多饭馆专门做牛排。因此有了牛排馆"steakhouse,澳派克牛排店(Outlook Steakhouse)等牛排餐厅。当然不可能光吃牛排,在牛排餐厅经常吃些烤土豆、土豆泥、薯条和蔬菜(通常是沙拉或高丽菜沙拉,Cole slaw是一个法文,cole是法文高丽菜的意思,而slaw则是沙拉的意思)。 4. How would you like your steak done? Steak is cooked for different lengths of time depending on how you like it.The scale ranges from rare, medium-rare, medium and well-done.Rare is the least cooked and the steak is cool in the center and bloody.A well-done steak is brown and hot in the center. 你希望你的牛排几分熟,在点牛排时,这是经常要问的。那该如何回答呢,原来牛排可以按生熟程度分成一分熟(rare)、三分熟(medium rare)、五分熟(medium)、全熟(well done)。一分熟的牛排中间几乎是生的,带血色。生的带血牛排,汁多而且具有真正的牛肉原味,但初食者不免望而生畏。全熟牛排则呈咖啡色,几乎熟透。是不是越熟透了越好吃呢,其实牛排在半生时,用刀切开所见的粉红色肉汁,并不是血,而是烤肉时渗入的调味品汁,只有半生的牛肉有美妙的牛肉原汁,烤得时间越长,肉汁渐渐蒸发,肉质也变得坚韧,鲜美感消失殆尽,所以“老饕”是不吃老牛排的。但初试者不妨以七成熟开始。 5. I'd like a glass of whisky please. You can use this sentence when going out to eat or if you're just going to a bar for drinks.Whisky is considered a very manly drink! 去外面就餐,去酒吧喝酒,你可以大大方方地说"I'd like a glass of whisky please."(来一杯威士忌)。因为它被看作是一种非常具有男子汉气概的酒。 6. That's all for me.Thanks. Alternative sentence: "I'm all set."You can use either of these sentences when you are asked "will that be all?" or "anything else?" You can also use this response at places other than a restaurant; for example, when you're ordering several different items over the phone:"Would you like to add another design?""No, I'm all set, thanks." 我就要这么多。在服务生问我们"Will that be all?" "anything else?(还要些别的吗?)时,我们既可以说"That's all for me."也可以说"That's all for me." (就要这么多)。除了在餐厅,在其它地方电话订购时也可以用。比如说:你订购了几样东西时,对方问到"Would you like to add another design?"(你还需要增加点别的吗,)当不需要时,就可以说"No, I'm all set, thanks."
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