《金银岛》 于 1883年出版, 一出版就受到孩子的喜爱, 本书作者为罗伯特, 源英国。 书中围绕少年霍金斯、 弗西医生、 以及乡绅 . 屈里劳尼等一行人, 去金银岛宝的故事展开 了惊险的旅途。为此次行动,们买下艘美丽只“伊斯尼奥”号并且聘请了 一些水手和一个厨子,料想不到,聘请的然是海盗,他们都是一伙的。海盗希尔夫假 扮厨子混了个好人缘,他假装待人温和可亲,使人看不出一丝海盗的迹,直到一个晚上 , 霍金斯去吃苹果, 一下子失足掉进了桶内, 听到了他们的计划已久的阴谋, 霍金斯机智勇敢, 想尽一办法战盗, 后来在树林里遇到了原来是海盗, 现在改变了的本 . 葛恩, 他给此次 的寻之旅来莫大的帮助,加上李弗西医的力量,最终找到了宝,每人分
读完这本书,我喜欢机智敢的霍金斯,敢于用智慧和海盗周旋,当需要他的搏时, 他又会奋顾身与盗拼搏。譬如用牙齿咬断“伊斯帕尼拉”号的锚索,让船上的海盗 靠不上岸,连小刀割不断的锚索,硬是用牙齿断了,这是多大的毅力使斯咬断了锚 索,为此,他把所有干面包的能量都耗尽了,只为赢得后
我敬佩霍金斯的讲诚信,在那么险的环境下,竟然还能和海盗讲信,甘人质,最 终赢得了所有的尊
我也很喜欢小霍金斯的宽容,在到知错就改的本 ? 葛恩后,他给予容,不让本 . 葛恩
The book review of
Treasure Island
Treasure Island is a famous great writer Robert Louis Stevenson's most famous masterpiece.It tells the story of a young boy Jim Hawkins and his parents ran a hostel called “ Admiral Benbow” . One day, an odd captain named Bill was admitted to the this hostel. He was the grumpy man who loved to sing sailor songs. He often stood on the table in the evening, singing, drinking rum, and asked others to drink, everyone did not dare to disagree with him. Even though he has terrifying outlook, he also in bursts of some horror, frightening stories at sea which led the guests were all scared away, however, people called him
And then, strange things lined up knocking the door of the home of Jim, first a odd man who called
Jim first to get the treasure map , and then Jim handed over to the local doctor Dr Livesey and the squire Trelawney. In order to tap the treasure, Trelawney made a boat, recruited a captain, some sailors and chefs, setting out to the sea with Dr. Livesey and Jim together, moving to a desert island. Silver was a pirate who snuck on board. He was a man who treacherous cunning and greed. In order to obtain the trust of Jim and goodwills of doctor and others, he always pretended to be honest and kind. On one occasion, Silver and a few false pretenses pirates sailors plotting to kill Dr. Livesey in the cabin, who, want to be pocketed the island's treasures. Was unexpectedly that this matter was heard by Jim who was hiding in the apple barrel, and then Jim told Dr. Livesey and others.
When the ship came to the island, some of the people on the shore, the ship was occupied by rebel sailors. Jim met the convicts on the island that called Ben Gunn. Dr. Livesey a group of them came to the stockade. The Gunn told Jim that he has a beast kayak, and said the hiding location of the boat. Jim found the beast kayak, riding it, cut off the ship's anchor, and got on the big boat, killing a
guard pirates of the ship, then he drove the ship to a safe place. When Jim returned to the stockade , the stockade has been occupied by the pirates, and they also got a treasure map that he was caught. The next day, the pirates went with Jim and treasure map to geocaching, however, many pirates were killed by Dr. Livesey and others. The Gunn had long been the treasure transferred to other places, while the Dr. Livesey they would ambush in pirates who want to go through the place, gave the pirates ambushed powerful, so the pirates failed completely, and only Silver has not been killed . After eliminating the rebels, they finally put treasure on the ship, and then shipped back to the United Kingdom. After reading this book, so many characters in the book are all left a deep impression on me. Jim, he is not only kind but also brave, and rich sense of justice. He obtains the trust of Captain Bill and Silver with his own kind, makes himself in boars and safe. He told his fellow the news of Silver rebeled with his intelligence, and helped a lot in the next event. Dr. Livesey is rich sense of justice and resourceful. For example, he is not afraid of looking at the eyes of Bill in the hotel, beat outlaws Bill
with his majesty, and plays an important role in the victory over pirates. Silver is a capricious,
double-dealing and selfish person. At the begining, he shows a hypocritical face, conscientious, and to be friendly to people, but he soon joins other sailors insurgency. After failing, he pretended a kind attitude, dedicated to do his job. Finally betray himself again, stole a part of the treasure, and ran away. All these people, left a deep impression on me.
Jim Hawkins, as the hero of this book, I have learned so much from him, like brave, resource, accommodating and so on. If we also have the spirit that Jim has, I think many difficult problems must be readily solved. Although Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first, he became a brave and resourceful boy, he was able to fight with the enemys, and recapture the ship from the enemys at last with his courage and resource. They are what make me admire.
There are a lot of things in life, need courage and intelligence. For example, I went to learn swimming, first of all, I need not afraid of water. I need to emboldened to adapt to the underwater, I need to learn
how to breath underwater. Only after overcoming these, I can learn to swim. So, to be brave, brave to face what need to face, maybe the matter or problem will be change, it is not as difficult as you think before.
Said a positive example just now, the following said a negative example, which is the character--Silver. Silver is a capricious, double-dealing and selfish person just like I mentioned in the previous paragraph. If there are such people in your life, please stay away from them. These people are not worthy of getting along with, they may even cause trouble to your life. As I said, these people are not affected by the welcome of the people. So, as for ourselves, we can not be such a person. We need to be a kind, brave, resourse, and rich of a sense of justice. Each book has its value, I get the value of this book-- Treasure Island is the content of the above, or more than what I said. If you are interested in this book, have a look!
(1045 words)
《金银岛》 这本书是罗伯特易斯史蒂文森写的。 他是英国 19世纪末浪漫主义代表家。的作品题材繁多,构思巧,最具独创 性作品当属探险累的小说。 《金银岛》就是史蒂文最成功的作品之 一。全书塑造了敢作为、 机智勇敢的主人公吉姆霍斯,以及冷静 果断的医生、 足多谋的思摩利特船长, 阴险毒辣的海盗等鲜活的人 物景象,清波澜迭起,白
我看了这本,感觉这本书可好看了。一拿到手就爱不释手, 一口气就把书看完了。 哪里好看呢?面我就给大家讲讲这本书的有 趣之。这本书的第一章“本葆将”旅馆就深深地吸引了。里面 了一个才十几的小男孩吉姆霍金, 他爸爸、 妈妈开家 “ 将” 馆。 有一天, 来了一个脸上有刀疤、 身材高大结实的客人。 客人酒如命,脾气暴躁,看起来凶巴巴的,满口净讲一些关于 绞刑、海盗、走跳板和海上大风暴等可怕的故事。还有一位客,他 是比尔船长,一直喝酒, 得了中风病。李沃西大大夫说如果能 再这样喝酒了,不然就会死去。一天,吉姆霍金斯的爸爸突然了, 霍金斯和他的妈万分难过, 就顾不上比尔船长了。 比尔船长不 听医生的劝告仍一直喝酒, 最后了。 书中还讲述了吉姆利用己 的机智战胜了邪恶的海,让我对
看了这本书让我会了在遇到困难或危险的时候,不能慌张, 要冷静勇才能战胜邪恶。 同时还要接受别人善于的劝告, 不然是不 会好下场的。 要的是这本书还让我明白了我们得
然失去了就再回不来了。 我多么希望小伙伴们也阅读这本, 和 我一起交流感受, 分享书本给我们的精神宴, 让书本我们打开 一个更加广阔而好的世
故事发生十八世纪,杰夫.何金斯是一个小男孩,他渴并且热衷於出海寻宝。有一次,他到了银岛寻宝,与海盗、水手打交道,身体验到船员之间真诚、实、虚伪、残暴的种种象,目睹一幕幕令人惊心魄的故事。 了这本探故事,感触良。主人翁杰.何金原是一个胆小、害羞的孩子。父亲去世后,他便开始了探。探之旅中,初时杰夫只是一个船舱裏的服务生,但他却勇於与敌人搏斗,后来更从海盗手中夺回大船,并自命为新任船。虽然杰夫.何金经常易於冲动,但他所表现出来的非凡勇气和人胆识,足以令我佩服不已。杰夫.何金斯凭著勇气与胆识,由个胆小的小男孩变成一位夺回大船的英雄。而我们有时遇到难题,便自乱阵脚,不努力探讨解决的法。试,若我们也有杰夫那种勇於试和敢於探索的精神,许难题不是
康德曾说过:“我已给自己选定了道路,我将坚定不。既然我经踏上着条道路,那么,何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路下去。”是啊,如果个人,的一生总是碰到困难就躲避的话,那么的人生就是度,也永远不会有何的成就;而相反,一个人如果有很强的责任心的话,那就是成功的主人。以前,我也很怕困难,不过,自从今天我读了本《金岛》后,我决心要做成功的主人。 一的搏斗,最终安返航险。 看了内容的简介,也许你会得没有给你任何启发,可是我却受益不浅。得了很多,得顽强的神和勇气才是生活中宝藏,懂得了我们在困难前,应该低头,是应该勇的面对困难。对于瞎子皮尤的手却是一个鲜明的对比,虽然为非作歹瞎子皮尤,这个人物,最终死在了马蹄下,不禁让人大觉爽快。他的一还是我记忆深“发财的机会就在你们眼,们却仍然在忧不决!??你们明明知道东西肯定没被带远,却没有勇气继续寻找下去??”,如果你就是皮尤的手下的话,成功会就在你的面前,你有勇气继续前进吗? 我们先不说这个问题,走出小说世界,来我们的现生活。曾经看过这样一句话“生活的一半是倒霉,另一半是处理倒霉”,可以看出我们的生活周围存在的荆棘很多。我们追求知识,追求着己的追求,随活范围的扩大,一个人肯定会遇到新的挫折和失败,这当中需要什么?需要勇气。当然,勇敢,并不是指轻率的莽从事,勇敢意味着在你经反复斟酌后决定承一你力所不及的事情。有这样一句话:热爱生活,要感谢生活的赏赐,不要临阵逃脱,要尽去超自己——那么你会发你的能力要大大超过你的想象。就像文中的吉姆一样,他多么的啊!当他身陷敌营,夫让他逃跑时,却说“我必呆在里不走,因为我发过誓,而且能辜负西尔弗对我信任”,人们常说:“人物的语言常常能够反映一个人的性品质,而吉的优品质
除了要有气,还要有象吉姆一样顽强的精神,遇到困难一定不能说:“NO!”否则,你的人生就会虚度。要勇于面对困难,而我却没有做到这一。就拿天来说吧!妈妈让我做一张卷,可其中一道目却怎也做不来,我便放在一旁让他“睡觉”,等以后有空再去消他。如今想起来,还真是有点后悔! 居里夫人也曾说过:“如果能追随理想而生活,本着正自由的精神,往直前的毅力,诚实不自欺的思想而,则定能达到至善至美的境界。”心动不如行动,让我习吉姆精神——做事勇于面对,并以顽强的毅力去攻克困难,征服他,也着“班约拉号”去驶向学上的“金银岛”,寻学习上
《金银》讲述了在大航海时,寻宝者和盗为了同一批宝藏而互相争斗的故事。 故事发生在大航海时代初期, 被压迫的奴隶们愤反抗。 他们乘船到海上变成最的海 。 他中出现一位盗叫弗特林, 他战无不胜。 弗特林的财宝一个小岛上, 并把它定名“金银岛”。许多年后,弗特林病死后,一位名叫杰克老船长拿到了藏宝 图。之后,又因为种种原因宝图落到了吉姆手里。于时,吉姆便和他的朋们一踏 上了寻宝之路。途中,有过凶险的海上风暴 ; 有过船员的乱 ; 更有过海盗的袭击,但这 都被克服,他们
主人公姆的成长, 他和他的朋们之间的友情更让人历历在目, 就在吉姆他们找 到了宝藏的第二天早,家发现淡水不多了,都去上找水,下吉一看船。 由于岛上淡水也少,他一到晚上才回船。中间这一段时间,虽然只有吉姆一个人, 但也足起帆走船,独吞这笔可以淹死人的财。可是吉姆却没有。从中可以看出吉 大伙的不舍不弃和大伙对吉姆的高度信任。 通过这本书,我知道了做一个人值得信 任人多
The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish.
An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.
After reading this book, I like the bit part very much. And it makes me feeling more. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to struggle with enemies, and recapture the ship from the enemies at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me
admirable. I have learned many things from him, like brave, resource, accommodating and so on. If we also have the spirit that Jim has, many difficult questions must be readily solved. I think everyone should study how to solve problem, so that we can hold our destiny.